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mineraldragon authored Jan 1, 2022
1 parent 425e315 commit 83a9bf3
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Showing 11 changed files with 989 additions and 0 deletions.
91 changes: 91 additions & 0 deletions
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@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
import glob, os
from variables import *

# Reads .wav files in training_data directory, processes them, and outputs a .tdata file
# with the aggregated training data that can be used by the model for training later on
def prepare_training_data():
from training_data import TrainingData
training_data = TrainingData()

# Trains Keras/Tensorflow model by loading .tdata file from disk, fitting, saving, and finally
# evaluating the resulting model accuracy
def train():
print("==TRAIN ALL MODELS==")
from model import Model
model = Model()

def evaluate():
print("==EVALUATE MODELS==")
from model import Model

# Processes recordings in the recordings folder using the saved Keras model and outputs
# call labels in .csv format and .txt format (tab-delimited Audacity readable) into the results directory.
# A new results directory is created each time this is run, as a sub-directory within 'results'.
# Results directories are named according to the date and time of the run, like this:
# [YYYYMMDD]_[HHMMSS]_[recording filename]
# It will process .wav files in the recordings directory regardless of whether they have been
# processed before, but will store unique results files for each time processed
def process():
from scanner import Scanner
from exporter import Exporter
from recording import Recording
home_dir = os.getcwd()
recordings = []
wavefiles = glob.glob('*.wav')
for wavefile in wavefiles:
print('processing the following recordings: ' + str(wavefiles))
model = Scanner().model
for recording in recordings:
print(' ')
print('processing ' + recording.file)
scanner = Scanner(preload=False)
scanner.model = model
exporter = Exporter()
print(' ')

# List all command line interface options
def shortcuts_all():
sc = [
('prepare training data', prepare_training_data),
('train models', train),
('process recordings', process),
('evaluate models', evaluate),
('exit', None)
return sc

# Controller function for the command line interface
def controller():
shortcuts = None
shortcuts = shortcuts_all()

while True:
print(' ')
for i in range(len(shortcuts)):
print(str(i) + ') ' + shortcuts[i][0])
selection = input('enter number for the action you would like to perform: ')
print(' ')
selection = int(selection)

if shortcuts[selection][0] == 'exit':


if __name__ == "__main__":
30 changes: 30 additions & 0 deletions
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@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
import os, datetime
import numpy as np

from variables import *
from results import *

class Exporter:
def __init__(self):
self.recording = None
self.folder_name = None

# Takes in a recording file, creates a new folder in the results directory to save all
# results files. Then creates a Results object and calls on it to save itself and corresponding
# csv file and images
def process(self, recording):
print('exporting results for ' + recording.file)
self.recording = recording
results = Results(self.folder_name, self.recording)

def create_folder(self):
home_dir = os.getcwd()
timestamp ='%Y%m%d_%H%M%S')
self.folder_name = timestamp + '_' + self.recording.file
print('created folder ' + self.folder_name)
211 changes: 211 additions & 0 deletions
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import cv2, copy, random
import numpy as np
from scipy.signal import spectrogram
from tqdm import tqdm

from variables import *

# Helper functions and filters that are used commonly in the rest of the codebase
class Filters:
# Given raw data and sample rate, creates a spectrogram image and time series information
# for spectrogram columns
def create_spectrogram(data, sample_rate):
data = np.float32(data) * Vars.VOLUME_AMP_MULTIPLE
data = np.int16(np.clip(data, -32768, 32767))
if len(data) / float(sample_rate) > 60:
return None
f, t, spec = spectrogram(data,
lowcut_index = np.searchsorted(f, Vars.LOWCUT)
highcut_index = np.searchsorted(f, Vars.HIGHCUT)
spec = spec[lowcut_index:highcut_index, :]

if np.min(spec) == 0.0:
spec[spec == 0.0] = 0.0001
spec = np.log10(spec)

spec = np.add(spec, -1*Vars.SPECTROGRAM_RAW_LOW)
spec = np.power(spec, Vars.SPECTROGRAM_POWER_FACTOR)
spec = np.flipud(spec)
spec = cv2.resize(spec, (len(spec[0]), Vars.SPECTROGRAM_HEIGHT))
return spec

# Splits data from recording object into overlapping spectrogram segments
def segmentize_data(rec):
segment_size = int(round(rec.sample_rate * Vars.SEGMENT_LENGTH))
step_size = int(round(rec.sample_rate * Vars.SEGMENT_STEP))

data = np.pad(, pad_width=(segment_size-step_size), mode='constant', constant_values=0)

segments = []
s = 0
e = segment_size
while e <= len(data):
segment_data = data[s:e]
spec = Filters.create_spectrogram(segment_data, rec.sample_rate)
if Filters.simple_check(spec):
s += step_size
e += step_size

return segments

# Resizes input spectrogam to be a square
def squarify(x):
return cv2.resize(x, (Vars.SQUARIFY_SIZE, Vars.SQUARIFY_SIZE))

# Rescales spectrogram image data to be from 0->1 to -1->1 to better fit the neural network
def rescale(x):
return (x*2)-1

# Adds border around spectrogram for cleaner visualization
def border(x):
x = np.pad(x, pad_width=1, mode='constant', constant_values=1)
return x

# Morphological operation to clean spectrogram image
# def morph_clean(x):
# x = cv2.morphologyEx(x, cv2.MORPH_OPEN, Vars.MORPH_CLEAN_KERNEL)
# return x

# Center spectrogram image by centroid
# def center(x):
# if np.sum(x) == 0:
# return x
# M = cv2.moments(x)
# cx = int(M['m10']/M['m00'])
# cy = int(M['m01']/M['m00'])
# (height, width) = np.shape(x)
# shiftx = round(width/2.0) - cx
# shifty = round(height/2.0) - cy
# t = np.float32([[1,0,shiftx],[0,1,shifty]])
# return cv2.warpAffine(x, t, (width, height))

