In these JavaScript demos we try to show you some examples of what's possible with muzzley
. All these demos can be tested at, more specifically at the widgets documentation pages: and components documentation pages: .
To interact with the demos, first you have to download the muzzley application to your smartphone. At you have the links to the supported platforms (iOS and Android). Then download these demos to your computer, choose a demo and open the specific HTML file in your browser. This file represents a browser application that is muzzley-enabled.
A few moments after opening a demo, a QR code image should appear. This means that the demo connected to the muzzley servers and an activity has been successfully created. The activity represents an instance of the muzzley-enabled application, represented by a unique activity id or muzzley QR code.
Take a look at the text box at the bottom of the demos, it has a log and will help you follow what's happening in the code.
If you hover your mouse over the log text area of a demo, you can see the JSON action messages formatted. This feature is only available for action messages, which are messages sent by the participant each time you perform an action in a widget.
Scan the QR code with your muzzley application to pair your phone with the browser app. When the phone is successfully paired with the app, it becomes a participant of the activity.
From this point onwards, what each demo shows depends on the widget it's demonstrating.
We have a few demos available, one for each widget muzzley provides.
This demos are available on widgets documentation page:, on the Try it here
The Code Scanner demo allows you to scan another muzzley activity using your phone camera.
In the Drawpad demo you can draw on your phone and see the result it in your app.
The Gamepad demo allows you to control an arrow according to the angle that is returned by the gamepad's analog joystick, and change the position of the muzzley logo with the A, B, C and D buttons.
The Keyboard demo shows how to use muzzley as a remote virtual keyboard.
The Media Share demo allows send files from the phone's gallery and see it on the app.
With the Swipe Navigator demo you can swipe on your phone to navigate a picutre gallery on your computer.
The Switch demo allows you to switch a virtual lamp on and off.
The Webview allows you to create a custom widget that fits your needs. This demo shows 3 boxes that you can select and send the color to the participant, you can also get the size of the participant window.
We have a few demos available from components, one for each component muzzley provides.
This demos are available on components documentation page:, on the Try it here
The Motion demo animates the rotation of the cube according the rotation of your phone. Allows three movements: roll, yaw and pitch.
The Volume demo allows you to turn up and down the volume from the phone on is physical buttons and see the effect on the app.
The Vibration demo allows you to turn your phone vibration on and off. Choose the desired vibration effect or press the gamepad buttons to see this component in action.
All these demos use the muzzley cloud for the communication between the smartphone and the browser that runs them. There's no need to have both endpoints connected to the same Wi-Fi network.