The app was created while learning buffalo and golang
This application is developed using golang, buffalo and boltDB
You can learn more about golang here You can learn more about buffalo here
You can learn more about boltdb here
Buffalo ships with a command that will watch your application and automatically rebuild the Go binary and any assets for you. To do that run the buffalo dev
You can also run the same command using the command make run
If you point your browser to you should see a "Welcome to Buffalo!" page.
Congratulations! You now have your Buffalo application up and running.
This is a relatively very simple app made during exploring buffalo The app was created using buffalo cli as an api service without a database The app lets you add name and quotes on the route u/add and lets you view the quote on the route u/get The app uses boltDB for storing the data
*** The API documentation can be found here ***
buffalo comes with various configurations for generating action you can read more about it here However you can also generate a subset of actions using the command
make action r=route s=subroute m=METHOD
make action r=auth s=signup m=POST
This will generate /auth/signup
You can use the command buffalo build
or make build
to build the server.
I recommend you heading over to and reviewing all of the great documentation there.
Good luck!