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forked from equalitie/ouinet

Library to enable decentralized web requests


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See lightning talk at the Decentralized Web Summit 2018.

Ouinet is a Free/Open Source technology which allows web content to be served with the help of an entire network of cooperating nodes using peer-to-peer routing and distributed caching of responses. This helps mitigate the Web's characteristic single point of failure due to a client application not being able to connect to a particular server.

The typical Ouinet client node setup consists of a web browser or other application using a special HTTP proxy or API provided by a dedicated program or library on the local machine. When the client gets a request for content, it attempts to retrieve the resource using several mechanisms. It tries to fetch the page from a distributed cache by looking up the content in a distributed cache index (like the BitTorrent DHT), and if not available, it contacts a trusted injector server over a peer-to-peer routing system (like I2P) and asks it to fetch the page and store it in the distributed cache.

Ouinet request/response flow

Future access by client nodes to popular content inserted in distributed storage shall benefit from increased redundancy and locality, which translates to: increased availability in the face of connectivity problems; increased transfer speeds in case of poor upstream links; and reduced bandwidth costs when internet access providers charge more for external or international traffic. Content injection is also designed to allow for content re-introduction and seeding in extreme cases of total connectivity loss (e.g. natural disasters).

The Ouinet library is a core technology that can be used by any application to benefit from these advantages. Ouinet integration provides any content creator the opportunity to use cooperative networking and storage for the delivery of their content to users around the world.

Warning: Ouinet is still highly experimental. Some features (like peer-to-peer routing) may or may not not work smoothly depending on the different back-end technologies, and random unexpected crashes may occur. Also, Ouinet is not an anonymity tool: information about your browsing might be leaked to other participants in the network, as well as the fact that your application is seeding particular content. Running some components (like injector code) may turn your computer into an open web proxy, and other security or privacy-affecting issues might exist. Please keep this in mind when using this software and only assume reasonable risks.

Note: The steps described below have only been tested to work on GNU/Linux on AMD64 platforms. Building and testing Ouinet on your computer requires familiarity with the command line. At the moment there are no user-friendly packages for Ouinet on the desktop.

Cloning the source tree

Ouinet uses Git submodules, thus to properly clone it, use:

$ git clone --recursive

You can also clone and update the modules separately:

$ git clone
$ cd ouinet
$ git submodule update --init --recursive

Build requirements (desktop)

To build Ouinet natively on your system, you will need the following software to be already available:

Assuming that <SOURCE DIR> points to the directory where the CMakeLists.txt file is, and <BUILD DIR> is a directory of your choice where all (even temporary) build files will go, you can build Ouinet with:

$ mkdir -p <BUILD DIR>
$ cd <BUILD DIR>
$ cmake <SOURCE DIR>
$ make

However, we encourage you to use a Vagrant environment for development, or Docker containers for deploying a Ouinet client or an injector. These have a different set of requirements. See the corresponding sections below for further instructions on Vagrant and Docker.

Running integration tests

The Ouinet source comes with a set of integration tests. To run them you will need the Twisted Python framework.

If you already built Ouinet from <SOURCE DIR> into <BUILD DIR> (see above), you can run the tests as follows:

$ ./scripts/

Using a Vagrant environment

One of the easiest ways to build Ouinet from source code (e.g. for development or testing changes and fixes to code) is using a Vagrant development environment.

To install Vagrant on a Debian system, run:

$ sudo apt-get install vagrant

Ouinet's source tree contains a Vagrantfile which allows you to start a Vagrant environment ready to build and run Ouinet by entering the source directory and executing:

$ vagrant up

If your Vagrant installation uses VirtualBox by default and you find problems, you may need to force it to use libvirt instead:

$ sudo apt-get install libvirt-bin libvirt-dev
$ vagrant plugin install vagrant-libvirt
$ vagrant up --provider=libvirt

Building Ouinet in Vagrant

Enter the Vagrant environment with vagrant ssh. There you will find:

  • Your local Ouinet source tree mounted read-only under /vagrant (<SOURCE DIR> above).

  • Your local Ouinet source tree mounted read-write under /vagrant-rw. You can use it as a bridge to your host.

  • ~vagrant/ Running this script will clone the Ouinet Git repository and all submodules into $PWD/ouinet-git-source and build Ouinet into $PWD/ouinet-git-build (<BUILD DIR> above). Changes to source outside of the Vagrant environment will not affect this build.

