A tiny REST API consumer for JavaScript projects
npm install --save api-consumer
This project uses modern JavaScript API's, and does not polyfill anything. To use Consumer in older browsers, you will need to provide your own polyfills for fetch
, Promise
and Proxy
as required.
Consumer uses proxy objects to allow using chainable properties to construct a url for a REST API endpoint, and then execute the request for you. Each property you chain is appended to the url, and returns a new proxy. If you call one of the methods all
, find
, create
, update
, or delete
at any point in the chain, a fetch
request is executed, and the parsed JSON response is returned to you in a Promise.
See below for a brief explanation of functionality, or try out Consumer in the playground on RunKit.
import consume from 'api-consumer'
// Create the proxy with your API's base URL
const api = consume('https://your.domain.com/api')
// GET https://your.domain.com/api/users
const users = await api.users.all()
// GET https://your.domain.com/api/your/deeply/nested/endpoint
const users = await api.your.deeply.nested.endpoint.all()
// GET https://your.domain.com/api/users/123/posts
const posts = await api.users[123].posts.all()
// GET https://your.domain.com/api/users/123
const user = await api.users.find(123)
// POST https://your.domain.com/api/users
const newUser = await api.users.create({
name: 'James Dinsdale',
email: '[email protected]'
// PUT https://your.domain.com/api/users/123
const updatedUser = await api.users.update(123, {
name: 'A new name'
// DELETE https://your.domain.com/api/users/123
const deletedUser = await api.users.delete(123)
By default, a request made with a consumer returns a Model
instance, or a Collection
import {consume, Model} from 'api-consumer'
const api = consume('https://your.domain.com/api')
// GET https://your.domain.com/api/books
// @returns {Promise<Collection[Model]>}
const book = await api.books.all(123)
// GET https://your.domain.com/api/books/123
// @returns {Promise<Model>}
const book = await api.books.find(123)
book.title = 'A new title'
// PUT https://your.domain.com/api/books/123
// @returns {Promise<Boolean>}
let saved = await book.save()
// DELETE https://your.domain.com/api/books/123
// @returns {Promise<Boolean>}
let deleted = await book.delete()
You can extend the model's functionality by creating your own model classes.
import {consume, Model} from 'api-consumer'
const api = consume('https://your.domain.com/api')
// Extend the model class
class Book extends Model {
// Specify a Consumer instance to use as an endpoint
static consumer = api.books
// Optionally specify a custom primary key field (The default is 'id')
// The value of this field is used in the URL for update, create and delete
static primaryKeyField = 'uuid'
// Override getters and setters
get title () {
return 'Rainbows!'
Now you can query your model class directly.
// GET https://your.domain.com/api/books
const books = await Book.all()
// GET https://your.domain.com/api/books/123
const book = await Book.find(123)
book.title = 'A new title'
// PUT https://your.domain.com/api/books/123
let saved = await book.save()
// DELETE https://your.domain.com/api/books/123
let deleted = await book.delete()
You can also use the constructor to create new resources.
const book = new Book()
book.title = 'A title'
book.author = 'Joe Bloggs'
// POST https://your.domain.com/api/books
// @returns {Promise<Boolean>}
let created = await book.save()
// Creating statically has the same effect
// @returns {Promise<Model>}
const book = Book.create({
title: 'A title',
author: 'Joe Bloggs'
The default options passed to fetch
credentials: true,
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
You can override these by passing an object as the second argument to consume
const api = consume('https://myapi.com', {
credentials: false
NOTE: Specifying method
in the default options will have no effect, since it is overridden by each of the executing methods.
- Details on the license can be found here
- Details on running tests and contributing can be found here