Recursive motion correction for 2-photon imaging data, using one or two color channels. Designed as an extension of NoRMCorre by flatironinstitute (
User settings can be set and saved using the GUI, 'start_iCorre.m' in the main code directory.
Batch Directory (optional) | "root_dir" | "" |
Search Filter (optional) | "search_filter" | "" |
Save Settings As... | "path_settings" | path_settings |
ScanImage Version | "scim_ver" | 5 |
Number of Frames to Average for Reference Image | "nFrames_seed" | 1000 |
Rigid Correction: Max. Number of Repeats | "maxRepRMC" | 1 |
Non-Rigid Correction: Max. Number of Repeats | "maxRepNRMC" | 1 |
Rigid Correction: Max. Shift (pixels) | "max_shift" | 10 |
Non-Rigid Correction: Max. Deviation from Rigid Shift (pixels) | "max_dev" | 5 |
Non-Rigid Correction: Patch Width | "grid_size" | 16 |
Error Tolerance (pixels) | "max_err" | 1 |
Reference Channel (0 for 1-color imaging) | "ref_channel" | 0 |
Follower Channel (0 for 1-color imaging) | "reg_channel" | 0 |
Save Concatenated Copy of Corrected Stacks? (T/F) | "do_stitch" | T |
Downsample Factor for Concatenated Stack | "bin_width" | 20 |
Delete MAT files at Completion? (T/F) | "delete_mat" | F |