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Michael Iatauro edited this page Oct 18, 2014 · 1 revision

Items to be incorporated in future EUROPA releases


  • Make PSEngine runtime configuration (what modules to be instanciated, wiring between modules, etc) completely data-driven. This seems to be possible only through the use of dynamic libraries. Find alternatives for static libs.
  • Streamline and cleanup PSEngine interface. make sure all extension points and event notifications are reachable through it.
  • allow EUROPA extensions (constraints, propagators, decision points, etc.) to be written in other languages (java/python)
  • PSEngine
  • Systematic review
  • PSVarValue is a very simplified view of a Domain, should be improved
  • Decide what to do with !DbClient interface, it is redundant
  • Improve PSList
  • Resources
  • Measure performance of constrained-based resources vs token-based ones (migrate UBO benchmarks). Drop token-based approach?
  • Implement more efficient alternatives to Incremental Flow profile? (see #217). Measure performance of Grounded profile. Make sure default profile is fast.
  • Implement fast profile for Unaries so that they're competitive with Timelines

Search Support

  • Incorporate domain-independent heuristics developed by Sara Bernardini and Dave Smith

  • Capture required metadata and expose through Schema API

  • Add new solver that incorporates heuristics

  • Make sure built-in solver functionality can be reused as a building block for custom solvers

  • it works in the presence of constraint violations (until it finds the next one, or ideally, until it breaks a violation threshold, that way upper bounds can be used)

  • choice of next decision and next value can be easily customized from Java or other languages that can use EUROPA through SWIG.

  • Re-factor Solver, make it easier to extend built-in solver, write solver from scratch or by composition of solvers.

  • Add explicit support for relaxations?

  • Add Dave & Sara's work on domain independent heuristics

  • Add min-perturbation heuristic solver from Dynamic Europa

  • incorporate and expose classical approaches from CP (variable ordering, back-jumping, etc).

  • research :

  • Support for automatic interleaving of multiple solvers

  • Machine learning applications to improve search (see Mark Roberts paper on benchmark problems should be useful here).

  • Mixing classical planning and CP,LS,Math programming search approaches

Modeling Language Support

  • NDDL

  • provide support for soft constraints (specify penalty values) and violation explanation

  • provide procedural elements for :

  • creating problem instances through iteration, branching, etc.

  • loading data from a database

  • creating/extending/running solvers

  • dumping Plan Database/ Schema information

  • provide API to obtain structural information (predicate relationships, grounded instances, etc) about the model

  • better AST support

  • ANML

  • Move ANML parser to antlr3, reconnect ANML module to build

  • Merge with latest ANML grammar written by Will Cushing and Dave Smith. Involve Will?

  • provide full ANML support

  • provide PDDL support : #106

  • provide POCL planner for PDDL/ANML

Visualization/Debugging tools

  • Improve Solver Dialog : #41
  • !PlanWorks has in effect been deprecated. Come up with a plan to migrate/re-implement any functionality that we maybe missing in PSDesktop tools or Tatiana's new UI tools

Automated Build

  • Test with benchmark problems from CP, Scheduling and Planning


  • Improve Solver docs : #127
  • Improve EUROPA extensions docs

Bug Fixes

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