A light theme base on Even, designed by Giuem.
$ npm install install hexo-renderer-scss --save
$ git clone https://github.com/frostfan/hexo-theme-polarbear themes/polarbear
修改(Change) polarbear/config.yml theme: polarbear
# Extensions
## Plugins: http://hexo.io/plugins/
## Themes: http://hexo.io/themes/
theme: polarbear
# 在归档页面显示所有文章 (Show all articles at archive page.)
# 需要安装(Need to install) hexo-generator-archive 插件支持
per_page: 0
yearly: false
monthly: false
daily: false
主题较为简陋粗糙,使用及修改时需要对 Hexo 有一定了解。 The theme is relatively simple and rough, have a certain understanding of Hexo before you use and modify.
# widget function
# false: disable
# widget_custom: custom your widget
# title: your widget title
# content: Add your html code in here. Example: <p>Hello, I am Frost</p>
Tags: true
Categories: false
This theme base on Even
You can find more functions at Even, copy and change codes as you want.
EX:赞赏(Reward)、底部版权(Copyright)、社交图标(Social icon)
Theme Even author: ahonn
Theme style designed by: Giuem