  • ~vagrant/ Running this script will use your local Ouinet source tree (mounted under /vagrant) to build Ouinet into $PWD/ouinet-local-build (<BUILD DIR> above). Thus you can edit source files on your computer and have them built in a consistent environment.

    Please note that this requires that you keep submodules in your checkout up to date as indicated above.

Accessing Ouinet services from your computer

The Vagrant environment is by default isolated, but you can configure it to redirect ports from the host to the environment.

For instance, if you want to run a Ouinet client (with its default configuration) in Vagrant and use it as a proxy in a browser on your computer, you may uncomment the following line in Vagrantfile: "forwarded_port", guest: 8077, host: 8077, guest_ip: ""

And restart the environment:

$ vagrant halt
$ vagrant up

Then you can configure your browser to use localhost port 8077 to contact the HTTP proxy (see the section further below).

Docker development environment

We provide a bootstrap Docker image which is automatically updated with each commit and provides all prerequisites for building the latest Oiunet desktop binaries and Android libraries.

To exchange with the container data like Ouinet's source code and cached downloads and build files, we will bind mount the following directories to /usr/local/src/ in the container (some we'll create first):

  • source (assumed to be at the current directory),
  • build (in ../,
  • and the container's $HOME (in ../ouinet.home/), where .gradle, .cargo, etc. will reside.

Note that with the following incantations you will not be able to use sudo in the container (--user), and that all the changes besides those in bind mounts will be lost after you exit (--rm).

mkdir -p ../ ../ouinet.home/
sudo docker run \
  --rm -it \
  --user $(id -u):$(id -g) \
  --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)",target=/usr/local/src/ouinet \
  --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)/../",target=/usr/local/src/ \
  --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)/../ouinet.home",target=/mnt/home \
  -e HOME=/mnt/home \

If you only need to build Ouinet desktop binaries, you may replace the image name at the end of the command with, which is much lighter.

After running the command, you should find yourself in a new terminal, ready to accept the build instructions described elsewhere in the document.

Please consult the GitLab CI scripts to see how to build your own bootstrap images locally.

Docker deployment

Ouinet injectors and clients can be run as Docker containers. An application configuration file for Docker Compose is included for easily deploying all needed volumes and containers.

To run a Ouinet node container only a couple hundred MiB are needed, plus the space devoted to the data volume (which may grow considerably larger in the case of the injector).

A Dockerfile is also included that can be used to create a Docker image which contains the Ouinet injector, client and necessary software dependencies running on top of a Debian base system.

Building the image

Ouinet Docker images should be available from the Docker Hub. Follow the instructions in this section if you still want to build the image yourself. You will need around 3 GiB of disk space.

You may use the Dockerfile as included in Ouinet's source code, or you can just download it. Then build the image by running:

$ sudo docker build -t equalitie/ouinet:latest - < Dockerfile

That command will build a default recommended version, which you can override with --build-arg OUINET_VERSION=<VERSION>.

After a while you will get the equalitie/ouinet:latest image. Then you may want to run sudo docker prune to free up the space taken by temporary builder images (which may amount to a couple of GiB).

Debugging-enabled image

You can also build an alternative version of the image where programs contain debugging symbols and they are run under gdb, which shows a backtrace in case of a crash. Just add --build-arg OUINET_DEBUG=yes to the build command. We recommend that you use a different tag for these images (e.g. equalitie/ouinet:<VERSION>-debug).

Depending on your Docker setup, you may need to change the container's security profile and give it tracing capabilities. For more information, see this thread.

Deploying a client

You may use Docker Compose with the docker-compose.yml file included in Ouinet's source code (or you can just download it). Whenever you run docker-compose commands using that configuration file, you must be in the directory where the file resides.

If you want to create a client that seeds a static cache root (see below) from a directory in the host, check the instructions in docker-compose.yml.

If you just plan to run a single client with the latest code on your computer, you should be fine with running the following command:

$ sudo docker-compose up

That command will create a data volume, a main node container for running the Ouinet client or injector (using the host's network directly), and a convenience shell container (see below) to allow you to modify files in the data volume. It will then run the containers (the shell container will exit immediately; this is normal).

To stop the node, hit Ctrl+C or run sudo docker-compose stop. Please note that with the default configuration in docker-compose.yml, the node will be automatically restarted whenever it crashes or the host is rebooted, until explicitly stopped.

