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Try release note autogen #23

Try release note autogen

Try release note autogen #23

Workflow file for this run

# make sure to generate requirements.txt with pipreqs first!
name: Build
- 'v*' # Push events to matching v*, i.e. v1.0, v20.15.10
# see
# but here we build first and run our createrelease job afterwards, accessing the artifacts of our build job
# build-android:
# name: Build MobileCrashAnalyzer for android
# runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# steps:
# - name: Checkout
# uses: actions/checkout@v4
# - name: Install dependencies
# run: sudo apt -y install apksigner
# - name: Prepare app for buildozer
# run: |
# REFNAME="${{ github.ref_name }}"
# echo "VERSION='${REFNAME}'" >src/shared/utils/
# mkdir MobileCrashAnalyzer_Deploy
# cp -av src/ MobileCrashAnalyzer_Deploy/
# cp -av src/MobileCrashAnalyzer MobileCrashAnalyzer_Deploy/
# cp -av src/shared MobileCrashAnalyzer_Deploy/
# cp -av src/MobileCrashAnalyzer/data/conf/intent_filters.xml MobileCrashAnalyzer_Deploy/
# cp -av src/MobileCrashAnalyzer/data/conf/buildozer.spec MobileCrashAnalyzer_Deploy/
# echo "" >>MobileCrashAnalyzer_Deploy/buildozer.spec
# # buildozer does not like non-numeric version numbers
# echo "version = ${REFNAME#v}" >>MobileCrashAnalyzer_Deploy/buildozer.spec
# # dynamically build proxy to load
# echo "import os" >MobileCrashAnalyzer_Deploy/
# echo "os.environ['KIVY_LOG_MODE'] = 'MIXED'" >>MobileCrashAnalyzer_Deploy/
# echo "os.environ['KIVY_NO_FILELOG'] = '1'" >>MobileCrashAnalyzer_Deploy/
# echo "from importlib import util" >>MobileCrashAnalyzer_Deploy/
# echo "real_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'MobileCrashAnalyzer.pyc')" >>MobileCrashAnalyzer_Deploy/
# echo "print('Proxy loading real file: %s' % real_file)" >>MobileCrashAnalyzer_Deploy/
# echo "" >>MobileCrashAnalyzer_Deploy/
# echo "spec = util.spec_from_file_location('MobileCrashAnalyzer', real_file)" >>MobileCrashAnalyzer_Deploy/
# echo "print(f'{spec = }')" >>MobileCrashAnalyzer_Deploy/
# echo "mod = util.module_from_spec(spec)" >>MobileCrashAnalyzer_Deploy/
# echo "# we don't want to add our module to sys.modules to not interfere with the package path having the same name" >>MobileCrashAnalyzer_Deploy/
# echo "#(just like if our real_file was the real entry point)" >>MobileCrashAnalyzer_Deploy/
# echo "print(f'{mod = }')" >>MobileCrashAnalyzer_Deploy/
# echo "out = spec.loader.exec_module(mod)" >>MobileCrashAnalyzer_Deploy/
# echo "print(f'{out = }')" >>MobileCrashAnalyzer_Deploy/
# echo "print('Proxied file returned, terminating...')" >>MobileCrashAnalyzer_Deploy/
# echo ""
# echo "buildozer.spec:"
# cat MobileCrashAnalyzer_Deploy/buildozer.spec
# echo ""
# echo ""
# cat MobileCrashAnalyzer_Deploy/
# - name: Build with Buildozer
# uses: Sobottasgithub/[email protected]
# id: buildozer
# with:
# workdir: MobileCrashAnalyzer_Deploy
# buildozer_version: stable
# - name: Sign Apk
# id: signer
# run: |
# apkinfile="${{ steps.buildozer.outputs.filename }}"
# apkoutfile="$HOME/signed-$(basename "${apkinfile}")"
# echo -n "${{ secrets.APK_SIGNING_KEY }}" >"$HOME/keystore.key"
# openssl enc -d -chacha20 -pbkdf2 -in src/MobileCrashAnalyzer/data/conf/release.keystore.enc -out "$HOME/release.keystore" -kfile "$HOME/keystore.key"
# cat "$HOME/keystore.key" | apksigner sign -ks "$HOME/release.keystore" -in "${apkinfile}" -out "${apkoutfile}"
# echo "unsigned_apk=${apkinfile}" >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT"
# echo "signed_apk=${apkoutfile}" >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT"
# - name: Upload signed apk
# uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
# with:
# name: MobileCrashAnalyzer
# path: ${{ steps.signer.outputs.signed_apk }}
# build-desktop:
# name: Build ${{ matrix.OUT_FILE_NAME }} for ${{ matrix.TARGET }}
# runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
# strategy:
# matrix:
# include:
# # LogViewer
# # - os: macos-latest
# # TARGET: macos
# # #--volicon "Hello World.icns" \
# # # for the dmg stuff, see
# # CMD_BUILD: >
# # pyinstaller --clean --log-level DEBUG --name "LogViewer" --add-data "LogViewer/data:LogViewer/data" --add-data "shared/ui/*.ui:shared/ui" --add-data "LogViewer/ui/*.ui:LogViewer/ui" --specpath src --windowed --icon LogViewer/data/art/icon.png --onefile --debug bootloader --argv-emulation src/ &&
# # cd dist/ &&
# # zip -r9 LogViewer &&
# # brew install create-dmg &&
# # mkdir -p dmg &&
# # cp -vr "" dmg/ &&
# # create-dmg --volname "LogViewer" --volicon* --window-pos 200 120 --window-size 600 300 --icon-size 100 --icon "" 175 120 --hide-extension "" --app-drop-link 425 120 "LogViewer.dmg" "./dmg/"
# # OUT_FILE_NAME: LogViewer.dmg
# # ASSET_MIME: application/binary
# # - os: windows-latest
# # TARGET: windows
# # CMD_BUILD: >
# # pyinstaller --clean --log-level DEBUG --name "LogViewer" --add-data "LogViewer/data;LogViewer/data" --add-data "shared/ui/*.ui;shared/ui" --add-data "LogViewer/ui/*.ui;LogViewer/ui" --specpath src --windowed --icon LogViewer/data/art/icon.png --onefile --debug bootloader src/
# # OUT_FILE_NAME: LogViewer.exe
# # ASSET_MIME: application/
# - os: ubuntu-latest
# TARGET: linux
# #sudo apt install plasma-integration -y &&
# #sudo cp -av /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/platformthemes/ /opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.11.5/x64/lib/python3.11/site-packages/PyQt5/Qt5/plugins/platformthemes/ -f &&
# #--add-binary "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/platformthemes/"
# #--add-binary "/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/"
# pyinstaller --clean --log-level DEBUG --name "LogViewer" --add-data "LogViewer/data:LogViewer/data" --add-data "shared/ui/*.ui:shared/ui" --add-data "LogViewer/ui/*.ui:LogViewer/ui" --specpath src --windowed --icon LogViewer/data/art/icon.png --onefile src/
# OUT_FILE_NAME: LogViewer
# ASSET_MIME: application/x-executable
# # CrashAnalyzer
# # - os: macos-latest
# # TARGET: macos
# # #--volicon "Hello World.icns" \
# # # for the dmg stuff, see
# # CMD_BUILD: >
# # pyinstaller --clean --log-level DEBUG --name "CrashAnalyzer" --add-data "CrashAnalyzer/data:CrashAnalyzer/data" --add-data "shared/ui/*.ui:shared/ui" --add-data "CrashAnalyzer/ui/*.ui:CrashAnalyzer/ui" --specpath src --windowed --icon CrashAnalyzer/data/art/icon.png --onefile --debug bootloader --argv-emulation src/ &&
# # cd dist/ &&
# # zip -r9 CrashAnalyzer &&
# # brew install create-dmg &&
# # mkdir -p dmg &&
# # cp -vr "" dmg/ &&
# # create-dmg --volname "CrashAnalyzer" --volicon* --window-pos 200 120 --window-size 600 300 --icon-size 100 --icon "" 175 120 --hide-extension "" --app-drop-link 425 120 "CrashAnalyzer.dmg" "./dmg/"
# # OUT_FILE_NAME: CrashAnalyzer.dmg
# # ASSET_MIME: application/binary
