This is a semi-automated guide to configure my system.
This repo contains some scripts to configure different system settings, and also all the relevant dotfiles for the software that I use more frequently.
To configure the basic OS stuff, just run the following command and restart the computer afterwards:
$ osx/
The following steps will install and configure the needed tools and apps for development. First install the XCode command line tools:
$ xcode-select --install
Then install homebrew:
$ osx/apps/
The last step is to install and configure several apps/utilities:
$ osx/apps/
$ osx/apps/
$ osx/apps/
$ osx/apps/
$ osx/apps/
$ osx/apps/
$ osx/apps/
$ osx/apps/
$ osx/apps/
$ osx/apps/
$ osx/apps/
There is some stuff in OSX that has to be configured manually:
Create 2 spaces in Mission control
Connect the iPhone and Open Image Capture
. Then select the iPhone and change
the select box to: "Connecting this device opens: No Application"
Once Adobe Photoshop has been manually installed, execute:
$ photohop/
Then, enable the custom profile. Go to Window → Workspace
and select the rafeca workspace
Reduce the Cache Levels. Go to Photoshop → Preferences → Performance
. Enter a value of 1
in the Cache Levels text box.
Reduce Amount of History States. Go to Photoshop → Preferences → Performance
. Enter 10
in the History States text box.
Disable Export Clipboard. Go to Photoshop → Preferences → General
. Deselect Export Clipboard.
Configure color profiles. Go to Edit -> Color profiles
and set RGB space to sRGB IEC61966-2.1
. The color management policy for RGB should be "Convert to Working RGB".
This repo can also be used to configure debian systems. To do so, just run:
$ debian/
This is the basic configuration, which is common for OSX/Linux.
This must be executed after configuring all the other stuff.
$ zsh/
$ git/
$ vim/
$ nodejs/
$ ruby/
$ python/
$ tmux/