Let's Talk is a C++ communication library compatible with DDS (the Data Distribution Service) designed for simple and efficient interprocess coordination on local networks. The library is simple API for publish/subscribe, request/reply, and reactor communication patterns, along with some concurrency tools. Let's Talk also ships a self-contained distribution of FastDDS designed to be built inline with you project. CMake support for DDS is provided through macros designed to make handling IDL files as painless as possible. It's guiding principle is that simple things should be easy. It tries to adopt sensible defaults while providing access to more functionality through optional arguments.
Here's the basic "hello world" example from Fast DDS using the Let's Talk API. The subscriber application:
#include "LetsTalk.hpp"
#include <iostream>
#include "HelloWorld.hpp"
int main(int, char**)
auto node = lt::Participant::create();
node->subscribe<HelloWorld>("HelloWorldTopic", [](HelloWorld const& data) {
std::cout << data.message() << " " << data.index() << std::endl;
return 0;
and the publisher application:
#include "LetsTalk.hpp"
#include <iostream>
#include "HelloWorld.hpp"
int main(int argc, char** argv)
auto node = lt::Participant::create();
auto pub = node->advertise<HelloWorld>("HelloWorldTopic");
while(pub.subscriberCount("HelloWorldTopic") == 0) {
std::cout << "Publication begins...\n";
for(int i=0; i<100; i++) {
HelloWorld msg;
bool okay = pub.publish(msg);
std::cout << "Sent " << i << " " << (okay? "okay" : "FAILED") << std::endl;
if (node->subscriberCount("HelloWorldTopic") == 0 || !okay) {
return 0;
Subscription involves little more than providing a callback function (typically a lambda) and a
topic name. Publication involves creating a Publisher
object, then calling publish()
to send
messages. The publish/subscribe coding is simple and thread-safe; no byzantine class hierarchies,
obscure quality of service settings, nothing.
The design of the main Participant API is based on the ignition::transport API (but Let's Talk is not ignition::transport compatible). Publish/subscribe is compatible with other DDS vendors (RTI Connext, Cyclone, etc.) to the extent that FastDDS is compatible. The request/reply and reactor pattern are not compatible outside of Let's Talk.
The easiest way to use Let's Talk is as a git submodule. You can add it as a submodule via
git submodule add -b <desired version branch> [email protected]:mikegratton/LetsTalk.git
This will create the directory LetsTalk. In your CMakeLists.txt, add
This will provide the following cmake targets:
-- The library (with appropriate includes)fastdds
-- The underlying FastDDS library
To include and link myTarget
to Let's Talk, you just need to add the cmake
target_link_libraries(myTarget PUBLIC letstalk)
(The letstalk
target depends on fastdds
, so you don't need to reference fastdds
If you have several projects that depend on Let's Talk, it is more efficient to install the library per usual. In this case, check out the code and do
mkdir build && cd build && cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<your install dir> -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release && make install
This will provide a cmake config script at <your install dir>/lib/cmake/letstalk
that you can use
in your cmake like
list(APPEND CMAKE_MODULE_PATH <your install dir>/lib/cmake/letstalk)
list(APPEND CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH <your install dir>/lib/cmake/letstalk)
This will provide the same cmake targets (letstalk
and fastdds
) for linking as
Working with IDL in Let's Talk is especially easy. Inspired by the protobuf cmake support, Let's Talk provides an "IdlTarget.cmake" macro that is included when the Let's Talk module is imported. Basic operation is
list(APPEND CMAKE_MODULE_PATH <your install dir>/lib/cmake/letstalk)
IdlTarget(myIdlTarget SOURCE MyIdl.idl MyOtherIdl.idl)
target_link_library(myTarget PUBLIC myIdlTarget)
That is, IdlTarget creates a cmake target consisting of a library built from the provided compiled IDLs, linking transitively to all required libraries, and providing access to the header include path as a target property. The header and source cpp files are written in the build directory. If the IDL is changed, make/ninja will correctly re-run the IDL compiler, recompile generated source, and re-link. The intention is to have machine-generated code segregated from the rest of the code base. The full form is
IdlTarget( <target_name> [SHARED] [JSON] [PATH path] INCLUDE ... SOURCE ...)
will be the name of the new target created and what you will need to link toSHARED
forces the created library to be a shared libraryJSON
generates to/from json serialization methods access throught the headerMyIdlJsonSupport.hpp
specifies the relative path where the generated code will be placed. This can be used to change the include path. SettingPATH foo/bar
will change#include "MyIdl.hpp"
to#include "foo/bar/MyIdl.hpp"
specifies additional include paths for IDL compilationSOURCE
gives the list of IDL files that comprise the resultant library. These will be used to generate code, the code compiled, and then linked into the library.