# Rotate input spectrogram image by theta degrees
def rotate(x, theta):
rows, cols = np.shape(x)
midrow = round(rows/2.0)
midcol = round(cols/2.0)
M = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D((midcol,midrow), -1*theta, 1)
return cv2.warpAffine(x, M, (cols, rows))

# Shear input spectrogram image by given pixels in each direction
def shear(x, horiz=0, vert=0):
rows, cols = np.shape(x)
pts1 = np.float32([[round(cols*0.33), round(rows*0.67)],
[round(cols*0.67), round(rows*0.67)],
[round(cols*0.67), round(rows*0.33)]])
pts2 = np.float32([[round(cols*0.33), round(rows*0.67)+vert],
[round(cols*0.67), round(rows*0.67)],
[round(cols*0.67)+horiz, round(rows*0.33)]])
M = cv2.getAffineTransform(pts1, pts2)
return cv2.warpAffine(x, M, (cols, rows))

# Stretch input spectrogram by given pixels in each direction
def stretch(x, horiz=0, vert=0):
rows, cols = np.shape(x)
vert_up = int(np.ceil(vert/2.0))
vert_down = int(np.floor(vert/2.0))
horiz_left = int(np.ceil(horiz/2.0))
horiz_right = int(np.floor(horiz/2.0))
pts1 = np.float32([[round(cols*0.33), round(rows*0.67)],
[round(cols*0.67), round(rows*0.67)],
[round(cols*0.67), round(rows*0.33)]])
pts2 = np.float32([[round(cols*0.33)-horiz_left, round(rows*0.67)+vert_down],
[round(cols*0.67)+horiz_right, round(rows*0.67)+vert_down],
[round(cols*0.67)+horiz_right, round(rows*0.33)-vert_up]])
M = cv2.getAffineTransform(pts1, pts2)
return cv2.warpAffine(x, M, (cols, rows))

# Tilt image horizontally
def tilt(x, horiz=0, vert=0):
rows, cols = np.shape(x)
pts1 = np.float32([[0, 0],
[cols-1, 0],
[0, rows-1],
[cols-1, rows-1]])
pts2 = copy.copy(pts1)
if horiz > 0:
pts2[1,1] = pts2[1,1] + horiz
pts2[3,1] = pts2[3,1] - horiz
if horiz < 0:
horiz = -1*horiz
pts2[0,1] = pts2[0,1] + horiz
pts2[2,1] = pts2[2,1] - horiz
if vert > 0:
pts2[2,0] = pts2[2,0] + vert
pts2[3,0] = pts2[3,0] - vert
if vert < 0:
vert = -1*vert
pts2[0,0] = pts2[0,0] + vert
pts2[1,0] = pts2[1,0] - vert
M = cv2.getPerspectiveTransform(pts1, pts2)
return cv2.warpPerspective(x, M, (cols, rows))

# Adjust image brightness
def adjust_brightness(x, delta):
return np.clip(x * delta, 0.0, 1.0)

# Simple check to determine if there is anything of value in an image, or if it mostly
# blank or mostly noise
def simple_check(x):
if np.max(x) < Vars.MINIMUM_VALUE:
return False
if np.mean(x) < Vars.MINIMUM_AVG_VALUE:
return False
if np.mean(x) > Vars.MAXIMUM_AVG_VALUE:
return False
return True

# Train-Test-Validation split
# Assumes files have been shuffled and then segmented
# hence, segments in order, but sections of segments corresponding to files randomized
def split_data(data):
num_validation = int(np.ceil(len(data) * Vars.VALIDATION_RATIO))
num_test = int(np.ceil(len(data) * Vars.TEST_RATIO))

validation = data[0:num_validation]
test = data[num_validation:(num_validation + num_test)]
train = data[(num_validation + num_test):]

return (train, test, validation)

# Given an input image, apply random image transforms to spectrogram
def create_synthetic_segment(segment):
rotation = random.randint(Vars.ROTATIONS[0], Vars.ROTATIONS[1])
shear = (random.randint(Vars.SHEARS_HORIZ[0], Vars.SHEARS_HORIZ[1]), random.randint(Vars.SHEARS_VERT[0], Vars.SHEARS_VERT[1]))
tilt = (random.randint(Vars.TILTS_HORIZ[0], Vars.TILTS_HORIZ[1]), random.randint(Vars.TILTS_VERT[0], Vars.TILTS_VERT[1]))
stretch = (0, random.randint(Vars.STRETCHES_VERT[0], Vars.STRETCHES_VERT[1]))
adjust_brightness = random.uniform(Vars.ADJUST_BRIGHTNESS[0], Vars.ADJUST_BRIGHTNESS[1])
segment = Filters.rotate(segment, rotation)
segment = Filters.shear(segment, horiz=shear[0], vert=shear[1])
segment = Filters.tilt(segment, horiz=tilt[0], vert=tilt[1])
segment = Filters.stretch(segment, horiz=stretch[0], vert=stretch[1])
segment = Filters.adjust_brightness(segment, adjust_brightness)
return segment

# Runs create_synthetic_segment as many times as necessary to
def augment_with_synthetic_data(data, target_number):
synthetic_segments = []
num_original_segments = len(data)
num_segments_to_fill = target_number - num_original_segments

print(' augmenting ' + str(num_original_segments) + ' segments to ' + str(target_number) + ' segments')

if num_original_segments == target_number:
return data
elif num_original_segments > target_number:
return data[0:target_number]

for i in tqdm(range(num_segments_to_fill)):
segment = data[i%num_original_segments]
segment = Filters.create_synthetic_segment(segment)

return data

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