I'm a qualified Senior Full-Stack and Blockchain Engineer with over 10 years of experience in full-stack development and over 3 years in blockchain technology. I hold a bachelor's degree in Computer Engineering from Sir Syed University of Engineering and Technology. I'm passionate about working on innovative projects and continuously expanding my skillset.
- 🔭 I’m currently working on various open-source projects and blockchain solutions.
- 🌱 I’m learning advanced AI techniques and exploring new blockchain protocols.
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on open-source projects and cutting-edge technology.
- 💬 Ask me about full-stack development, blockchain, and AI/ML technologies.
- 📫 How to reach me: [email protected]
- ⚡ Fun fact: I love playing chess and reading tech blogs.
- Frontend: ReactJs, NextJs, HTMX, Svelte
- Backend: PHP, NodeJs, ExpressJs, NestJs, Flask, FastAPI
- Blockchain: Web3, EVM-based chains, Tron, Solana, XRP, Sui
- AI/ML: OpenAI, TensorFlow, OpenCV
- DevOps: CI/CD, Docker, Kubernetes, Git, Version Control
- Databases: SQL, NoSQL
- Languages: JavaScript, TypeScript, Python, Solidity, Rust, Move
A secure and transparent voting system built on Ethereum blockchain with smart contracts to ensure tamper-proof voting results.
An AI solution using TensorFlow and OpenCV to recognize and classify images with high accuracy, used for various applications including security and automation.
A complete e-commerce platform developed with ReactJs for the frontend and NodeJs, ExpressJs for the backend, supporting various payment gateways and real-time order tracking.
Implemented a CI/CD pipeline using Docker and Kubernetes to automate the deployment process, ensuring smooth and efficient software releases.
Thanks for visiting my profile! Feel free to explore my repositories and connect with me.