Support for the beuatiful v2 calendar views introduced with The Events Calendar 5.0 is here! This update not only adds support for the new tooltip within the v2 calendar views, but it also fixes a handful of bugs, adds greater code documentation, and addresses several quality-of-life issues with the plugin. As ususal, please let us know if you run into any issues! where there's a will there's a way, the deltec dev team.
- Released on February 7, 2020
- Added: Support for overriding the tooltip on the new v2 calendar views hase been added. (This allows you to display the venue/location name and address (if you have enabled it) within the tooltip.)
- Added: 9 new screenshots (screenshots 1-9) have been added to the Wordpress Plugin listing page to reflect what the tooltip in the legacy and v2 calendar views with the location and/or address displayed for an event.
- Added: This plugin will now allow for template overrides that you already have in your active theme folder. It will first use the templates within our plugin and will then check your active theme directory for any additional templates.
- Added: All functions and files have been documented and typos have been removed (please, let us know if you find any others).
- Fixed: Fixed a bug that prevented tooltip from displaying for events that did not have an venue/location set.
- Fixed: Tooltip preview on "Display Event Location for The Events Calendar" settings page has been updated to reflect new street address formatting.
- Fixed: Fixed 'Undefined Index' notice for the 'display-full-address' option throug the WP Settings API
- Fixed: Fixed 'Illegal String Offset' Warning on Settings Callback
- Fixed: Removed excess HTML from tooltip.php located at /tribe-events/month/tooltip.php
- Edited: plugin.php
- Edited: README.md
- Edited: /assets/screenshot1.png
- Edited: /assets/screenshot2.png
- Edited: /assets/screenshot3.png
- Edited: /assets/screenshot4.png
- Edited: /assets/screenshot5.png
- Edited: /assets/screenshot6.png
- Edited: /assets/screenshot7.png
- Edited: /assets/screenshot8.png
- Edited: /assets/screenshot9.png
- Edited: /includes/settings-page/admin-page.php
- Edited: /includes/settings-page/settings-page.php
- Edited: /includes/settings-page/settings-register.php
- Edited: /includes/settings-page/settings-callbacks.php
- Edited: /includes/settings-page/settings-validate.php
- Edited: /tribe/events/month/calendar-body/day/calendar-events/calendar-event/tooltip/title.php
- Edited: /tribe-events/month/tooltip.php