This analysis is concerned with the classification of species type. Data from as well as
L-measure functions were
used to obtain both qualitative and quantitative measurements from
neuronal reconstructions (the predictors). The computer program R
used for statistical analysis.
master <- read.csv("NeuronDataMaster.csv", header = T)
dim(master) #this table has 18,374 observations and 160 variables
## [1] 18734 160
master <- master[,-c(83,84,85)] #these columns contain many NA
Variable types in this dataset include both numeric and categorical. If the numeric variables are to be used as predictors, it is important to check the correlation or collinearity amongst the predictors.
#Some variables need to be properly defined.
master$Fractal_Dim<- as.numeric(master$Fractal_Dim)
#remove some remaining observations with NA
isna <-$Diameter_pow)
nas <- which(isna == TRUE)
master <- master[-nas,]
#Find correlations among numeric variables (not including gstats)
cors <- cor(master[,33:93])
cormat <- as.matrix(cors)
colnames(cormat) <- NULL
#find which correlations are very high
high_cors <- which(cormat > 0.98, arr.ind = T)
## [1] 225 2
There are 225 instances of a very high positive correlation. Some are just because the correlation matrix includes the correlation of a variable with itself, which is always +1. Let's remove them.
same <- which(high_cors[,1] == high_cors[,2])
high_cors2 <- high_cors[-same,]
## [1] 164 2
Now, these 164 instances indicate that there may be duplicates or perhaps linear combinations of variables. A quick investigation of the variable names shows that there are a few duplicates.
## [1] "Soma_Surface" "N_stems"
## [3] "Number.of.Branches" "N_bifs"
## [5] "N_branch" "N_tips"
## [7] "Contraction" "Parent_Daughter_Ratio"
## [9] "Bif_ampl_local" "Bif_ampl_remote"
## [11] "Bif_tilt_local" "Bif_tilt_remote"
## [13] "Bif_torque_local" "Bif_torque_remote"
## [15] "Number.of.Bifurcations" "Length"
## [17] "Branch_pathlength" "Surface"
## [19] "Fragmentation" "Soma.Surface"
## [21] "Number.of.Stems" "TerminalSegment"
## [23] "Total.Length" "Total.Surface"
## [25] "Type" "Partition_asymmetry"
## [27] "Total.Fragmentation"
Variables such as
Number.of.Stems, Number.of.Bifurcations, Fragmentation, Soma.Surface
etc. have duplicates. Also,
Number.of.Branches = Number.of.Stems + 2*Number.of.Bifurcations
, so it
is a linear combination and does not give any new information. For now,
highly correlated angle measurements such as bif_ampl_remote
will be
According to the L-measure help page , the variable Type
is defined to return type of compartment, with options being soma = 1,
axon = 2, basal dendrites = 3, and apical dendrites = 4. This is
technically a categorical variable and should be defined as such in R
class(master$Type) #it was read in as a number
## [1] "integer"
c(mean(master$Type), max(master$Type)) #much larger than 4
## [1] 6844.154 261941.000
When looking at the SWC file, the L-measure function is taking the sum
of all the labels. Therefore, Type
is also being removed for
statistical purposes.
From previous work done on this data, random forests were used in order to classify the species type of the neuron.
First, a quick introduction to the random forest classification technique ( citation ). In statistics, decision tree classifiers determine "cut-off" points in predictors, and group the observations accordingly. A sequential algorithm is used to construct this tree. Optimal tree size is determined through a method called cross-validation. The issue with using a single tree is that its prediction will have a high variance and a moderate amount of bias. The bias means that even small changes to the data can significantly alter the construction of the tree, which, in turn, will affect the classification accuracy.
