This tutorial makes you understand the progressive framework Vue with awesome components from Vuetify
If you want to try out the resulting dashboard you may directly jump to the tutorial resulting kanban board.
This Project is part of the study subject Webapplication Development (with focus on web frameworks) at the Stuttgart Media University in the masters program Computer Science and Media and was realized in summer semester 2018.
The frontend web application was developed with the client-side JavaScript framework vue.js (^2.5.2). The backend will be realized with the GoLang Framework Gin-Gonic. For test occasions this tutorial is provided with a JSON mock server that will later be replaced by the GoLang backend application. In the attached PDF a closer look on both frameworks will be provided. It includes:
- Framework choice
- analytical aspects
- further explanations to the exercises
The exercises are chosen wisely trying to improve the comprehension of the main concepts of the frameworks on the one side, while keeping the exercises small and clear on the other side allowing to get a quick basic understanding.
Nadin-Katrin Apel, David Bochan, Alex Schübl
(Awesome that you kept reading til down here)
Now are you ready to take the challenge? Then what keeps you still waiting? - Start with Exercise 1: data binding!