- Create a WPF application
- Create a window in the application
- Create a User registration page on the window with text boxes Name, DoB on it
- Add a submit button.
- On click of submit button the data should flow into database (if you don’t have database use a file for now)
- Create a new AdvancedButton control based on button control and replace the original button on the window with this one.
- Modify the AdvancedButton on the window to show the attached image as the button. Limit the button size to 80x80
- Button should show the text “Send to Database” when mouse is hovered over it (help text)
- Add a property IsExpand to AdvancedButton. When IsExpand Property is set to true the control should expand (double its size). Add a checkbox to toggle this property value
- Add a new section on the same window below the form and call it Live View.
- Live View should reflect the live values it is typed on the form
Follow MVVM while doing all this. Let’s talk more when this much is done