A new client node which starts with no configuration will get a default one from templates included in Ouinet's source code and it will be missing some important parameters, so you may want to stop it (see above) and use the shell container (see below) to edit client/ouinet-client.conf:

  • If using a local test injector, set its endpoint in option injector-ep.
  • Set the injector's credentials in option injector-credentials.
  • Unless using a local test injector, set option injector-tls-cert-file to /var/opt/ouinet/client/ssl-inj-cert.pem and copy the injector's TLS certificate to that file.
  • Set the public key used by the injector for HTTP signatures in option cache-http-public-key.
  • To enable the distributed cache, set option cache-type. The only value currently supported is bep5-http.

After you have set up your client's configuration, you can restart it. The client's HTTP proxy endpoint should be available to the host at localhost port 8077.

If you get a "connection refused" error when using the client's proxy, your Docker setup may not support host networking. To enable port forwarding, follow the instructions in docker-compose.yml.

Finally, restart the client container.

Using the shell container

You may use the convenience shell container to access Ouinet node files directly:

$ sudo docker-compose run --rm shell

This will create a throwaway container with a shell at the /var/opt/ouinet directory in the data volume.

If you want to transfer an existing repository to /var/opt/ouinet, you first need to move away or remove the existing one using the shell container:

# mv REPO REPO.old  # REPO is either 'injector' or 'client'

Then you may copy it in from the host using:

$ sudo docker cp /path/to/REPO SHELL_CONTAINER:/var/opt/ouinet/REPO

Other deployments

If you plan on running several nodes on the same host you will need to use different explicit Docker Compose project names for them. To make the node an injector instead of a client you need to set OUINET_ROLE=injector. To make the container use a particular image version instead of latest, set OUINET_VERSION. To limit the amount of memory that the container may use, set OUINET_MEM_LIMIT, but you will need to pass the --compatibility option to docker-compose.

An easy way to set all these parameters is to copy or link the docker-compose.yml file to a directory with the desired project name and populate its default environment file:

$ mkdir -p /path/to/ouinet-injector  # ouinet-injector is the project name
$ cd /path/to/ouinet-injector
$ cp /path/to/docker-compose.yml .
$ echo OUINET_ROLE=injector >> .env
$ echo OUINET_VERSION=v0.1.0 >> .env
$ echo OUINET_MEM_LIMIT=6g >> .env
$ sudo docker-compose --compatibility up

Injector container

After an injector has finished starting, you may want to use the shell container to inspect and note down the contents of injector/endpoint-* (injector endpoints) and injector/ed25519-public-key (public key for HTTP signatures) to be used by clients. The injector will also generate a tls-cert.pem file which you should distribute to clients for TLS access. Other configuration information like credentials can be found in injector/ouinet-injector.conf.

Remember that the injector will be available as an HTTP proxy for anyone having its credentials; if you want to disable this feature, set disable-proxy = true. You can also restrict the URLs injected to those matching a regular expression with the restricted option.

To start the injector in headless mode, you can run:

$ sudo docker-compose up -d

You will need to use sudo docker-compose stop to stop the container.

To be able to follow its logs, you can run:

$ sudo docker-compose logs --tail=100 -ft

Testing (desktop)

Running a test injector

If you want to run your own injector for testing and you have a local build, create a copy of the repos/injector repository template directory included in Ouinet's source tree:

$ cp -r <SOURCE DIR>/repos/injector /path/to/injector-repo

When using a Docker-based injector as described above, just run and stop it so that it creates a default configuration for you.

You should now edit ouinet-injector.conf in the injector repository (for Docker, use the shell container to edit injector/ouinet-injector.conf):

  1. Enable listening on loopback addresses:

    listen-tcp = ::1:7070

    For clients you may then use as the injector endpoint (IPv6 is not yet supported).

  2. Change the credentials to use the injector (use your own ones):

    credentials = injector_user:injector_password

    For clients you may use these as injector credentials.

All the steps above only need to be done once.

Finally, start the injector. For the local build you will need to explicitly point it to the repository created above:

$ <BUILD DIR>/injector --repo /path/to/injector-repo
[INFO] HTTP signing public key (Ed25519): <CACHE_PUB_KEY>

Note down the <CACHE_PUB_KEY> string in the above output since clients will need it as the public key for HTTP signatures. You may also find that value in the ed25519-public-key file in the injector repository.

When you are done testing the Ouinet injector, you may shut it down by hitting Ctrl+C.

Running a test client

To perform some tests using a Ouinet client and an existing test injector, you first need to know the injector endpoint and credentials, its TLS certificate, and its public key for HTTP signatures. These use to be respectively a tcp:<IP>:<PORT> string, a <USER>:<PASSWORD> string, a path to a PEM file, and an Ed25519 public key (hexadecimal or Base32).

