This is a small twitter live stream web application written in react and nodejs. The application consists of a client written in react and a very simplified websocket server written in nodejs.
- Some parts of the application may not be written in the best "react" way. Some improvements here.
- If you hard refresh the page, filter settings are resetted. To fix this a URL query containing filter information could be implemented.
- Improve git usage by implementing quidelines like
- Write the client more mobile friendly
- Write tests for the react components.
Great task that proved to be more demanding than I thought. Time consumed; about 3 full workdays (this could be reduced dramatically if I had more experience with react)
- yarn or npm to install all depending packages
- run "start" script to run both server and client
- opt. if you want to build the react app this can be done with "build" script and server can be ran alone with "start-server"