# # - os: windows-latest
# # TARGET: windows
# # CMD_BUILD: >
# # pyinstaller --clean --log-level DEBUG --name "CrashAnalyzer" --add-data "CrashAnalyzer/data;CrashAnalyzer/data" --add-data "shared/ui/*.ui;shared/ui" --add-data "CrashAnalyzer/ui/*.ui;CrashAnalyzer/ui" --specpath src --windowed --icon CrashAnalyzer/data/art/icon.png --onefile --debug bootloader src/
# # OUT_FILE_NAME: CrashAnalyzer.exe
# # ASSET_MIME: application/
# - os: ubuntu-latest
# TARGET: linux
# #sudo apt install plasma-integration -y &&
# #sudo cp -av /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/platformthemes/ /opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.11.5/x64/lib/python3.11/site-packages/PyQt5/Qt5/plugins/platformthemes/ -f &&
# #--add-binary "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/platformthemes/"
# #--add-binary "/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/"
# pyinstaller --clean --log-level DEBUG --name "CrashAnalyzer" --add-data "CrashAnalyzer/data:CrashAnalyzer/data" --add-data "shared/ui/*.ui:shared/ui" --add-data "CrashAnalyzer/ui/*.ui:CrashAnalyzer/ui" --specpath src --windowed --icon CrashAnalyzer/data/art/icon.png --onefile src/
# OUT_FILE_NAME: CrashAnalyzer
# ASSET_MIME: application/x-executable
# steps:
# - uses: actions/checkout@v4
# - name: Set up Python 3.11
# uses: actions/setup-python@v5
# with:
# python-version: 3.11
# # requirements.txt was created using pipreqs
# - name: Install common dependencies
# run: |
# python -m pip install --upgrade pip
# pip install --upgrade pyinstaller
# pip install --upgrade pyinstaller-hooks-contrib
# pip install --upgrade Pillow
# pip install --upgrade tk
# pip install --upgrade tcl
# pip install --upgrade -r src/requirements.txt
# - name: Extract version string
# run: echo "VERSION='${{ github.ref_name }}'" >src/shared/utils/
# - name: Build with pyinstaller for ${{matrix.TARGET}}
# run: ${{matrix.CMD_BUILD}}
# - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
# with:
# name: ${{ matrix.OUT_FILE_NAME}}
# path: ./dist/${{ matrix.OUT_FILE_NAME}}
name: Create Release
runs-on: [ubuntu-latest]
# needs: [build-desktop]
#, build-android]
- name: Load build artifacts
uses: actions/download-artifact@v4
# - name: Generate release changelog
# id: releasenotes
# uses: heinrichreimer/[email protected]
# with:
# issues: true
# issuesWoLabels: true
# pullRequests: true
# prWoLabels: true
# filterByMilestone: true
# author: true
# usernamesAsGithubLogins: true
# compareLink: true
# issueLineLabels: ALL
# simpleList: false
# releaseBranch: master
# httpCache: false
# verbose: true
# stripGeneratorNotice: true
# token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
# - name: Upload Release Asset
# id: upload-release-asset
# uses: tanyagray/[email protected]
# env:
# with:
# upload_url: ${{ steps.create_release.outputs.upload_url }}
# asset_path: ./
# asset_name:
# asset_content_type: application/zip
- name: Generate release notes
id: releasenotes
uses: tmolitor-stud-tu/github-releasenotes-generator@main
- name: Release
uses: softprops/action-gh-release@v2
name: Release ${{ github.ref_name }}
tag_name: ${{ github.ref }}
target_commitish: master
generate_release_notes: false
body: ${{ steps.releasenotes.outputs.notes }}
# MobileCrashAnalyzer*/*
# files: |
# LogViewer*/*
# CrashAnalyzer*/*
fail_on_unmatched_files: true
token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
draft: false