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An open source, cloud-native security to protect everything from build to runtime


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Open source, cloud-native security and policy project

cnspec assesses your entire infrastructure's security and compliance. It finds vulnerabilities and misconfigurations across public and private cloud environments, Kubernetes clusters, containers, container registries, servers, endpoints, SaaS products, infrastructure as code, APIs, and more.

A powerful policy as code engine, cnspec is built upon Mondoo's security data fabric. It comes configured with default security policies that run right out of the box. It's both fast and simple to use!

cnspec scan example


Install cnspec with our installation script:

Linux and macOS

bash -c "$(curl -sSL"


Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Scope Process -Force;
[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072;
iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''));

If you prefer manual installation, you can find the cnspec packages in our releases.

Run a scan with policies

Use the cnspec scan subcommand to check local and remote targets for misconfigurations and vulnerabilities.

Local scan

This command evaluates the security of your local machine:

cnspec scan local

Remote scan targets

You can also specify remote targets to scan. For example:

# to scan a docker image:
cnspec scan docker image ubuntu:22.04

# scan public ECR registry
aws ecr-public get-login-password --region us-east-1 | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin
cnspec scan docker image

# to scan an AWS account using the local AWS CLI config
cnspec scan aws

# scan an EC2 instance with EC2 Instance Connect
cnspec scan aws ec2 instance-connect root@i-1234567890abcdef0

# to scan a Kubernetes cluster via your local kubectl config or a local manifest file
cnspec scan k8s
cnspec scan k8s manifest.yaml

# to scan a GitHub repository
export GITHUB_TOKEN=<personal_access_token>
cnspec scan github repo <org/repo>

📚 To learn more, read the cnspec docs.


cnspec policies are built on the concept of policy as code. cnspec comes with default security policies configured for all supported targets. The default policies are available in the cnspec-policies GitHub repo.

Vulnerability scan

cnspec scans for vulnerabilities in a wide range of platforms. Vulnerability scanning is not restricted to container images; it works for build and runtime as well.

cnspec vulnerability scan example

NOTE: The current version requires you to log into Mondoo Platform. Future versions will let you scan the platforms without logging in.


# scan container image
cnspec vuln docker debian:10

# scan aws instance via EC@ instance connect
cnspec vuln aws ec2 instance-connect root@i-1234567890abcdef0

# scan instance via SSH
cnspec vuln ssh user@host

# scan windows via SSH or Winrm
cnspec vuln ssh user@host --ask-pass
cnspec vuln winrm user@host --ask-pass

# scan VMware vSphere ESXi hosts
cnspec vuln vsphere user@host --ask-pass

# scan Linux, Windows
cnspec vuln local
Platform Versions
Alpine 3.10 - 3.19
AlmaLinux 8, 9
Amazon Linux 1, 2, 2023
Arch Linux Rolling
CentOS 6, 7
Debian 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Fedora 30 - 39
openSUSE Leap 15
Oracle Linux 6, 7, 8, 9
Photon Linux 2, 3, 4, 5
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6, 7, 8, 9
Rocky Linux 8, 9
SUSE Linux Enterprise 12, 15
Ubuntu 18.04, 20.04, 22.04, 24.04
VMware vSphere ESXi 6, 7, 8
Windows 10, 11, 2016, 2019, 2022

cnspec interactive shell

cnspec also provides an interactive shell to explore assertions. It helps you understand the assertions that security policies use, as well as write your own policies. It's also a great way to interact with both local and remote targets on the fly.

Local system shell

cnspec shell local

The shell provides a help command for information on the resources that power cnspec. Running help without any arguments lists all of the available resources and their fields. You can also run help <resource> to get more detail on a specific resource. For example:

cnspec> help ports
ports:              TCP/IP ports on the system
  list []port:      List of all TCP/IP ports
  listening []port: All listening ports

The shell uses auto-complete, which makes it easy to explore.

Once inside the shell, you can enter MQL assertions like this:

> ports.listening.none( port == 23 )

To clear the terminal, type clear.

To exit, either hit CTRL + D or type exit.

Prioritize risks that matter with Mondoo Platform

The Mondoo unified security platform finds and prioritizes vulnerabilities and misconfigurations that pose the highest risk to your business. Mondoo's security data fabric analyzes the threat and exposure of every finding within the unique context of your infrastructure. Instead of a flood of irrelevant security alerts, Mondoo shows you how you can make an immediate and significant impact on your security posture.

To get started, contact us.

To learn about Mondoo Platform, read the Mondoo Platform docs or visit

Register cnspec with Mondoo Platform

To use cnspec with Mondoo Platform, generate a token in the Mondoo Console, then run:

cnspec login --token TOKEN

Once authenticated, you can scan any target:

cnspec scan <target>

cnspec returns the results from the scan to STDOUT and to Mondoo Platform.