Building a group of trees (forest), however, improves the classification accuracy and lowers the variance. By applying a random selection mechanism to the data (both to the observations andthe features), many randomly sampled, alternative data sets are created. In the end, each observation is predicted by each tree in the forest and the predicted label corresponds to the majority class. The averaging of many tree classifiers in a random forest allows the procedure to reduce variance of the existing forest, relative to any single tree in it (a fact due to the strong law of large numbers). Further, it has been shown that constructing trees of maximum sizes leads to reductions in bias. Therefore, generating a forest from several large random trees achieves both simultaneous bias and variance reduction (relative to a single tree).
Although the random forest technique deals very well with correlated
predictor variables, it is still better to remove them (I would like to
try multinomial regression with this data). Now, we will proceed using
only neurons exhibiting a secondary cell class of pyramidal
pyramid <- read.csv("pyramidal_appended.csv", header = T)
#same thing need to properly define variables
pyramid$Fractal_Dim <- as.numeric(pyramid$Fractal_Dim)
#a look at the predictors we are removing
colnames(pyramid)[c(36,54,55,56,57,62,65,66,76,78, 83:91)]
## [1] "Number.of.Branches" "Soma_Surface" "N_stems"
## [4] "N_bifs" "N_branch" "Type"
## [7] "Length" "Surface" "Branch_pathlength"
## [10] "Fragmentation" "Pk" "Pk_classic"
## [13] "Pk_2" "Bif_ampl_local" "Bif_ampl_remote"
## [16] "Bif_tilt_local" "Bif_tilt_remote" "Bif_torque_local"
## [19] "Bif_torque_remote"
pyramid1 <- pyramid[,-c(36,54,55,56,57,62,65,66,76,78, 83:91)]
#now split X into 2 subsets
nx1 <- 33:77 #predictors of interest for now
nx2 <- 78:dim(pyramid1)[2] #gstats (will NOT be used yet)
ny <- 4
#make an easier data frame for random forests to deal with
dat <- data.frame(y=as.factor(pyramid1[,ny]),pyramid1[,nx1])
dat <- na.omit(dat)
#run a random forest classification
The model is ready, now for some plots:
cols <- rainbow(length(unique(dat[,1]))+2)
matplot(g1$err.rate,lwd=2,col=cols,lty=1,type="l", main = "Species Error Rate", ylab = "Error rate", xlab = "Number of Trees")
The random forest classifies some species very well but struggles with others (more on this in a little). Random forests are also useful for variable importance.
#variable importance
varImpPlot(g1, pch = 16, main = "Variable Importance")
The most important variables seem to be
Average.Diameter, Overall.Depth, Total.Volume, Depth, Rall_Power, Terminal.Degree, and Average.Rall.s.Ratio
The relationship between Depth
and Overall.Depth
will be examined.
## human rat chimpanzee
## 0.01779173 0.02212389 0.02755906
## sheep giraffe monkey
## 0.06030151 0.09090909 0.09768638
## mouse guinea pig humpback whale
## 0.10569106 0.18750000 0.26388889
## elephant bottlenose dolphin minke whale
## 0.37500000 0.55102041 0.63157895
## proechimys cat
## 0.64705882 0.70588235
#overall testing error
## OOB
## 0.05397849
The above table just gives the final error rate for each species.
Overall, there is a testing error of about 5.4 percent. With
scoring as the "most important" variable, let us look
at some boxplots of this variable and compare the distribution between
all species types.
Due to the outliers, this was interesting. I'm not sure if these outlier rat and chicken neurons are just that much larger than any others, or if it is an error in the L-measure computations. Anyway, since our analysis is restricted to pyramidal cells at the moment, let us recreate this boxplot to account for that.
Again, some rats have much larger neurons. These outlier observations
are certainly candidates to be removed, but for now, they will remain a
part of the analysis.
