MySQL-backup-restore is a docker image that can be used for backup/restore/store of a mysql-database (5.6, 5.7, 8.0) dump. Dump is done before database is initialized, and a test-instance is instanciated with the dump, and tested with sql provided in .sql-file. If no error occur the dump is uploaded to either Azure Storage or AWS S3. Everything is configured in .env-file, see more on .env-file below.
Add new or use existing .sql-file for specific environment. SQL runs after initialization and it's supposed to be used as a test that assure that database dump is valid. Environment specific .sql-files is provided under ./tests. To make MySQL throw exception, use "SIGNAL SQLSTATE '45000' SET MESSAGE_TEXT = 'Message'", which will make the job fail and "Message" will end up as a error-message in log.
Add new .env-file with vars for specific environment. Name of .env file is used as name of job in log.
DUMP_HOST - hostname of MySQL-server to dump
DUMP_USER - username to MySQL-server user
DUMP_PASSWD - password to MySQL-server user
DUMP_NAME - name of dump. Used when dump is uploaded to Azure/AWS. I.e. <dump_name>..sql.gz.aes
DUMP_DATABASES - schemas to dump. Regular expression used. If empty, all schemas except system-schemas will be dumped. Example: ^database-name-begins-with|^exact-database-name$
ENC_PASSWD - password key to use when encryping.
AZ_STORAGE_KEY - SAS -token URL to Azure Storage Blob. If not set dump is not uploaded
./ "env-file-name.env" "full-path-to-sql-test-file" "version: 8.0|5.6|5.7"
Logs are written to $HOME/backup-restore/backup-restore.log.
Before scheduling script, image needs to be pulled for tag/version used.
Container log is saved to "env-file-name"."date".log. And container is not removed (container name = "env-file-name"). Also volume is not removed (volume name = "env-file-name"). For further investigation.
./ "(opt) path-to-log"
Set vars in script. Can be found in Mailjet API Key Management.
MJ_APIKEY_PRIVATE="secret-key" traverses main logfile created by Default log path is $HOME/backup-restore/backup-restore.log. So per default it depends on which users used when running the script.
AES 256 bit CBC encryption is used.With sha512 hash.
Openssl is used to encrypt. openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -md sha512 -pbkdf2 -iter 100000 -salt.
5.6 only has openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -md sha512, due to openssl-1.1.0 limitations.
openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -md sha512 -pbkdf2 -iter 100000 -salt -d -in "path-to-encrypted-file" -out "path-to-decrypted-file"
openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -md sha512 -d -d -in "path-to-encrypted-file" -out "path-to-decrypted-file"
MySQLd is optimized to use maximum 3GB memory. And settings is in docker.conf-file. If tmpdir or datadir need to be set, a new conf-file must be copied to /etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d/mysqld.cnf.