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NPM Package for executing commands in operating systems in real time.

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CMD Realtime Executioner

A powerful Node.js command executor with real-time output streaming and process management capabilities. Perfect for running system commands, managing long-running processes, and handling real-time command outputs.

 .---. .-.   .-..----.    .----..-.  .-..----..---. .-. .-. .---. .-. .----. .-. .-..----..----. 
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\     }| |\ /| ||     /   | {__  / /\ \ | {__\     }| {_} |  | |  | |\      /| |\  || {__ | .-. \
 `---' `-' ` `-'`----'    `----'`-'  `-'`----'`---' `-----'  `-'  `-' `----' `-' `-'`----'`-' `-'


  • Real-time command output streaming
  • Process management and control
  • Built-in timeout handling
  • Error and warning event emission
  • Memory-efficient stream processing
  • Support for one-time and long-running commands
  • Built-in help system


npm install cmd-realtime-executioner

Basic Usage

One-time Commands

const { CommandExecutor } = require('cmd-realtime-executioner');

async function runCommand() {
    const executor = new CommandExecutor();
    try {
        const output = await executor.execute('dir');
    } catch (error) {
        console.error('Command failed:', error);

Real-time Output Commands

const executor = new CommandExecutor();

const process = await executor.realtimeExecution(
    { timeout: 5000 },
    (data, type) => {
        if (type === 'stdout') {
            console.log('Output:', data);

Advanced Usage

Process Control

// Stop a specific process
await process.stop();

// Check if process is running
const isRunning = process.isRunning();

// Stop all processes
await executor.stopAll();

Error Handling

const executor = new CommandExecutor();

executor.on('error', (error) => console.error('Error:', error));
executor.on('warning', (warning) => console.warn('Warning:', warning));

TShark Integration Example

The package includes examples for integrating with TShark for network packet capture:

const { capturePackets, listInterfaces } = require('./tshark.js');

// List available interfaces
await listInterfaces();

// Start packet capture
await capturePackets();

TShark Configuration

const capture = await executor.realtimeExecution(
    '"C:\\Program Files\\Wireshark\\tshark"',
        '-i', '5',              // Interface number
        '-T', 'fields',         // Output format
        '-E', 'header=y',       // Include headers
        '-e', 'frame.time',     // Timestamp
        '-e', 'ip.src',         // Source IP
        '-e', 'ip.dst',         // Destination IP
        '-e', 'ip.proto'        // Protocol
    { timeout: 0 },
    async (data, type) => {
        console.log('Packet:', data.trim());

API Reference

CommandExecutor Class


  • execute(command, options): Execute a one-time command
  • realtimeExecution(command, args, options, onData): Execute a command with real-time output
  • stopProcess(processId): Stop a specific process
  • isProcessRunning(processId): Check process status
  • stopAll(): Stop all running processes


const defaultOptions = {
    encoding: 'utf8',
    shell: true,
    maxBuffer: 1024 * 1024 * 100,
    timeout: 0 // 0 means no timeout

Built-in Help

Access built-in help documentation:

node your-script.js --help        # Basic help
node your-script.js -h --detailed # Detailed help

Example Projects

Basic Command Execution

const executor = new CommandExecutor();
const output = await executor.execute('dir');

Real-time Network Monitoring

const capture = await executor.realtimeExecution(
    ['', '-t'],
    { timeout: 10000 },
    (data) => console.log(data)


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.




NPM Package for executing commands in operating systems in real time.






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