The core library for all NativoPlusStudio.AuthToken nuget packages. It contains the core classes and extension methods and interfaces needed to build an implementation for generating an auth token, as well as encryption and caching.
There are multiple ways of using this library. If you want to use this library stand alone, you can use the extension method called AddTokenProviderHelper and add the necessary code to to add an implementation for IAuthTokenProvider interface.
First create your own implementation
public class ExampleTokenProvider : BaseTokenProvider<BaseOptions>, IAuthTokenProvider
public ExampleTokenProvider(
IEncryption symmetricEncryption = null,
IAuthTokenCacheService tokenCacheService = null,
ILogger logger = null,
IOptions<BaseOptions> options = null)
:base(symmetricEncryption, tokenCacheService, logger, options)
public async Task<ITokenResponse> GetTokenAsync()
//add optional code to get the token from a cache
//add optional code to encrypt the token
return new TokenResponse() { EncryptedToken = "thisismyencryptedtoken", ExpiryDateUtc = DateTime.UtcNow, Token = "thisismytoken", TokenType = "Bearer" };
Next you can register it in a Console app or api using the AddTokenProviderHelper extension method:
class Program
public static IServiceProvider serviceProvider;
public static IAuthTokenGenerator authTokenGenerator;
static void Main(string[] args)
var services = new ServiceCollection();
var implementationName = "NameOfImplementation";
protectedResourceName: implementationName,
() =>
//necessary code to register you own implementation
services.AddScoped<IAuthTokenProvider, ExampleTokenProvider>();
//services.AddHttpClient<IAuthTokenProvider, ExampleTokenProvider>();
serviceProvider = services.BuildServiceProvider();
// you can get the service here and then use it
authTokenGenerator = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<IAuthTokenGenerator>();
var token = authTokenGenerator.GetTokenAsync(protectedResource: implementationName).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
Visit the following repositories for examples on how to use other auth token nuget packages