Implemented enhancements:
- Cache discovery API proposals http response #1319
- More secure accountant fee implementation #1313
- Finish consumer - provider - accountant promise flow w/o fee #1292
- UI improvements #1278
- Ability to limit node bandwidth to 5Mbps #1273
- User configuration API #1256
- Report issue API #1251
- UI Improvements #1243
- Add email field in Web UI #1210
- Report node type and country in proposal events #1318 (soffokl)
Fixed bugs:
Closed issues:
- Random pipeline failures with not possible to fast-forward, aborting error #1326
- Migrate private repos from travis to gitlab #1307
Merged pull requests:
- Convert common checks to go-ci and mage #1329 (anjmao)
- Bump UI version #1328 (ignasbernotas)
- CI tweaks #1327 (tadaskay)
- Sign node registration to MMN #1323 (ignasbernotas)
- Send etag while pulling proposals #1321 (anjmao)
- Option to limit openvpn bandwidth #1320 (tadaskay)
- List all CORS methods #1317 (ignasbernotas)
- Enable cookies in UI reverse proxy #1311 (ignasbernotas)
- Fix bootstrap order for SSE #1310 (vkuznecovas)
- Payment pingpong storage #1308 (vkuznecovas)
- Allow users to report node issues via Tequilapi #1305 (tadaskay)
- New payment pingpong scaffold #1301 (vkuznecovas)
- Register to my.mysterium.network #1300 (ignasbernotas)
- remove duplicate sse bootstrap #1291 (vkuznecovas)
* This Change Log was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator