This instantiates a kuali rice instance. Current edition is being setup to run krad-sampleapp app in standalone mode on mysql however the plan is to make this configurable.
Install copy of boot2docker and follow instructions found at
Once you've started your boot2docker instance, update your hosts file based on instructions found at
## <ip address> boot2docker ## warning: this ip address may change boot2docker
Build a copy of mztaylor/docker-mysql (this version handles lower case table names):
git clone mysql cd mysql docker build -t mysql .
Run your mysql docker image:
docker run --name mysqlrice -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=root -d mysql
Build a docker image of this project:
git clone ricedemo cd ricedemo docker build -t ricedemo .
Run your ricedemo docker image:
docker run --name ricedemo --link mysqlrice:mysql -i -t -p 8080:8080 ricedemo
Review Site:
From browser: http://boot2docker:8080/
Remove Instance:
docker ps -a | grep "ricedemo" | awk '{print $1}' | xargs docker rm