A simple PHP ORM wrapper for MongoDB.
//set DB credentials
MongoDB_ORM::$_DB_HOST = "localhost";
MongoDB_ORM::$_DB_USER = "root";
MongoDB_ORM::$_DB_DATABASE = "test";
MongoDB_ORM::$_DB_PASSWORD = "1234";
MongoDB_ORM::$_DB_PORT = 27017;
Say we have a Book class defined as follows. You have to specify the collection to which the class will link to as a protected class property with name $_collection. This way, every query is done against the specified collection.
class Book extends MongoDB_ORM
protected $_collection = 'books';
* @var string
var $title;
* @var string[]
var $authors;
* Price in USD
* @var int
var $price;
$book = new Book();
$author = 'John Wayne';
$title = 'Solid Liquids';
$book->authors = [$author];
$book->title = $title;
Returns NULL if the document is not found.
$book = new Book();
$document = $book->first(['title' => 'Solid Liquids']);
You can also directly load the instance.
$book = new Book();
$author = 'John Wayne';
$title = 'Solid Liquids';
$book->authors = [$author];
$book->title = $title;
$book2 = new Book(['authors'=>['John Wayne']]);
echo $book2->authors[0]; //"John Wayne";
echo $book2->title; //"Solid Liquids"
Returns an array of objects or an empty array if no match is found.
$book = new Book();
$documents = $book->find(['authors' => [$author]]);
Select all documents
$book = new Book();
$documents = $book->find();
You can specify pipeline stage options as second parameter.
$book = new Book();
$options = ['limit' => 2, 'sort' => ['_id' => -1]];
$documents = $book->find(['authors' => [$author]], $options);
$book = new Book();
$book->authors = ['Tim Bakley', 'Rose Javan', 'Mike Andrew'];
$book->title = 'No Way';
$id = $book->save();
$new_title = 'Many Ways';
$book->title = $new_title;
$book->save(); //Updates this instance only
$book = new Book();
$filter = ['_id'=>$id];
$set = ['authors'=>['Moses', 'Besong']];
$document = $book->update($filter, $set);
$book = new Book();
$filter = ['title' => 'No Way'];
Delete all documents in the collection
$book = new Book();
Count all document with 'No Way' as 'title'.
$book = new Book();
$filter = ['title' => 'No Way'];
$count = $book->count($filter);
Count all documents in the collection
$book = new Book();
$count = $book->count();