This package provides a simple interface with the Canvas grading API to save you the hassle of dealing with the web gradebook.
pip install canvasgrader
- Generate a new Access Token at
- Grab your course ID from the web interface:
- Choose a key by which you want to identify students
>>> from canvasgrader import CanvasGrader
>>> api_key = 'your access token'
>>> canvas_grader = CanvasGrader(api_key=api_key, base_uri='',
course_id=85425, id_key='sis_login_id')
>>> assignment_id = canvas_grader.create_assignment(name='Homework 01',
>>> canvas_grader.grade_assignment(assignment_id, {
'mterwil': 4,
Alternatively, you may place the API key in a dotfile:
$ echo "my api key" > ~/.canvasgrader
$ chmod 600 ~/.canvasgrader