#run g1 random forest from pyramid.R
#make an easy to view table
cbind(summary(pyramid1[,4]), g1$confusion[,15], medians) -> ex
colnames(ex)[3] <- "Avg. Diameter"
colnames(ex)[2] <- "Prediction Error"
colnames(ex)[1] <- "n"
## n Prediction Error Avg. Diameter
## human 1911 0.01779173 0.760
## rat 4294 0.02212389 0.340
## chimpanzee 508 0.02755906 0.450
## sheep 199 0.06030151 0.100
## giraffe 231 0.09090909 1.790
## monkey 389 0.09768638 1.170
## mouse 1476 0.10569106 0.570
## guinea pig 16 0.18750000 1.470
## humpback whale 72 0.26388889 1.925
## elephant 65 0.37500000 1.610
## bottlenose dolphin 49 0.55102041 1.650
## minke whale 57 0.63157895 1.960
## proechimys 17 0.64705882 0.520
## cat 17 0.70588235 0.450
The higher error rates seem to have a lower sample size (guinea pig) and very similar median average diameters. Since this is (so far) the most important variable, the classifier may be confusing minke whale with humpback whale, as well as cat and proechimys with rats, chimps, and mice. So, I remove these observations.
## human rat chimpanzee
## 0.01569859 0.02095948 0.02952756
## sheep monkey giraffe
## 0.05527638 0.08997429 0.09523810
## mouse humpback whale elephant
## 0.10298103 0.23611111 0.32812500
## bottlenose dolphin
## 0.53061224
Now, specific species, such as humpback whale, improved tremendously. Variable importance has not changed.
To compare improvement, below is a plot that compares the overall testing error before removing variables, after removal of redundant variables, and after removal of redundant variables as well as species with a small sample size:
Referring back to the Variable Importance Plot, the variables Depth
and Overall.Depth
have an interesting relationship. Check out the plot
below: The plot
would like to exhibit a strong positive correlation, but there seems to
be a lot of noise in the bottom left portion.
#finding discrepancies between Depth and Overall Depth variables
collect <- vector(length=dim(pyramid)[1])
for(i in 1:dim(pyramid)[1])
collect[i] <- sum(pyramid[i,39] != pyramid[i,61])
diffs <- pyramid[which(collect == 1), 39] - pyramid[which(collect == 1), 61]
#how big are largest discrepancies?
## [1] 1103.70 1211.70 1489.81 1683.81 1965.10 7120.01
#max difference is more than 7000 square microns
#look more closely at these observations
pyramid[which(collect == 1)[tail(order(abs(diffs)))], c(4,39,61)]
## Species.Name Overall.Depth Depth
## 739 rat 215.11 1318.81
## 738 rat 153.16 1364.86
## 4318 mouse 32.45 1522.26
## 4321 mouse 56.39 1740.20
## 8915 rat 2336.25 371.15
## 4317 mouse 42.59 7162.60
Depth is supposedly a measure of the z-axis of a neuron. Overall.Depth
comes from while Depth
is computed using the
L-measure application. I'm
assuming they should measure the same thing, so even though both
variables were considered important in variable selection, Depth
need to be removed for now since it came from the L-measure tool.
Another option for classification of this data is use of a multinomial
logit model, as our response (Species
here) has no natural ordering.
We will compare the model using the full set of predictors to the model
using the important variables determined from our previous random forest
multimod <- multinom(y~., data = dat4)
multimod1 <- multinom(y ~ Average.Diameter + Overall.Depth + Total.Volume + Total.Surface + Terminal_degree + Rall_Power + Average.Rall.s.Ratio, data = dat4)
yhat <- predict(multimod)
#how many did model get right?
ytrue <- dat4$y == predict(multimod)
#error rate
## [1] 0.3645165
#only important variables
yhat1 <- predict(multimod1)
ytrue1 <- dat4$y == predict(multimod1)
#error rate
## [1] 0.2761884
#compare deviance
(devdiff <- deviance(multimod) - deviance(multimod1))
## [1] 7564.908
The error rate is much higher compared a random forest classifier. In general, both models have a very large deviance. It is interesting that the model containing more predictor variables has a larger deviance. More predictors, no matter how insignificant, should result in a lower deviance. A multinomial model may not be the best choice here, but it could still be an option for future classification problems.
