Task to be used with Scheduler that backs up site information to an AWS S3 bucket.
Install the Guzzle7 package to use.
Tested with files up to 1GB.
Handled via system settings.
- scheduler_awsbackup.s3_key
- scheduler_awsbackup.s3_secret
- scheduler_awsbackup.s3_backup_region
- scheduler_awsbackup.s3_backup_bucket
- scheduler_awsbackup.rotate_sync_path
The following tasks are available:
Takes a directory on your server, and uploads the files in it Amazon S3.
Repeats itself every 24 hours.
Rotates files, keeping copies for daily and weekly backups, keeping one daily copy for a week, and weekly copies for a year.
For example, given a file named database.sql
and files.zip
, the following structure will be created in the bucket:
- site_host.name
- Mon
- database.sql
- files.zip
- Tue
- database.sql
- files.zip
- Wed
- database.sql
- files.zip
- .. Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun
- week-11
- database.sql
- files.zip
- week-12
- database.sql
- files.zip
- Mon
You can define one path to sync with the scheduler_awsbackup.rotate_sync_path
system setting. That could be /abs/path/to/core/export/
or a server level backup directory, for example. If you want to upload several paths, consider using a task that moves them into a single location.