converting Nvidia's pytorch FlowNet with only builtin layers to support to newer pytorch versions
this implementation heavily draws from the following publication, please cite this if you use any of the layers:
@inproceedings{heinrich2019closing, title={Closing the gap between deep and conventional image registration using probabilistic dense displacement networks}, author={Heinrich, Mattias P}, booktitle={International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention}, pages={50--58}, year={2019}, organization={Springer} }
pytorch-flownet with NVIDIA code is not supported in current pytorch versions due to depreciated torch.utils.ffi, no fix available (pytorch/pytorch#15645) here a re-implementation of all external functions Resample2d, ChannelNorm and Correlation with built-in pytorch modules is provided, (requires v1.0+) this also enables running flownet on cpu and further improvements (e.g. fine-tuning with segmentations)
for original code base for model definitions, see and additionally, by Ruoteng Li could be handy
you need some utility files and pretrained models from