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Matthias Neeracher committed Jun 15, 2019
1 parent 8a92fd3 commit e607362
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Showing 39 changed files with 656 additions and 12 deletions.
174 changes: 174 additions & 0 deletions
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@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
\version "2.18.2"
#(set-global-staff-size 18)
\include "jazzchords.ily"
\include "lv-goldenage.ily"
\include "jazzextras.ily"

\paper {
#(set-paper-size "letter")
% paper-height = 11\in
% paper-width = 8.5\in
indent = 0\mm
between-system-space = 2.5\cm
between-system-padding = #0
%%set to ##t if your score is less than one page:
ragged-last-bottom = ##f
ragged-bottom = ##f
markup-system-spacing = #'((basic-distance . 23)
(minimum-distance . 8)
(padding . 1))

title = #"All Of Me"
composer = #"-Simons & Marks"
meter = #" (Med. Swing)"

realBookTitle = \markup {
\score {
\override TextScript.extra-offset = #'(0 . -4.5)
s^\markup {
\fill-line {
\fontsize #1 \lower #1 \rotate #7 \concat { " " #meter }
\fontsize #8
\override #'(offset . 7)
\override #'(thickness . 6)
\underline \larger \larger #title
\fontsize #1 \lower #1 \concat { #composer " " }
\layout {
\omit Staff.Clef
\omit Staff.TimeSignature
\omit Staff.KeySignature
ragged-right = ##f

\header {
title = \realBookTitle
tagline = ##f

theNotes = \relative c' {
\set Staff.midiInstrument = "flute"
\key c \major
\showStartRepeatBar \bar "[|:"
\repeat "volta" 2 {
c'4 g8 e ~ e2 ~
e2 \times 2/3 { c'4 d c }
b4 gis8 e ~ e2 ~
e1 \break
a4. g8 e2 ~
e4 dis e8 bes' a4
g2 f2 ~
f1 \break
e4. ees8 d2 ~
d2 e8 gis c4
d2 c2 ~
c1 \break
b4. bes8 a2 ~
a2 a8 d b4
b1 \bar "||" \break

c4 g8 e ~ e2 ~
e2 \times 2/3 { c'4 d c }
b4 gis8 e ~e2 ~
e1 \break
a4. g8 e2 ~
e4 dis e8 bes' a4
g2 f2 ~
f1 \break
\alternative {
d'2 c4 b
d2. c4
b2 e,4 g4
b2. a4 \break
c2 a4 c
e2 e2
c1 ~
c1 \bar ":|][|:" \break
d2 c4 b
d2. c4
b2 e,4 g4
b2. a4 \break
c2 a4 c
e2 e2
\bar ":|]"

theChords = \chordmode {
\repeat "volta" 2 {
c1:maj c1:maj e:7 e:7 |
a:7 a:7 d:m7 d:m7 |
e:7 e:7 a:m7 a:m7 |
d:7 d:7 d:m7 g:7 |
c1:maj c1:maj e:7 e:7 |
a:7 a:7 d:m7 d:m7 |
\alternative {
f1 f:m c2:maj e:m7 a1:7 |
d:m7 g:7 c2:6 ees:dim d2:m7 g:7 |
f1 f:m c2:maj e:m7 a1:7 |
d:m7 g:7 c1:6 c1:6 |

theWords = \lyricmode {
All of me
Why not take all of me
Can't you see
I'm no good with -- out you

Take my lips
I want to lose them
Take my arms
I ne -- ver use them

Your Good -- bye
Left me with eyes that cry
How can I go on dear with -- out you

% first repeat
You took the part
That once was my heart
So why not take all of me

% second repeat
You took the best
So why not take the rest
Ba -- by take all of me.

\score {
\new ChordNames \theChords
\new Voice = soloist \theNotes
\new Lyrics \lyricsto soloist \theWords
\layout {
\override Score.Clef #'break-visibility = #'#(#f #f #f) % make only the first clef visible
\override Score.KeySignature #'break-visibility = #'#(#f #f #f) % make only the first time signature visible
\override Score.SystemStartBar #'collapse-height = #1 % allow single-staff system bars
\midi {
\tempo 4 = 88
Binary file added AllOfMe_test.pdf
Binary file not shown.
26 changes: 14 additions & 12 deletions
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@@ -1,16 +1,18 @@
LV GoldenAge Font Family
# lv-goldenage lyp package

To make the most of these fonts, there are two text fonts that should be
installed in the normal font installation location (which is different for
each OS):
This is a packaging of the goldenage font packages and the lilyjazz stylesheet for use with the `lyp` package manager.

- **GoldenAge Text**: A hand-written font designed to represent the clear type
of traditional music copyists. This is the default text font in the
``lv-goldenage.ily`` stylesheet.
- **GoldenAge Title**: Similar to the above, but more suited for titling.
Most of the contents is just a rearrangement of Steve Lacy's (@slacy) repository (which itself is based on [Abraham Lee](mailto:[email protected])'s music font and lilypond work, Donald Rice's text fonts) to conform to `lyp` packing standards.

