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Finally happy with collections.
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Clean up the support for collections and other bits.

1. Built-in types now surface a zero property, that can be used to
initialize those instances, this will be needed to not hard-code the
initializer for future support of the larger-data sized versions of

2. Make the GodotVariant protocol require an init constructor from a
variant, it forces the user to add a required constructor, but I tried
too many alterantives, and none worked: I need a way for the
GodotCollection to instantiate the subclases of Object.

3. Found a user for the liveFramerowkrTypes: to surface
the-most-derived type in situations like adding some nodes to a
collection, and then retrieving them.

4. Replaced a lot of manual code with generated code.
migueldeicaza committed Apr 11, 2023
1 parent 569a9d5 commit 6754671
Showing 6 changed files with 122 additions and 564 deletions.
34 changes: 33 additions & 1 deletion Generator/Generator/BuiltinGen.swift
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -351,7 +351,9 @@ func generateBuiltinClasses (values: [JGodotBuiltinClass], outputDir: String) {
let (storage, initialize) = getBuiltinStorage (
p ("// Contains a binary blob where this type information is stored")
p ("var content: ContentType\(initialize)")
p ("")
p ("// Used to initialize empty types")
p ("static let zero: ContentType \(initialize)")
p ("// Convenience type that matches the build configuration storage needs")
p ("typealias ContentType = \(storage)")
builtinClassStorage [] = storage
// TODO: This is a little brittle, because I am
@@ -366,6 +368,36 @@ func generateBuiltinClasses (values: [JGodotBuiltinClass], outputDir: String) {
p ("StringName.constructor1 (&self.content, &args)")

p ("/// Creates a new instance from the given variant if it contains a \(typeName)")
let gtype = gtypeFromTypeName (
// Now generate the variant constructor
if kind == "class" {
b ("public required init? (_ from: Variant)") {
b ("guard from.gtype == .\(gtype) else") {
p ("return nil")
p ("var content: \(typeName).ContentType = \(typeName).zero")
p ("from.toType(.\(gtype), dest: &content)")
p ("// Replicate the constructor, because of a lame Swift requirement")
p ("var args: [UnsafeRawPointer?] = [UnsafeRawPointer(&content)]")
p ("\(typeName).constructor1 (&content, &args)")
} else {
b ("public init? (_ from: Variant)") {
b ("guard from.gtype == .\(gtype) else") {
p ("return nil")
p ("var v = \(")
p ("from.toType(.\(gtype), dest: &v)")
p ("self.init (from: v)")
p ("/// Wraps this \(typeName) into a Variant")
b ("public func toVariant () -> Variant ") {
p ("Variant (self)")

if let members = bc.members {
if == "Color" {
p ("public var red: Float")
13 changes: 11 additions & 2 deletions Generator/Generator/ClassGen.swift
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -428,7 +428,7 @@ func generateProperties (cdef: JGodotExtensionAPIClass, docClass: DocClass?, _ p

#if false
#if true
var okList = [ "RefCounted", "Node", "Sprite2D", "Node2D", "CanvasItem", "Object", "String", "StringName", "AStar2D", "Material", "Camera3D", "Node3D", "ProjectSettings", "MeshInstance3D", "BoxMesh", "SceneTree", "Window" ]
var okList: [String] = []
@@ -505,7 +505,16 @@ func generateClasses (values: [JGodotExtensionAPIClass], outputDir: String) {

if == "Object" {
p ("public func toVariant () -> Variant { Variant (self) }")
p ("/// Instantiates the object from a variant - it is an error if it happens for user-derived types")
p ("/// While users types must implement this constructor, they can safely just call fatalError, it")
p ("/// will never be invoked.")
b ("public required init? (_ variant: Variant)") {
p ("guard variant.gtype == .object else { return nil }")
p ("var handle = UnsafeMutableRawPointer(bitPattern: 0)")
p ("variant.toType(.object, dest: &handle)")
p ("super.init (nativeHandle: handle!)")
let fastInitOverrides = cdef.inherits != nil ? "override " : ""