You need to configure the Ouinet client to use the aforementioned parameters. If you have a local build, create a copy of the repos/client repository template directory included in Ouinet's source tree:

$ cp -r <SOURCE DIR>/repos/client /path/to/client-repo

When using a Docker-based client as described above, just run and stop it so that it creates a default configuration for you.

Now edit ouinet-client.conf in the client repository (for Docker, use the shell container to edit client/ouinet-client.conf) and add options for the injector endpoint (if testing), credentials and public key. Remember to replace the values with your own:

injector-ep = tcp:
injector-credentials = injector_user:injector_password
cache-http-public-key = 00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff
cache-type = bep5-http

All the steps above only need to be done once.

Finally, start the client. For the local build you will need to explicitly point it to the repository created above:

$ <BUILD DIR>/client --repo /path/to/client-repo

The client opens a web proxy on local port 8077 by default (see option listen-on-tcp in its configuration file). When you access the web using this proxy (see the following section), your requests will go through your local Ouinet client, which will attempt several mechanisms supported by Ouinet to retrieve the resource.

When you are done testing the Ouinet client, you may shut it down by hitting Ctrl+C.

A note on persistent options

Please note that a few selected options (like the log level and which request mechanisms are enabled) are saved when changed, either from the command line or the client front-end (see below).

On client start, the values of saved options take precedence over those in the configuration file, but not over those in the command line. You can use the --drop-saved-opts option to drop the values of saved options altogether.

Please run the client with --help to see which options are persistent.

Testing the client with a browser

Once your local Ouinet client is running (see above), if you have Firefox installed, you can create a new profile (stored under the ff-profile directory in the example below) which uses the Ouinet client as an HTTP proxy (listening on localhost:8077 here) by executing the following commands on another shell:

mkdir -p ff-profile
env http_proxy=http://localhost:8077 https_proxy=http://localhost:8077 \
    firefox --no-remote --profile ff-profile

Otherwise you may manually modify your browser's settings to make the client (listening on host localhost and port 8077 here) its HTTP and HTTPS/SSL proxy.

Please note that you do not need to change proxy settings at all when using CENO Extension >= v1.4.0 (see below), as long as your client is listening on the default address shown above.

To reduce noise in the client log, you may want to disable Firefox's data collection by unchecking all options from "Preferences / Privacy & Security / Firefox Data Collection and Use", and maybe entering about:config in the location bar and clearing the value of toolkit.telemetry.server. You can also avoid some more noise by disabling Firefox's automatic captive portal detection by changing network.captive-portal-service.enabled to false in about:config.

If security does not worry you for testing, you can avoid even more noise by disabling Safe Browsing under "Preferences / Privacy & Security / Deceptive Content and Dangerous Software Protection" and add-on hotfixes at "Preferences / Add-ons / (gear icon) / Update Add-ons Automatically".

Also, if you want to avoid wasting Ouinet network resources and disk space on ads and similar undesired content, you can install an ad blocker like uBlock Origin.

Once done, you can visit localhost:8078 in your browser and it should show you the client front-end with assorted information from the client and configuration tools:

  • To be able to browse HTTPS sites, you must first install the client-specific CA certificate linked from the top of the front-end page and authorize it to identify web sites. Depending on your browser version, you may need to save it to disk first, then import it from Preferences / Privacy & Security / Certificates / View Certificates… into the Authorities list.

    The Ouinet client acts as a man in the middle to enable it to process HTTPS requests, but it (or a trusted injector when appropriate) still performs all standard certificate validations. This CA certificate is unique to your device.

  • Several buttons near the top of the page look something like this:

    Injector access: enabled [ disable ]

    They allow you to enable or disable different request mechanisms to retrieve content:

    • Origin: The client contacts the origin server directly via HTTP(S).
    • Proxy: The client contacts the origin server through an HTTP proxy (currently the configured injector).
    • Injector: The client asks the injector to fetch and sign the content from the origin server, then it starts seeding the signed content to the distributed cache.
    • Distributed Cache: The client attempts to retrieve the content from the distributed cache.

    Content retrieved via the Origin and Proxy mechanisms is considered private and not seeded to the distributed cache. Content retrieved via the Injector and Cache mechanisms is considered public and seeded to the distributed cache.

    These mechanisms are attempted in order according to a (currently hard-wired, customizable in the future) request router configuration. For instance, if one points the browser to a web page which is not yet in the distributed cache, then the client shall forward the request to the injector. On success, (A) the injector will fetch, sign and send the content back to the client and (B) the client will seed the content to the cache.

