The simplest way to install Captus is to first create an isolated software environment with the dependencies with miniconda
conda create -n captus -c bioconda -c conda-forge "clipkit>=1.3.0" "python>=3.6" pandas plotly tqdm perl-bioperl-core=1.007002 bbmap falco fastqc mafft mmseqs2 megahit pigz vsearch
Then clone the Captus repository:
git clone
Now install Captus within the conda
environment you created:
conda activate captus
cd Captus
pip install .
Run the following command:
And if the program was correctly installed you will see the main help page of Captus:
usage: captus_assembly command [options]
Captus 0.0.17: Assembly of Phylogenomic Datasets from High-Throughput Sequencing data
Captus-assembly commands:
command Program commands (in typical order of execution)
clean = Trim adaptors and quality filter reads with BBTools, run FastQC on the raw
and cleaned reads
assemble = Perform de novo assembly with MEGAHIT: Assembling reads that were
cleaned with the 'clean' command is recommended, but reads cleaned
elsewhere are also allowed
extract = Recover targeted markers with BLAT and Scipio: Extracting markers from
the assembly obtained with the 'assemble' command is recommended, but
any other assemblies in FASTA format are also allowed.
align = Align extracted markers across samples with MAFFT: Marker alignment
depends on the directory structure created by the 'extract' command. This
step also performs paralog filtering and alignment trimming using ClipKIT
-h, --help Show this help message and exit
--version Show Captus' version number
For help on a particular command: captus_assembly command -h
ERROR: Missing command
Alternatively, you can skip the installation with pip
and simply run the following command in your conda
environment (you will need to add Captus' directory to your $PATH
to make it available from anywhere in the computer):