Yeoman generator
To make your portfolio site with your code repositories like github and bitbucket, you need an 'code.jam' (JSON format) file. So you have to push an jam file to your repository first. If you don't want to show your project in your site, just forget it. Only the repository had an jam file will be generated by Codepolio.
"title": "codepolio",
"description": "Make your portfolio site with your repositories. supported Github, Bitbucket, TeamForge and so on. also you can select a theme and customize it yourself.",
"category" : "Yeoman Generator",
"demo_link": ""
install from npm (stable)
$> npm install -g generator-codepolio
install from source code for development (unstable)
$> git clone
$> cd generator-codepolio
$> npm install
$> npm link
finally, initiate the generator:
$> mkdir yoursite
$> cd yoursite
$ yoursite> yo codepolio
First of all, you have to make sweet code jam
$ yoursite/> gulp codejam
serve to local as development mode
$ yoursite/> gulp serve
serve to local as production mode
$ yoursite/> gulp serve:dist
build for deploy yourself
$ yoursite/> gulp build
First, open your .yo-rc.json file and modify deploy infomation. if you mind to expose your github password, you can use a personal access token.
"generator-codepolio": {
"deploy": {
"username": "GITHUB_USERNAME",
"password": "GITHUB_PASSWORD",
"repository": "codepolio",
"token": "GITHUB_TOKEN"
Second, run deploy script: repository should be created in github
$ yoursite/> sh init
after created then just push it
$ youtsite/> sh push
$ youtsite/> sh push 'with commit log'