maaps --fasta examples/Den4_MAAPS_TestData16.fasta
Maaps currently only takes one argument, --fasta
. All other arguments are ignored.
Maaps expects a pre-aligned fasta file. Because the sequences are expected to be in a valid reading frame, all sequences must be of length divisible by 3.
Maaps currently does not support gene-coordinate annotations.
ID Codon NTPos AA AAPos RowType
Den4 TAA - ! 3388 Stop_Codon
Den4 TAG - ! 3414 Stop_Codon
Den4 TAA - ! 3422 Stop_Codon
Den4 TAG - ! 3473 Stop_Codon
2055 TGA - ! 121 Stop_Codon
2055 RAC 1927 N/D 643 Non_Synonymous
Line breaks indicate the start of annotations for a new sequence; sequences are reported in the order they appeared in the input file. If a sequence ID does not appear in the output file, that means no annotations were found for that sequence.
Maaps reports the following annotations:
- Non-synonymous degenerate codons
- Stop codons in the middle of the sequence
- Gaps
- Ns
The following features are planned:
- Gene coordinate support accepting any of the following:
- Genbank ID, genbank file, TSV file
- Report frame shifts
- Integrate stop-codon-checking with gene coordinate information
- Report if the sequence/gene does not end with a stop codon
- Automatic alignment
The following development features are planned:
- Regression tests
- Travis Integration
- hpc reporting
- hlint reporitng
- liquid tags
Run tests:
$ stack exec doctest src