PowerShell tools (scripts) for manipulating RESX files from IFM's Maintenance tool for IFM's PLC and HMI modules.
Reduce the size of a RESX file for the IFM BasicLine series of modules, by removing unnecessary memory records.
- The script accepts three parameters.
- SearchPath - Accepts a list of wildcard paths to search for RESX files to reduce. The pipeline may also be used to supply this parameter with file path arguments. This parameter also supports the alias 'Path'.
- Recurse - A switch to recurse the specified paths.
- Depth - With Recurse, controls the depth of recursion. (See Get-ChildItem for details)
- Reduced files (or files attempted to be reduced) will have appended to their name ' Reduced' in the same location.
- !! This script requires PowerShell >= 6.1 due to an issue with the -Filter parameter of Get-ChildItem !!
Sample scripts to extract H86 files from the RESX file of Classic line of modules.
- This script file is not yet ready to be ran as a script, instead use excerpts of the file individually. Scripting knowledge required.
- H86 files are compatible with other tools, namely IFM's Download tool.
These tools are still a work in progress. It is expected that in the near future, they will be revised to be modules that could be imported in to a PowerShell session, accepting arguments or pipeline input.
For more info on IFM, see http://www.ifm.com/