Just an test app to skills showcase of coding skills, using
- Compose
- Dagger/Hilt
- ViewModels MVVM pattern
- Glide
- Kotlin
- LifeCycle
- Solve problems with compose previews
- Coroutines
- Flow
- Paging
- Navigation
- Retrofit
- Json serialization (Moshi)
- Gradle scripting / configuration
- MarkDown editing
- Github actions
- Shell scripting
- Yaml scripting
- SyncAdapter
Use Android studio or use command:
- debug app version : ./gradlew assembleDebug
- mocked app version : ./gradlew assembleMock
- minified debuggable app version : ./gradlew assembleMinified
- release app version : ./gradlew assembleRelease
Use as you want.
Milan Jurkulak
No licenced.