  • Other information about the cache index is shown next.

Note: For a response to be injected, its request currently needs to carry an X-Ouinet-Group header. The CENO Extension takes care of that whenever browsing in normal mode, and it does not when browsing in private mode. Unfortunately, the Extension is not yet packaged independently and the only way to use it is to clone its repository locally and load it every time you start the browser; to do that, open Firefox's Add-ons window, then click on the gears icon, then Debug Add-ons, then Load Temporary Add-on… and choose the manifest.json file in the Extension's source tree. Back to the Add-ons page, remember to click on CENO Extension and allow Run in Private Windows under Details.

After visiting a page with the Origin mechanism disabled and Injector mechanism enabled, and waiting for a short while, you should be able to disable all request mechanisms except for the Cache, clear the browser's cached data, point the browser back to the same page and still get its contents from the distributed cache even when the origin server is completely unreachable.

Using an external static cache

Ouinet supports circulating cached Web content offline as file storage and using a client to seed it back into the distributed cache. Such content is placed in a static cache, which is read-only and consists of two directories:

  • A static cache root or content directory where data files are stored in a hierarchy which may make sense for user browsing.

  • A static cache repository where Ouinet-specific metadata and signatures for the previous content are kept.

To give your client access to a static cache, use the cache-static-root and cache-static-repo options to point to the appropriate directories. If the later is not specified, the .ouinet subdirectory under the static cache root is assumed.

Please note that all content in the static cache is permanently announced by the client, and that purging the client's local cache has no effect on the static cache. When cached content is requested from a client, the client first looks up the content in its local cache, with the static cache being used as a fallback.

Any user can create such a static cache as a capture of a browsing session by copying the bep5_http directory of the client's repository as a static cache repository (with an empty static cache root). We recommend that you purge your local cache before starting the browsing session to avoid leaking your previous browsing to other users.

If you are a content provider in possession of your own signing key, please check the ouinet-inject tool, which allows you to create a static cache from a variety of sources.

Android library and demo client

Ouinet can also be built as an Android Archive library (AAR) to use in your Android apps.

Build requirements

A lot of free space (something less than 15 GiB). Everything else shall be downloaded by the script.

The instructions below use Vagrant for bulding, but the script should work on any reasonably up-to-date Debian based system.

In the following instructions, we will use <ANDROID> to represent the absolute path to your build directory. That is, the directory from which you will run the script (e.g. ~/


The following instructions will build a Ouinet AAR library and demo client APK package for the armeabi-v7a Android ABI:

host    $ vagrant up --provider=libvirt
host    $ vagrant ssh
vagrant $ mkdir <ANDROID>
vagrant $ cd <ANDROID>
vagrant $ git clone --recursive /vagrant
vagrant $ ./vagrant/scripts/

Note that we cloned a fresh copy of the Ouinet repository at /vagrant. This is not strictly necessary since the build environment supports out-of-source builds, however it spares you from having to keep your source directory clean and submodules up to date at the host. If you fullfill these requirements, you can just skip the cloning and run /vagrant/scripts/ instead.

If you want a build for a different ABI, do set the ABI environment variable:

vagrant $ env ABI=x86_64 /path/to/

In any case, when the build script finishes successfully, it will leave the Ouinet AAR library at build.ouinet/build-android-$ABI/builddir/ouinet/build-android/outputs/aar/ouinet-debug.aar.

Using existing Android SDK/NDK and Boost

By default the script downloads all dependencies required to build the Ouinet Android library, including the Android SDK and NDK. If you already have these installed on your system you can tune the script to use them:

$ export SDK_DIR=/opt/android-sdk
$ export NDK_DIR=/opt/android-sdk/ndk-bundle
$ export ABI=armeabi-v7a
$ /path/to/

Testing with Android emulator

You may also use the script to fire up an Android emulator session with a compatible system image; just run:

host $ /path/to/ emu

It will download the necessary files to the current directory (or reuse files downloaded by the build process, if available) and start the emulator. Please note that downloading the system image may take a few minutes, and booting the emulator for the first time may take more than 10 minutes. In subsequent runs, the emulator will just recover the snapshot saved on last quit, which is much faster.