b ("internal \(fastInitOverrides)init (fast: Bool)") {
43 changes: 43 additions & 0 deletions Generator/Generator/TypeHelpers.swift
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -158,6 +158,49 @@ func mapTypeNameDoc (_ name: String) -> String {
return mapTypeName (name)

func gtypeFromTypeName (_ name: String) -> String {
switch name {
case "Nil": return "`nil`"
case "Bool": return "bool"
case "Int": return "int"
case "String": return "string"
case "Vector2": return "vector2"
case "Vector2i": return "vector2i"
case "Rect2": return "rect2"
case "Rect2i": return "rect2i"
case "Vector3": return "vector3"
case "Vector3i": return "vector3i"
case "Transform2D": return "transform2d"
case "Vector4": return "vector4"
case "Vector4i": return "vector4i"
case "Plane": return "plane"
case "Quaternion": return "quaternion"
case "AABB": return "aabb"
case "Basis": return "basis"
case "Transform3D": return "transform3d"
case "Projection": return "projection"
case "Color": return "color"
case "StringName": return "stringName"
case "NodePath": return "nodePath"
case "RID": return "rid"
case "Object": return "object"
case "Callable": return "callable"
case "Signal": return "signal"
case "Dictionary": return "dictionary"
case "Array": return "array"
case "PackedByteArray": return "packedByteArray"
case "PackedInt32Array": return "packedInt32Array"
case "PackedInt64Array": return "packedInt64Array"
case "PackedFloat32Array": return "packedFloat32Array"
case "PackedFloat64Array": return "packedFloat64Array"
case "PackedStringArray": return "packedStringArray"
case "PackedVector2Array": return "packedVector2Array"
case "PackedVector3Array": return "packedVector3Array"
case "PackedColorArray": return "packedColorArray"
fatalError("Unknonw data type: \(name)")
struct SimpleType: TypeWithMeta {
var type: String
var meta: JGodotArgumentMeta?
101 changes: 21 additions & 80 deletions Sources/SwiftGodot/Core/GodotCollection.swift
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -11,10 +11,18 @@ import Foundation
/// Protocol implemented by the built-in classes in Godot to allow to be wrapped in a ``Variant``
public protocol GodotVariant {
func toVariant () -> Variant
init? (_ fromVariant: Variant)

/// This represents a typed array of one of the built-in types from Godot
public class GodotCollection<T:GodotVariant>: GArray, Collection {
enum CacheState {
case notProbed
case isObject
case notObject
var cache_isObject: CacheState = .notProbed
typealias GodotVariantType = T
override init (content: Int64) {
super.init (content: content)
@@ -27,95 +35,28 @@ public class GodotCollection<T:GodotVariant>: GArray, Collection {
//gi.array_set_typed (&content, GDExtensionVariantType (UInt32(T.variantType.rawValue)), &name.content, &variant.content)

public required init? (_ variant: Variant) {
super.init (variant)

