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Implementation of flask and pymongo using mflix sample data set and mflix python UI
This is a short guide on how to integrated MongoDB Atlas to Flask applications using Flask-PyMongo wrapper and pymongo driver.
The mflix
directory holds the application logic.
Where all database CRUD patterns are exposed as functions.api/movies.py
Where the web api is exposed to the UI
The main directory holds the following files:
Where the Flask application is initialize and the config is loadedsample_ini
Where the connection URI to MongoDB Atlas is configuredrequirments.txt
Where the dependencies this project needs to run are located.
Clone the repository.
git clone [email protected]:mongodb-developer/flask-pymongo-example.git
Start a python virtual env:
# navigate to the flask-pymongo-example directory
cd flask-pymongo-example
# create the virtual environment for MFlix
python3 -m venv mflix-venv
# activate the virtual environment
source mflix-venv/bin/activate
Install dependencies
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
Rename the sample_ini
to .ini
mv sample_ini sample.ini
Get your Atlas cluster with sample data set connection string and place in DB_URI
parameter under .ini
Make sure you have IP in the Atlas access list and username/password of your Atlas user correctly specified.
python ./run.py
Open your browser on http://localhost:5000
Use at your own risk; not a supported MongoDB product