Any questions relating to font installation and usage can be sent to
[Abraham Lee](mailto:[email protected]).
The only added files are:

These two fonts were created and copyrighted (c) 1996 by Donald Rice.
* ``, the `lyp` packaging root.
* ``, a test sheet for a wide variety of jazz chords.
* `morejazz.ily`, a number of tweaks to the chord name display, notably
* Using a triangle instead of "M" for major 7th chords.
* Adding a few more exotic chord combinations.
* Defining stacked alterations in a way that is more robust to font size variations.

To restore the chord naming in the original package, add `\set chordNameExceptions = #JazzChords` in your file.

GoldenAgeText and GoldenAgeTitle were created and copyrighted (c) 1996 by Donald Rice.
103 changes: 103 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
\version "2.18.2"

\include "lv-goldenage.ily"
\include "jazzchords.ily"
\language "english"

\paper {
ragged-last-bottom = ##f

\header {
title = \markup { \fontsize #3 Dorothy }
composer = \markup { \fontsize #1 Lou Donaldson }
tagline = \markup { \fontsize #1 (For \concat { E { \raise #0.5 \teeny \flat } } instruments.) }

vib = \markup \left-align \musicglyph #"scripts.prallprall"

harmony = \new ChordNames \with {
\override ChordName #'font-size = #0
} \chordmode {

e2:m7 a2:7 e2:m7 a2:7 fs:m7 b2:7 fs2:m7 b2:7
e2:m7 a2:7 fs2:m7.5- b2:7 e2:m7 a2:7 d2.:maj7 fs8:m7 f8:m7

e2:m7 a2:7 e2:m7 a2:7 fs:m7 b2:7 fs2:m7 b2:7
e2:m7 a2:7 fs2:m7.5- b2:7 e2:m7 a2:7 d1:maj7

d2:m7 g2:7 c2:maj7 a2:7 d2:m7 g2:7 c1:maj7
fs2:m7 b2:7 e1:maj7 e2:m7 a2:7 d2:maj7 fs4:m7 f4:m7

e2:m7 a2:7 e2:m7 a2:7 fs:m7 b2:7 fs2:m7 b2:7
e2:m7 a2:7 fs2:m7.5- b2:7 e2:m7 a2:7 d1:maj7

melody = \relative c'' {

\clef treble
\key d \major
\time 4/4

\set Score.markFormatter = #format-mark-box-alphabet

% A
\mark \default
fs8 fs8 fs8 g8 ds2^\vib |
r4 fs16 fs16 fs16 g16 ds8 e8 fs8 g8 |
gs4(^\vib gs16) gs16 gs16 a16 f2^\vib |
r4 gs16 gs16 gs16 a16 f4^\vib b4^\vib | \break

fs4(^\vib fs16) fs16 fs16 g16 ds2^\vib |
e8 e8 e8 fs8 f2^\vib |
r8 b,8->\< cs8 d8-> e8 fs-> g8 a8->\! |
a2^\vib r4 \times 2/3 { r8 gs8 g8 } | \break

% A (0:39)
\mark #1
fs4( fs16) fs16 fs16 g16 ds2^\vib |
r4 fs16 fs16 fs16 g16 ds8 e8 fs8 g8 |
gs8. gs16 \times 2/3 { gs8 b8 a8 } f2^\vib |
r4 gs16 gs16 gs16 a16 f4^\vib b4^\vib | \break

fs4(^\vib fs16) fs16 fs16 g16 ds2^\vib |
e8 e8 e8 fs8 f2^\vib |
r8 b,8->\< cs8 d8-> e8 fs-> g8 a8->\! |
a2^\vib r4. a16 gs16 \bar "||" \break

% B (1:17)
\mark \default
\times 2/3 { g8 g8 g8 } g8.^\vib a16 g4(^\vib g8) g,16 a16 | \noBreak
b4(^\vib b16) b16 b16 e16 bf2^\vib | \noBreak
r8 fs16 g16 g'16 g16 g16 a16 g4^\vib g,16 g16 a16 a16 | \noBreak
b2^\vib r2 | \break

b'4(^\vib b8) b16 b16 d4(^\vib d16) b16 as16 a16 |
gs2^\vib r4 gs8 gs8 |
a4(^\vib a8) a16 a16 c4(^\vib c8) a16 g16 |
fs4^\vib r4 gs4 g4 \bar "||" \break

% A (1:36)
\mark #1
fs4(^\vib fs16) fs16 fs16 g16 ds2^\vib |
r4 fs16 fs16 fs16 g16 ds16 ds16 e16 e16 fs16 fs16 g16 g16 |
gs4(^\vib gs16) gs16 gs16 a16 f2^\vib |
r4 gs16 gs16 gs16 a16 f4^\vib b4^\vib | \break

fs4(^\vib fs16) fs16 fs16 g16 ds2^\vib |
e8 e8 e8 fs8 f2^\vib |
r8 b,8->\< cs8 d8-> e8 fs-> g8 a8->\! |
a2^\vib r2 | \break

\score {
\new ChordNames {

\new Staff {
Binary file added dorothy_test.pdf
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