Let's talk offers three communication patters:
Publish/Subscribe: A loosely coupled pattern based on topic names. Publishers send data to all matching topic subscribers. Subscribers get data from all publishers on that topic. Let's Talk is capable of both reliable and best effort connections.
Request/Reply: Also known as remote procedure call (RPC), each request will be served by a responder. Each service is identified by its service name, the request type, and the reply type. Calls use the C++ promise/future types, including setting exceptions on failure.
Reactor: A request/reply pattern where requests receive multiple "progress" replies, before finally ending with a final reply. These are useful in robotics where calculations or actions take appreciable time during which the requesting process may need to cancel or re-task the service provider as the situation changes.
See below for more details on each pattern. The examples
directory provides
sample code for each pattern.
In pub/sub, a group of publishers send data to all subscribers that match on a topic. Topics are strings (e.g. "robot.motion.command") combined with a type. Publishers are only matched to subscribers if both the topic name and topic types match. To subscribe, you register a callback with a participant,
lt::ParticipantPtr node = lt::Participant::create();
node->subscribe<MyType>("my.topic", [](MyType const& sample) {
std::cout << "Got some data!\n";
or, if you wish to get samples as unique_ptr
s (because you plan to move them
to another thread),
node->subscribe<MyType>("my.topic", [](std::unique_ptr<MyType> sample) {
std::cout << "Got some data!\n";
IMPORTANT: This callback is run on an internal thread, so long calculations or
waiting for a lock will negatively impact the whole system. If you do need to do
significant processing, Let's Talk provides a ThreadSafeQueue
class, and a
convenience subscription mode,
lt::QueuePtr<MyType> myTypeQueue = lt::node->subscribe<MyType>("my.topic");
Rather than running a callback, you get a pointer to the queue of messages.
The queue then supplies pop()
to get a sample (with an optional wait time) and
to get all pending samples,
std::unique_ptr<T> pop(std::chrono::nanoseconds i_wait = std::chrono::nanoseconds(0));
Queue popAll(std::chrono::nanoseconds i_wait = std::chrono::nanoseconds(0));
where the Queue
type is a std::deque<std::unique_ptr<T>>
by default. This puts
you in charge of when to cause your thread to wait for data.
If you want to service multiple queues from one thread, you can use the Waitset
First, register all the queues with the waitset in the constructor:
auto queue1 = node->subscribe<MyType1>("my.topic.1");
auto queue2 = node->subscribe<MyType2>("my.topic.2");
Waitset waitset{queue1, queue2};
Then, you may wait
for data to arrive in any of the queue. This blocks the calling
thread and returns the index of the first queue with pending messages:
int triggerIndex = waitset.wait();
switch (triggerIndex) {
case 0: {
auto content = queue1->popAll();
for (auto const& item : content) {
// Process the data
// Note fallthrough
case 1: {
auto content = queue2->popAll();
for (auto const& item : content) {
// Process the data
See example/waitset
for a detailed design. Note that the returned index represents the first
queue that has data. Higher-numbered queues may also have data. The best practice is to use a
fall-through design to check all of the higher indexed queues as well.
To cancel a subscription, the Participant provides an unsubscribe function,
You can also query how many publishers have been discovered for the topic,
int count = node->publisherCount("my.topic");
For publishing, Participant acts as a factory for creating lightweight Publisher
lt::ParticipantPtr node = lt::Participant::create();
lt::Publisher pub = node->advertise<MyType>("my.topic");
To use it,
MyType sample;
/* ... fill out sample here */
or via unique_ptr,
auto sample = std::make_unique<MyType>();
/* ... fill out sample here */
Publisher erases the MyType
information (i.e. all Publishers are formally the same type),
but publishing a type other than MyType
will result in an error. Calling pub.topicType()
will return the type name as a string. You can check for subscribers using
int count = pub.subscriberCount("my.topic")
To stop advertising data, simply dispose of the Publisher object.
Let's Talk also supports different "Quality of Service" (QoS) settings for publishers and
subscribers. An optional string argument to advertise()
and subscribe()
gives the name of the QoS profile to use. For example,
auto frameQueue = node->subscribe<VideoFrame>("video.stream", "bulk");
will set the QoS to the bulk mode. See below for a full description of QoS settings in Let's Talk.
In request/reply, the "replier" provides a service that the "requester" accesses. A service is defined by a string name, a request type, and a reply type.
The server side, Let's Talk provides two forms: a "push" form that uses a callback and a "pull" form giving you more control.
The push form calls a callback on a special worker thread to perform the service work. Callbacks take the form
auto myCallback = [](MyRequestType const& i_request) -> MyReplyType { /* ... */ };
and the registration call on a participant pointer node
looks like
node->advertise<MyRequestType, MyReplyType>("my.topic", myCallback);
Note that you may throw exceptions in the callback to signal failure. The failure of the request (though not the specific error) will be forwarded to the requester. This form is intended to be very simple to use, but you surrender control over the threading.
