This repository works as an index to my college classes. As I am completing two bachelors, intercalating them, this helps finding what you look for. All my college work is accessible from here.
2016 2017 2018 2019 -----|--------|--------|--------|--------|--------|--------|--------| USP RIT RIT USP RIT USP USP
- Portuguese Language
- Paths in the Bachelor of Computer Science
- Modeling and Simulation
- Algorithms and Data Structures II
- Introduction to Graph Theory
- Probability I
- Differentiable functions and series
- Laboratory of Numerical Methods
- Fundamental Concepts in Programming Languages
- Operating Systems
- Geology
- Rings and Fields
- Non-linear Programming
- University Sports Program: from theory to practice I
- Interactive Media Development
- College Phisics
- Web Design and Implementation
- Mathematical Graphical Simulation II
- Introduction to International Relations
- Algorithms and Data Structures I
- Programming Lab I
- Introduction to Logic and Program Verification
- Linear Algebra I
- Differential and Integral Calculus II
- Linear Programming
- Introduction to Probability and Statistics I
- Introduction to Visual Culture
- 2D Animation Asset production
- Game Development and Algorithm Problem Solving II
- Mathematical Graphical Simulation I
- Foundations of Sociology
- Latin Dance
- Year One
- The Rhetoric of Terrorism
- Game Development and Algorithm Problem Solving I
- Introduction to Interactive Media
- Future of Writing
- Discrete Mathematics
- Integration in the University and in the Career
- Mathematical Foundations of Computing
- Introduction to Computer Science
- Boolean Algebra and Applications in Computer Architecture Project
- Vectors and Geometry
- Differential and Integral Calculus I