With an account on Mondoo Platform, you can upload policies:

cnspec bundle upload mypolicy.mql.yaml

Custom policies

A cnspec policy is simply a YAML file that lets you express any security rule or best practice for your fleet.

A few examples can be found in the examples folder in this repo. You can run any of these policies:

cnspec scan local -f examples/example.mql.yaml

If you're interested in writing your own policies or contributing policies back to the cnspec community, read Mondoo's Policy Authoring Guide.

Supported targets

Target Provider Example
Ansible playbooks ansible cnspec shell ansible YOUR_PLAYBOOK.yml
Arista network devices arista cnspec shell arista DEVICE_PUBLIC_IP --ask-pass
Atlassian organizations atlassian cnspec shell atlassian --host YOUR_HOST_URL --admin-token YOUR_TOKEN
AWS accounts aws cnspec scan aws
AWS CloudFormation templates cloudformation cnspec scan cloudformation cloudformation_file.json
AWS EC2 EBS snapshot aws ec2 ebs snapshot cnspec scan aws ec2 ebs snapshot SNAPSHOTID
AWS EC2 EBS volume aws ec2 ebs volume cnspec scan aws ec2 ebs volume VOLUMEID
AWS EC2 Instance Connect aws ec2 instance-connect cnspec scan aws ec2 instance-connect ec2-user@INSTANCEID
AWS EC2 instances ssh cnspec scan ssh user@host
Confluence users atlassian cnspec shell atlassian --host YOUR_HOST_URL --admin-token YOUR_TOKEN
Container images container, docker cnspec scan container ubuntu:latest
Container registries container registry cnspec scan container registry
DNS records host cnspec scan host
Dockerfiles docker cnspec shell docker file FILENAME
GitHub organizations github org cnspec scan github org mondoohq
GitHub repositories github repo cnspec scan github repo mondoohq/cnspec
GitLab groups gitlab cnspec scan gitlab --group mondoohq
Google Cloud projects gcp cnspec scan gcp
Google Workspace google-workspace cnspec shell google-workspace --customer-id CUSTOMER_ID --impersonated-user-email EMAIL --credentials-path JSON_FILE
IoT devices opcua cnspec shell opcua
Jira projects atlassian cnspec shell atlassian --host YOUR_HOST_URL --admin-token YOUR_TOKEN
Kubernetes cluster nodes local, ssh cnspec scan ssh user@host
Kubernetes clusters k8s cnspec scan k8s
Kubernetes manifests k8s cnspec scan k8s manifest.yaml
Kubernetes workloads k8s cnspec scan k8s --discover pods,deployments
Linux hosts local, ssh cnspec scan local or

cnspec scan ssh user@host
macOS hosts local, ssh cnspec scan local or

cnspec scan ssh user@IP_ADDRESS
Microsoft 365 accounts ms365 cnspec scan ms365 --tenant-id TENANT_ID --client-id CLIENT_ID --certificate-path PFX_FILE
Microsoft Azure instances ssh cnspec scan ssh user@host
Microsoft Azure subscriptions azure cnspec scan azure --subscription SUBSCRIPTION_ID
Okta org okta cnspec shell okta --token TOKEN --organization ORGANIZATION
Oracle Cloud Interface (OCI) oci cnspec shell oci
Running containers docker cnspec scan docker CONTAINER_ID
Shodan search engine shodan cnspec shell shodan
Slack team slack cnspec shell slack --token TOKEN
SSL certificates on websites host cnspec scan host
Terraform HCL terraform cnspec scan terraform HCL_FILE_OR_PATH
Terraform plan terraform plan cnspec scan terraform plan plan.json
Terraform state terraform state cnspec scan terraform state state.json
Vagrant virtual machines vagrant cnspec scan vagrant HOST
VMware Cloud Director vcd cnspec shell vcd user@domain@host --ask-pass
VMware vSphere vsphere cnspec scan vsphere user@domain@host --ask-pass
Windows hosts local, ssh, winrm cnspec scan local,

cnspec scan ssh Administrator@IP_ADDRESS --ask-pass or

cnspec scan winrm Administrator@IP_ADDRESS --ask-pass

What's next?

There are so many things cnspec can do, from testing your entire fleet for vulnerabilities to gathering information and creating reports for auditors. With its custom policies, cnspec can scan any component you care about!

Explore our:

Join the community!

Our goal is to secure all layers of your infrastructure. If you need support or want to get involved with the development of cnspec, join our community today and let's grow it together!


See our development docs for information on building and contributing to cnspec.


  • Copyright: 2018-2024, Mondoo, Inc.
  • License: BUSL 1.1
  • Authors: Christoph Hartmann, Dominik Richter