The pull form allows you full control over the threading of the
service, but at the cost of additional complexity. This form creates a Replier
auto replier = node->advertise<MyRequestType, MyReplyType>("my.topic");
You can obtain pending sessions from this object
auto session = replier->getPendingSession(std::chrono::milliseconds(10));
specifying a wait time (10 ms here). The session object has a very simple API:
class Session {
Req const& request() const { return *m_request; }
void reply(Rep const& i_reply);
void reply(std::unique_ptr<Rep> i_reply);
void fail();
bool isAlive() { return m_backend != nullptr; }
You can inspect the request data, provide a reply (closing the session), signal failure (also closing the
session), or check if the session is live. If no request arrives in the wait time of getPendingSession()
the returned Session
object will not be alive. You can also attach replier objects to a Waitset
to wait on
multiple services in one thread.
The client side also has two options. Simple requests may be made directly on the participant via
MyRequestType request;
/* ... fill out request */
std::future<MyReplyType> reply = participant->request<MyRequestType, MyReplyType>("my.topic", request);
Making a request returns as std::future
of the reply type. You may block waiting on that future immediately,
or wait as much as you can afford and come back to the future later.
This form is somewhat less efficient on the first call, as all of the discovery occurs while you wait, but the
back-end is stored in the participant so that subsequent requests will be faster. You may call unsubscribe()
on the participant to delete the standing request subscriptions if you are finished with a service.
Alternatively, you can first create a Requester object
auto requester = participant->request<MyRequestType,MyReplyType>("my.topic");
The requester can be used to make multiple requests, check for connectivity, and check for "impostor" services (more below). Creating it performs all of the discovery tasks that can be time-consuming. The requester API is straightforward:
class Requester {
std::future<Rep> request(Req const& i_request);
bool isConnected() const;
bool impostorsExist() const;
Two warnings about request/reply:
The service callbacks are allowed to throw exceptions and/or signal failure. While the error message isn't propagated to the requester, the
will throw astd::runtime_error
is called. You should usetry/catch
if the service you are calling may signal requests as failed. -
Impostor services may exist. Let's Talk does not prevent more than one service provider of the same name from existing or forward requests to exactly one provider. It will however warn you if more than one provider exists for a given service. The Requester and Replier both have the function
to check for this state of affairs.
The Reactor pattern is similar to the request/reply pattern and uses a pull-style API with session objects, but with more features. To provide a reactor service, we first create the server object,
lt::ParticipantPtr node = lt::Participant::create();
auto motionServer = node->makeReactorServer<RequestType, ReplyType, ProgressType>("robot.move");
Here, ProgressType
is optional; if your service doesn't provide progress data you can omit the
argument. ReactorServer
objects are lightweight and may be copied cheaply. To see if clients have connected,
int knownClientCount = motionServer.discoveredClients());
and to check for pending sessions,
bool pending = motionServer.havePendingSession();
If this is true, a request has been received. To service it, we obtain a Session
auto motionSession = motionServer.getPendingSession();
This takes an optional wait time if you want to have a blocking wait for sessions. You may also attach
a ReactorServer
instance to a Waitset
just as with queues and Repliers. Like the server object, the
session is lightweight. The session provides accessors for the request data
RequestType const& request = motionSession.request();
As you process the request, you can send back progress reports via
ProgressData mySpecialProgress;
// ... fill out data
motionSession.progress(25, mySpecialProgress);
If you didn't specify a ProgressData
type, you may still send progress marks with
The progress mark integer uses values from 1 to 100, with 1 being a special value for "started" and 100
signaling completion. The ReactorServer
will automatically send these when you start and finish a session.
Note you may send duplicate progress marks, or even have progress decreasing. To signal failure,
will dispose of the session, notifying the client. To finish a session, send the reply
ReplyType reply;
// ... fill out reply
Additionally, the client may cancel a session at any time. You can check if the session has been canceled by
calling isAlive()
The client end is likewise similar to the request client. First, we create a client object on the participant:
auto motionClient = node->makeReactorClient<RequestType, ReplyType, ProgressType>("robot.motion");
We can then check for connections with motionClient.discoveredServer()
. Sending a request starts a session
RequestData request;
// ... fill out request
auto clientSession = motionClient.request(request);
The session API provides calls to determine if the session is alive (started by the server), get the current
progress, get a progress data sample, or await the final reply. There's also a cancel()
call to end the
session early.
