Special firmware for usage ESP8266 in DeviceHive clouds. This repo consist of few parts of this project which can be used with other projects. Each project has dedicated readme file.
Photo above is a real photo of the demo device contructed with esp8266. See
Zero wireless configuring with Android http://youtu.be/2J98YDpbJKo
BH1750 Ambient light http://youtu.be/AkSFdO0soyo
DS18B20 + iButton + DHT11 http://youtu.be/IuvxwCPNZCc
Muscle connected to the cloud http://youtu.be/8L96nBNHE14
SSD1306 OLED display http://youtu.be/gKgU6RzaxFU
Multple sensor connection http://youtu.be/hzi4djt-wdg
Smart socket http://youtu.be/hCdzcCjYYMw
Wireless Configuring with Mac and Linux http://youtu.be/sFD2TTZNNvo
BMP180 Atmospheric pressure http://youtu.be/P2rxnVjRPyc
MPU6050 Accelerometer + Gyroscope http://youtu.be/IRj4tOfLTAM
MFRC522 RFID Reader http://youtu.be/VMT3v49d57g
Simple relay http://youtu.be/ZLq2X2n_wR0
There is a possibility to build custom firmware on top of this which sends some
notifications to DeviceHive server periodically. In pauses firmware goes to deep
sleep mode. Reimplement custom_firmware_request()
method in
file with reading of some sensors data. There are
implementation for some sensors in sources/devices
dir. Also, it is possible
to create interaction with any sensor using interface implementation modules
(dhi2c, dhspi, dhonewire etc). See climate
branch as an example.
Simple utils for flashing and connecting to ESP8266.
Simple web pages with JavaScript sample of sendind recieving command from device via cloud. Onewire DS18B20 examples use 0x33[SKIP ROM] command which means that examples work only with one currently connected device. Some browsers(for example Firefox) block cross domen requests even for local file. Allow temporary cross domain requests in setting or use another browser to run examples.
Sources of DeviceHive ESP8266 firmware.
Small utils which is written on bash and can be used on any OS. This util creates binary firmware files files from crosstool-NG binary file output.
Tests for firmware. Youcan find sample of command in file requests.html. Each addtest() instance have boolean third parameter. If this parameters is true it means that command and parameters is written correctly and you can use it as a sample.
Pre built binaries of utils and released firmwares.
SDK from chip manufactor. Included in this repo to make sure that we are using the same version of this SDK to avoid any surprises from changing APIs
Document contains cloud commands specification for this firmware. Click here to open it.
The MIT License. See LICENSE file. Except sdk directory, it has ESPRSSIF MIT License, see sdk/License file for details.
Nikolay Khabarov