A Lovelace custom card for GTasks custom component for HA in Home Assistant.
Easiest installation via HACS.
For manual installation see this guide.
This card reqires card tools.
it's a fork from lovelace-grocy-chores-card thx ! and also a fork from @BlueBlueBlob also thx!
Options include:
- title: a string to change the title.
- show_quantity: a number which will limit the number of items shown.
- show_days: a number so that only tasks within that many days are shown.
- show_add: true/false whether to show add new task at the bottom of list.
- show_check: whether to show check marks to complete tasks.
- task_prefix: a string which is prefixed to all tasks i.e. ' * '.
- date_format: a string of either 'YMD', 'DMY', 'MDY' to print dates in your preferred format.
type: custom:gtasks-card
entity: sensor.gtasks_my_tasks
title: Tasks
show_add: true
task_prefix: '- '
date_format: DMY
show_check: true