The ABI environment variable described above also works for selecting the emulator architecture:

host $ env ABI=x86_64 /path/to/ emu

You may also set EMULATOR_API to start a version of Android different from the minimum one supported by Ouinet:

host $ env EMULATOR_API=30 /path/to/ emu  # Android 11

You may pass options to the emulator at the script's command line, after a -- (double dash) argument. For instance:

host $ /path/to/ emu -- -no-snapshot-save

Some useful options include -no-snapshot, -no-snapshot-load and -no-snapshot-save. See emulator startup options for more information.

While the emulator is running, you may interact with it using ADB, e.g. to install the APK built previously. See the script's output for particular instructions and paths.

Running the Android emulator under Docker

The file can be used to setup a Docker container able to run the Android emulator. First create the emulator image with:

$ sudo docker build -t ouinet:android-emu - <

Then, if $SDK_PARENT_DIR is the directory where you want Ouinet's build script to place Android SDK downloads (so that you can reuse them between container runs or from an existing Ouinet build), you may start a temporary emulator container like this:

$ sudo docker run --rm -it \
      --device /dev/kvm \
      --mount type=bind,source="$(realpath "$SDK_PARENT_DIR")",target=/mnt \
      --mount type=bind,source=$PWD,target=/usr/local/src,ro \
      --mount type=bind,source=/tmp/.X11-unix/X0,target=/tmp/.X11-unix/X0 \
      --mount type=bind,source=$HOME/.Xauthority,target=/root/.Xauthority,ro \
      -h "$(uname -n)" -e DISPLAY ouinet:android-emu

The --device option is only needed to emulate an x86_64 device.

Please note how the Ouinet source directory as well as the X11 socket and authentication cookie database are mounted into the container to allow showing the emulator's screen on your display (without giving access to it to everyone via xhost -- this is also why the container has the same host name as the Docker host).

Once in the container, you may run the emulator like this:

$ cd /mnt
$ /usr/local/src/scripts/ bootstrap emu &

You can use adb inside of the container to install packages into the emulated device.

Integrating the Ouinet library into your app

In order for your Android app to access the resources it needs using the HTTP protocol over Ouinet, thus taking advantage of its caching and distributed request handling, you need to take few simple steps.

Here we assume that the app is developed in the Android Studio environment, and that <PROJECT DIR> is your app's project directory.

Option A: Get Ouinet from Maven Central

Select the Ouinet version according to your app's ABI (we officially support ouinet-armeabi-v7a, ouinet-arm64-v8a and omni that includes all the supported ABIs plus x86_64), and also add Relinker as adependency in <PROJECT DIR>/app/build.gradle:

dependencies {
    implementation 'ie.equalit.ouinet:ouinet-armeabi-v7a:0.20.0'
    implementation 'com.getkeepsafe.relinker:relinker:1.4.4'

Check that Maven Central is added to the list of repositories used by Gradle:

allprojects {
    repositories {
        // ...

Now the Ouinet library will be automatically fetched by Gradle when your app is built.

Option B: Use your own compiled version of Ouinet

First, you need to compile the Ouinet library for the ABI environment you are aiming at (e.g. armeabi-v7a or x86_64) as described above. After the script finishes successfully, you can copy the ouinet-debug.aar file to your app libs folder:

$ cp /path/to/ouinet-debug.aar <PROJECT DIR>/app/libs/

Then look for the following section of your <PROJECT DIR>/build.gradle:

allprojects {
  repositories {
    // ...

And add this:

flatDir {
  dirs 'libs'
mavenCentral()  // for ReLinker

Then look for the following section of your <PROJECT DIR>/app/build.gradle:

dependencies {
  // ...

And add these:

implementation 'com.getkeepsafe.relinker:relinker:1.4.4'
implementation(name:'ouinet-debug', ext:'aar')

Initialize Ouinet

At this stage your project should compile with no errors. Now to tell Ouinet to take over the app's HTTP communications, in the of your app import Ouinet:

import ie.equalit.ouinet.Ouinet;

Then add a private member to your MainActivity class:

private Ouinet ouinet;

And in its OnCreate method initiate the Ouinet object (using the BEP5/HTTP cache):

Config config = new Config.ConfigBuilder(this)

ouinet = new Ouinet(this, config);

From now on, all of the app's HTTP communication will be handled by Ouinet.

Please note that if you plan to use a directory for Ouinet's static cache in your application (by using ConfigBuilder's setCacheStaticPath() and setCacheStaticContentPath()), then besides the permissions declared by the library in its manifest, your app will need the READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission (Ouinet will not attempt to write to that directory).

Integration Examples

You can find additional information and samples of Android applications using Ouinet in the following repository: equalitie/ouinet-examples.


Library to enable decentralized web requests







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