Other responses of interest from the master
NeuroMorpho dataset
## [1] "Structural.Domains" "Primary.Brain.Region" "Secondary.Cell.Class"
## [1] "Dendrites, Soma, Axon" "Dendrites, Soma, No Axon"
## [1] "amygdala" "antennal lobe"
## [3] "anterior olfactory nucleus" "basal forebrain"
## [5] "basal ganglia" "brainstem"
## [7] "cerebellum" "dorsal thalamus"
## [9] "entorhinal cortex" "hippocampus"
## [11] "hypothalamus" "main olfactory bulb"
## [13] "mesencephalon" "myelencephalon"
## [15] "neocortex" "optic Lobe"
## [17] "peripheral nervous system" "pharyngeal nervous system"
## [19] "pons" "retina"
## [21] "somatic nervous system" "spinal cord"
## [23] "stomatogastric ganglion" "subiculum"
## [25] "thalamus" "ventral striatum"
## [27] "ventral thalamus"
## [1] "interneuron" "Not reported" "principal cell"
## [4] "sensory receptor"
With the Structural.Domains
variable, random forests can classify
whether or not a neuron in the master
dataset has an axon.
includes 27 possible regions. This will need to
be modified before I predict this variable using a random forest. Some
of the brain regions have a very small sample size. The
variable can be reduced to a binary variable (~ 99%
of neurons in this dataset classify as either interneuron
principal cell
As stated before, neurons in this dataset come from 27 possible primary brain regions.
## amygdala antennal lobe
## 190 3
## anterior olfactory nucleus basal forebrain
## 303 5
## basal ganglia brainstem
## 431 217
## cerebellum dorsal thalamus
## 342 5
## entorhinal cortex hippocampus
## 35 1931
## hypothalamus main olfactory bulb
## 33 75
## mesencephalon myelencephalon
## 4 85
## neocortex optic Lobe
## 12606 56
## peripheral nervous system pharyngeal nervous system
## 17 11
## pons retina
## 1 1439
## somatic nervous system spinal cord
## 194 162
## stomatogastric ganglion subiculum
## 3 122
## thalamus ventral striatum
## 3 380
## ventral thalamus
## 45
Only 3 regions (hippocampus, neocortex, and retina) have more than 1000 observations. The random forest analysis that follows will sample 1000 observations from each of these 3 regions, and then classify them using the L-measure predictor matrix from before (R code omitted).
The overall error rate (OOB) is shown in the plot. Neocortex seems to be
the most difficult to classify. It contains the most number of
observations, so perhaps a simple random sample of 1000 is not giving a
representative sample. The most important variables in classifying the
are Average.Bifurcation.Angle.Remote
The following pie chart shows the percentage of neurons
from a secondary brain region when they come from the neocortex:
Many secondary brain regions are underrepresented...
Again, we see what there is to work with when looking at
from NeuroMorpho:
## interneuron Not reported principal cell sensory receptor
## 5267 137 13210 84
Most are either principal cells or interneurons. The not reported (which
are all rats) and sensory receptor observations will be removed, and
then a random forest will try to classify the two remaining cell
classes. A random sample of 3000 is taken from each of interneuron
principal cell
The overall error rate (shown as OOB in the plot) is higher than with
. The interneuron error rate is the worst. One way
to lower this (again) might be to try a better sampling approach. The
important variables here are different than for Primary.Brain.Region
Variables such as PathDistance
, EucDistance
, and Terminal_degree
are important in classifying Primary.Cell.Class
. The pie charts below
show Secondary.Cell.Class
for the entire set of interneurons and
principal cells.
As stated earlier, we can also classify whether or not a neuron has an axon as part of its structure. Random forest gets about 90%. CoFTFRF gets about 87.5% Most important variables: Total Volume Total Surface Daughter Ratio Terminal Degree Average Diameter