This is a wrapper around a newer mysql library for erlang:
There are benchmarks for the mysql drivers:
To use add the following to your mix.exs:
def deps do
[{:mysqlex, github: "tjheeta/mysqlex" } ]
If you want to use pooling (courtesy of poolboy) add the following to your config:
config :mysqlex,
pooled: true
iex(8)> {:ok, pid} = Mysqlex.Connection.start_link(username: "test", database: "test", password: "test", hostname: "")
{:ok, #PID<0.1420.0>}
iex(9)> Mysqlex.Connection.query(pid, "CREATE TABLE posts (id serial, title text)")
%Mysqlex.Result{columns: [], command: :create, last_insert_id: 0, num_rows: 0,
rows: []}}
iex(10)> Mysqlex.Connection.query(pid, "CREATE TABLE posts (id serial, title text)")
%Mysqlex.Error{message: "1050 - Table 'posts' already exists", mysqlex: nil}}
iex(11)> Mysqlex.Connection.query(pid, "INSERT INTO posts (title) VALUES ('my title')")
%Mysqlex.Result{columns: [], command: :insert, last_insert_id: 1, num_rows: 1,
rows: []}}
iex(12)> Mysqlex.Connection.query(pid, "SELECT title FROM posts", [])
%Mysqlex.Result{columns: ["title"], command: :select, last_insert_id: nil,
num_rows: 1, rows: [{"my title"}]}}
iex(13)> Mysqlex.Connection.query(pid, "SELECT id FROM posts WHERE title like ?", ["%my%"])
%Mysqlex.Result{columns: ["id"], command: :select, last_insert_id: nil,
num_rows: 1, rows: [{1}]}}
To use with ecto, you'll have to patch it for now: