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How To use Ledger Nano S with MultiversX

Mihai Schiopu edited this page Jan 11, 2023 · 1 revision

A Ledger Nano S is a hardware wallet, which is a very secure storage for private keys. Ledger Nano S also allows it's owner to sign blockchain transactions.

Before you begin

Install the MultiversX app on your Nano S device

  1. In Ledger Liver, open the Manager
  2. On the device, confirm (allow) interaction with the Manager
  3. In Ledger Live, find MultiversX in the app catalog and choose Install
  4. On the device, you see the message Processing...
  5. Soon, the app installation is confirmed.

Use your Nano S device with the CLI TestApp

  1. Download the companion TestApp from this page
  2. If you are using Linux or MacOS, mark the TestApp as executable by running chmod +x ./ElrondTestApp* in a terminal
  3. Connect your device to the computer and unlock it
  4. Open the MultiversX app on the device
  5. Open the CLI TestApp in a terminal
  6. You are prompted to confirm your MultiversX address on the device
  7. After confirmation, your ERD balance is displayed in the TestApp.

Sign MultiversX transactions through your Nano S device

  1. After confirming your address on the device, you are asked to initiate a transaction
  2. First, enter the destination address, that is, the MultiversX address of the recipient
  3. Afterwards, enter the amount of EGLD to send
  4. You are prompted to confirm the details of the transaction on the device
  5. After checking the displayed details, select Sign transaction on the device
  6. The CLI TestApp receives the signature and issues the transaction to the blockchain
  7. A transaction identifier is displayed in the TestApp.

Further Developments

In the near future, the CLI TestApp will be replaced by a companion app with more features. Furthermore, signing transactions through your Ledger device will be supported directly from the MultiversX Web Wallet.