- uses: nebularg/actions-luacheck@v1
# A list of files, rockspecs, or directories to be checked. Paths can be
# absolute or relative to the `path` option.
files: ''
# The working directory for luacheck. The file list should be relative to
# this path and output filenames be displayed relative to this path.
# Default: ${{ github.workspace }}
path: ''
# Additional command-line arguments.
# See https://luacheck.readthedocs.io/en/stable/cli.html
args: ''
# URL to a custom configuration (`.luacheckrc`) file that will be used as
# the default configuration file.
config: ''
# Emits annotations for source code at locations parsed from the output.
# Must be set to "none", "warning" or "error".
# Requires that output of warnings not be suppressed through the -qq or -qqq arguments.
# Default: 'none'
annotate: 'none'
- uses: nebularg/actions-luacheck@v1
args: -o 011
- uses: nebularg/actions-luacheck@v1
config: https://gist.githubusercontent.com/nebularg/aaccb396168a4076a7a0b7dbcbe6fb42/raw/36a15bd6b375351321711bb21095091ab90087b9/.luacheckrc
- uses: nebularg/actions-luacheck@v1
files: Core.lua Modules/
args: -qo 011