The examples
directory contains demonstration programs for these three patterns, as well
as sample cmake files. To build the examples, first build and install Let's Talk, then
create a symlink to the install directory in the examples directory:
$ cd examples
$ ln -s <lets talk install dir> install
$ mkdir build && cd build
$ cmake ..
Let's Talk inspects several environment variables so that programs can easily modify the behavior at runtime.
-- enables debug print messages about discovery and message passingLT_LOCAL_ONLY
-- prevents discovery from finding participants on another hostLT_PROFILE
-- Path to custom QoS profile XML file
To use this on your program foo
, you can launch foo from the shell like this:
$ LT_VERBOSE=1 ./foo
QoS determines the reliability of message passing. Let's Talk defines three levels of service that are always available:
"reliable" -- the default. This QoS will resend messages when not acknowledged. Publishers will also keep the last published message cached so that late-joining subscribers can be immediately sent the last message on a topic upon discovery.
"bulk" -- Failed sending attempts are not repeated. No queue of old messages is maintained. This is intended for streaming data where it is better to wait for the next message than retry sending old data.
"stateful" -- Like reliable, but samples are delivered in-order to the subscriber. This is for topics where samples refer to state provided by previous samples. The request/reply and Reactor patterns use stateful QoS.
To use a different QoS from "reliable," pass the QoS string name to the subscribe
or advertise
In addition, Participants may have QoS profiles. These are used to alter the underlying protocol from UDP to TCP or something else. Currently only UDP profiles are available in the built-in QoS.
If you wish to develop your own QoS profiles, see https://fast-dds.docs.eprosima.com/en/latest/fastdds/xml_configuration/xml_configuration.html
When invoking your program, set the environment variable LT_PROFILE
to the path to your xml. The
attribute may be used as the optional argument for subscribe
and advertise
use these QoS settings.
Let's Talk is based on the DDS is a publish/subscribe messaging system. Here's a small primer on DDS concepts.
Each node in the DDS network is a "participant." Participants discover each other, trading information on available topics and types. Participants also function as factories for the other objects -- topic objects, types, publishers, and subscribers.
A topic is a channel for data. It's the combination of a string topic name and a data type. The types generally must be derived from IDL.
Types in DDS are typically derived from IDL source. IDL provides a C-like language for describing structured data. The IDL compiler produces C++ source code from these files that includes serialization and deserialization methods to/from the Common Data Format (CDR). DDS automatically performs the required serialization and deserialization as required.
An overloaded term, QoS refers to all of the run-time settings available in DDS. It includes the network protocol (TCP, UDP, shared memory), the error handling strategy, the depth of message history that is stored, and many other details.
The Data Distribution Service is an efficient and powerful publish/subscribe framework, but it is very complicated. It's worth exploring the chain of acronyms that make it up:
DDS -- Data Distribution Service. This isn't a protocol standard at all, it turns out! It's an API standard.
RTPS -- Real-Time Publish Subscribe. This is the protocol standard. It covers how participants discover one another, how topics and types are communicated, how data is sent, and how transmission errors are handled. RTPS uses a peer-to-peer design rather than a central message broker, making it more resilient and flexible (but also placing larger burdens on those peers).
IDL -- Interface Description Language. DDS inherited this from the 90's CORBA technology, and the 16/32 bit world of the time definitely shows in the language. IDL is ugly but functional for the purpose. It isn't as fully featured as Google Protocol Buffers, but it is serviceable.
CDR -- Common Data Representation. This is the serialized format for data transmitted. Typically, IDL compilers generate native code from IDL that handles serialization to/deserialization from CDR. Compared to Google Protocol Buffers, CDR is faster to serialize/deserialize, but larger on the wire. Given DDS's emphasis on local network communication vs protobuf's focus on internet communication, these design differences makes sense.
Fix std::atomic<> initialization in several tests.
Fix IDL-derived Reactor source being placed in the wrong path
Suppress dependent project unit test compilation
Added a pull-mode replier to request/reply pattern, and added a convenience
method to avoid explicitly handlingRequester
objects. -
Send cancellation messages for the reactor when a client goes away unexpectedly.
Extended the waitset to allow for waiting on
sessions and Replier sessions. Renamed the object fromQueueWaitset
. -
methods to idl-generated C++ code. -
Fixed deleter-order issue and bad shared_ptr deleters that could cause problems in some setups.
Added waitset for waiting on multiple queues in select()-like manner.
Overhauled the built-in QoS, fixing the "stateful" profile. Removed no longer needed keys from reactor types.
default setting that was causing crashes in examples. -
Changed default participant behavior to ignore messages that originated from the same participant. A subscriber and a publisher on the same topic and from the same participant will no longer interact by default.
Initial release. Covers all basic functionality.
Automate FastDDS version upgrade
Provide support for using
in cmake -
Support Cyclone DDS