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A method of identifying the position of a sample upon a trajectory.


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PathPinpointR identifies the position of a sample upon a trajectory.

  • Sample is found upon the chosen trajectory.
  • Sample is from a distinct part of the trajectory. A sample with cells that are evenly distributed across the trajectory will have a predicted location at the centre of the trajectory.

Example Workflow

This vignette will take you through the basics running PPR. The data used here is an integrated data-set of blastocyst data.


Install required packages

Run the following code to load all packages neccecary for PPR & this vignette.

required_packages <- c("SingleCellExperiment", "Biobase", "fastglm", "ggplot2",
                       "monocle", "plyr", "RColorBrewer", "ggrepel", "ggridges",
                       "gridExtra", "devtools", "mixtools", "Seurat",
                       "parallel", "RColorBrewer")

## for packages "fastglm", "ggplot2", "plyr", "RColorBrewer",
# "ggrepel", "ggridges", "gridExtra", "mixtools"
new_packages <- required_packages[!(required_packages %in% installed.packages()[,"Package"])]
if(length(new_packages)) install.packages(new_packages)

## for packages "SingleCellExperiment", "Biobase", "slingshot".
if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE)) install.packages("BiocManager")
new_packages <- required_packages[!(required_packages %in% installed.packages()[,"Package"])]
if(length(new_packages)) BiocManager::install(new_packages)

# for package "GeneSwitches"

install PathPinpointR

You can install the development version of PathPinpointR using:


Load the required packages


Load the reference data

The reference dataset is a Seurat object of a blastocyst dataset. The data is an integrated dataset of 8 studies. The data has been downsampled and filtered to only inlcude ebiblast cells.

# download the example data

# Load the reference data to the environment
reference_seu <- readRDS("./reference.rds")
# Load the sample data to the environment
samples_seu <- lapply(c("./LW120.rds", "./LW122.rds"), readRDS)

View the reference UMAP plot

Plot the reference data, colored by the day of development.

DimPlot(object = reference_seu,
        reduction = "umap", = "time",
        label = TRUE) +

The plot shows the development of the epiblast cells. Some labels are a mix of samples from different days.

Convert to SingleCellExperiment objects.

Prior to running slingshot and GeneSwitches, we need to convert the Seurat objects to SingleCellExperiment objects.

reference_sce    <- SingleCellExperiment(assays = list(expdata = reference_seu@assays$RNA$counts))
colData(reference_sce) <- DataFrame([email protected])
reducedDims(reference_sce)$UMAP <- reference_seu@[email protected]

# create an empty list to to store the sce sample objects
samples_sce <- list()
# Iterate through each Seurat object in the samples list
for (i in seq_along(samples_seu)){
  # convert each sample to a SingleCellExperiment object & store in the list
  samples_sce[[i]] <- SingleCellExperiment(assays = list(expdata = samples_seu[[i]]@assays$RNA$counts))

Run slingshot

Run slingshot on the reference data to produce pseudotime for each cell.

reference_sce  <- slingshot(reference_sce,
                            clusterLabels = "seurat_clusters",
                            start.clus  = "2",
                            end.clus = "1",
                            reducedDim = "UMAP")

#Rename the Pseudotime column to work with GeneSwitches
colData(reference_sce)$Pseudotime <- reference_sce$slingPseudotime_1

Plot the slingshot trajectory.

The plot shows the trajectory of the blastocyst data, with cells colored by pseudotime.

# Generate colors
colors <- colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(11, "Spectral")[-6])(100)
plotcol <- colors[cut(reference_sce$slingPseudotime_1, breaks = 100)]
# Plot the data
plot(reducedDims(reference_sce)$UMAP, col = plotcol, pch = 16, asp = 1)
lines(SlingshotDataSet(reference_sce), lwd = 2, col = "black")

Binarize the Gene Expression Data

Using the package GeneSwitches, binarize the gene expression data of the reference and query data-sets, with a cutoff of 1.

# binarize the expression data of the reference
reference_sce <- binarize_exp(reference_sce,
                              fix_cutoff = TRUE,
                              binarize_cutoff = 1,
                              ncores = 1)

# Find the switching point of each gene in the reference data
reference_sce <- find_switch_logistic_fastglm(reference_sce,
                                              downsample = TRUE,
                                              show_warning = FALSE)

Note: both binatize_exp() and find_switch_logistic_fastglm(), are time consuming processes and may take tens of minutes to run.

Visualise the switching genes

generate a list of switching genes, and visualise them on a pseudo timeline.

switching_genes <- filter_switchgenes(reference_sce,
                                      allgenes = TRUE,
                                      r2cutoff = 0)

# Plot the timeline using plot_timeline_ggplot
                     timedata = colData(reference_sce)$Pseudotime,
                     txtsize = 3)

Select a number of switching genes

Using the PPR function precision():


Narrow down the search to find the optimum number of switching genes.

precision(reference_sce, n_sg_range = seq(50, 150, 1))

Filter and re-visualise the switching genes.

switching_genes <- filter_switchgenes(reference_sce,
                                      allgenes = TRUE,
                                      r2cutoff = 0,
                                      topnum = 114)

Note: The number of switching genes significantly affects the accuracy of PPR.
too many will reduce the accuracy by including uninformative genes/noise.
too few will reduce the accuracy by excluding informative genes.
The using precision(), 114 is found to be the optimum for this data.

# Plot the timeline using plot_timeline_ggplot
                     timedata = colData(reference_sce)$Pseudotime,
                     txtsize = 3)

Binarize the sample data

Binarize the gene expression data of the samples.

# First reduce the sample data to only include the switching genes.
samples_sce <- lapply(samples_sce, reduce_counts_matrix, switching_genes)

# binarize the expression data of the samples
samples_binarized <- lapply(samples_sce,
                            fix_cutoff = TRUE,
                            binarize_cutoff = 1,
                            ncores = 1)

Predict Position

Produce an estimate for the position of each cell in each sample. The prediction is stored as a PPR_OBJECT.

reference_ppr <- predict_position(reference_sce, switching_genes)

# Iterate through each Seurat object in the predicting their positons,
# on the reference trajectory, using PathPinpointR.
samples_ppr <- lapply(samples_binarized, predict_position, switching_genes)

Measure accuracy

We can calculate the accuracy of PPR in the given trajectory by comparing the predicted position of the reference cells to their pseudotimes defined by slingshot.

accuracy_test(reference_ppr, reference_sce, plot = TRUE)

Plotting the predicted position of each sample:

plot the predicted position of each sample on the reference trajectory.

# show the predicted position of the first sample
# include the position of cells in the reference data, by a given label.
ppr_plot() +
  reference_idents(reference_sce, "time") +
  sample_prediction(samples_ppr[[1]], label = "Sample 1", col = "red")

# show the predicted position of the second sample
sample_prediction(samples_ppr[[2]], label = "Sample 2", col = "blue")

# show the points at which selected genes switch.
switching_times(c("TKTL1", "CYYR1", "KHDC1L"), switching_genes)


A method of identifying the position of a sample upon a trajectory.



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