// If I make this optional, I am told I need to implement an internal _read method
public subscript (index: Index) -> Iterator.Element {
get {
let v = super [index]
switch v.gtype {
case .object:
var v = super [index]
if cache_isObject == .notProbed {
cache_isObject = v.gtype == .object ? .isObject : .notObject
if cache_isObject == .isObject {
var handle = UnsafeMutableRawPointer(bitPattern: 0)
v.toType(.object, dest: &handle)
if let o = lookupLiveObject(handleAddress: handle!) as? T {
return o
case .nil:
return Nil () as! T
case .bool:
return Bool (v) as! T
case .int:
return Int (v) as! T
case .float:
return Float(v) as! T
case .string:
return GString(v) as! T
case .vector2:
return Vector2(v) as! T
case .vector2i:
return Vector2i(v) as! T
case .rect2:
return Rect2(v) as! T
case .rect2i:
return Rect2i(v) as! T
case .vector3:
return Vector3(v) as! T
case .vector3i:
return Vector3i(v) as! T
case .transform2d:
return Transform2D(v) as! T
case .vector4:
return Vector4(v) as! T
case .vector4i:
return Vector4i(v) as! T
case .plane:
return Plane(v) as! T
case .quaternion:
return Quaternion(v) as! T
case .aabb:
return AABB(v) as! T
case .basis:
return Basis(v) as! T
case .transform3d:
return Transform3D(v) as! T
case .projection:
return Projection(v) as! T
case .color:
return Color(v) as! T
case .stringName:
return StringName(v) as! T
case .nodePath:
return NodePath(v) as! T
case .rid:
return RID(v) as! T
case .callable:
return Callable(v) as! T
case .signal:
return Signal(v) as! T
case .dictionary:
return Dictionary(v) as! T
case .array:
return GArray(v) as! T
case .packedByteArray:
return PackedByteArray (v) as! T
case .packedInt32Array:
return PackedInt32Array (v) as! T
case .packedInt64Array:
return PackedInt64Array (v) as! T
case .packedFloat32Array:
return PackedFloat32Array (v) as! T
case .packedFloat64Array:
return PackedFloat64Array (v) as! T
case .packedStringArray:
return PackedStringArray (v) as! T
case .packedVector2Array:
return PackedVector2Array (v) as! T
case .packedVector3Array:
return PackedVector3Array (v) as! T
case .packedColorArray:
return PackedColorArray (v) as! T
if let o = lookupFrameworkObject(handleAddress: handle!) as? T {
return o
fatalError ("This collection contained objects of a different type")
return T.init (v)!
set {
super [index] = newValue.toVariant()
19 changes: 14 additions & 5 deletions Sources/SwiftGodot/Core/Wrapped.swift
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ open class Wrapped: Equatable, Identifiable {
/// subclasses will have a diffrent name than the subclass
internal init (name: StringName) {
let v = gi.classdb_construct_object (UnsafeRawPointer (&name.content))

if let r = UnsafeRawPointer (v) {
handle = r
let retain = Unmanaged.passRetained(self)
@@ -111,13 +111,13 @@ open class Wrapped: Equatable, Identifiable {
let thisTypeName = StringName (String (describing: Swift.type(of: self)))
let frameworkType = thisTypeName == name

print ("SWIFT: Wrapped(StringName) at \(handle), this is a class of type: \(Swift.type(of: self)) and it is: \(frameworkType ? "Builtin" : "User defined")")
//print ("SWIFT: Wrapped(StringName) at \(handle) with retain=\(retain.toOpaque()), this is a class of type: \(Swift.type(of: self)) and it is: \(frameworkType ? "Builtin" : "User defined")")

// This I believe should only be set for user subclasses, and not anything else.
if frameworkType {
print ("SWIFT: Skipping object registration, this is a framework type")
//print ("SWIFT: Skipping object registration, this is a framework type")
} else {
print ("SWIFT: Registering instance with Godot")
//print ("SWIFT: Registering instance with Godot")
gi.object_set_instance (UnsafeMutableRawPointer (mutating: handle),
UnsafeRawPointer (&thisTypeName.content), retain.toOpaque())
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ open class Wrapped: Equatable, Identifiable {

func register<T:Wrapped> (type name: StringName, parent: StringName, type: T.Type) {
guard let wt = type as? Wrapped.Type else {
print ("The provided type should be a subclass of SwiftGodot.Wrapped type")
print ("SWIFT: The provided type should be a subclass of SwiftGodot.Wrapped type")

@@ -213,6 +213,15 @@ func lookupLiveObject (handleAddress: UnsafeRawPointer) -> Wrapped? {
return liveSubtypedObjects [handleAddress]

/// Looks into the liveSubtypedObjects table if we have an object registered for it,
/// and if we do, we returned that existing instance.
/// We are surfacing this, so that when we recreate an object resurfaced in a collection
/// we do not get the base type, but the most derived one
func lookupFrameworkObject (handleAddress: UnsafeRawPointer) -> Wrapped? {
return liveFrameworkObjects [handleAddress]
/// This one is invoked by Godot when an instance of one of our types is created, and we need
/// to instantiate it. Notice that this is different that direct instantiation from our API

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