UniDec 4.0.2
Version 4.0.2 UniDec.
Please cite Marty et al. Anal. Chem. 2015. DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.5b00140 if you use UniDec in publications.
Check out a video tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e33JxgY6CJY
Installation Instructions: Download the zip file and extract it to a convenient location. Click on "GUI_UniDec.exe". The software should then run with no additional installation. It is a self-contained package. Note, this compiled version will only run on Windows.
It is possible to build and run UniDec on Linux and Mac, but you will need to compile the binary from the C code and run the GUI with Python.
Note: We rely on help from the community to find issues and suggest improvements. If you encounter a bug, first try downloading the latest version if available. If that doesn't fix it, please send an email to [email protected]. Thanks for your continued help.
Change Log:
Switched UniDec to load processed data if it already exists.
Added Copy All Basic to the peak panel, which copies the peak mass, height, and area to a format you can paste into excel. I can add additional copy modes easily now, so let me know what you would like to be able to copy out.
Added control of spectra color map on MetaUniDec.
Added Waterfall Plots on Experimental Menu in MetaUniDec.
Many Bug Fixes: Sped up quick control responses by only doing auto peak width when needed. Fixed memory leak with HDF5 files. Fixed bugs slowing down file imports. Fixed bug with PDF Report Generator. Fix bug with isolate/ignore/repopulate/reorder in MetaUniDec.
Experimental features for peak scoring. More to come in future releases.