A teensy microcontroller hihat module for eurorack. A no frills teensy 3.2 HiHat eurorack module. Using Teensy audio DSP *
- Based on 808 model of
- six square waves with three filters and an envelope.
- white noise added to fill
- three filters for hat frequency narrowing, plus one for colour
- use only one envelope for both open and closed, so choking is automatic
- two trigger inputs, open and closed.
- closed chokes open
- three poteniometers
- length of closed
- length of open
- resonance or filter effect
- onboard DAC gives a single mixed audio output on pin14
- two trigger indicators leds
- six square waves to make an 808 hihat:
Fundamental freq =40
Osc1 ratio:2
Osc2 ratio:3
Osc3 ratio:4.16
Osc4 ratio:5.43
Osc5 ratio:6.79
Osc6 ratio:8.21
other influences: