This repository allows you to use phive in a docker image. To use phive, add volume mounts to the following paths:
- phive.xml
- tools dir
docker run --rm -u $(id -u):$(id -g) -v /path/to/phive.xml:/phive/phive.xml -v /path/to/tools:/phive/tools -v /tmp/.phive:/phive/.phive marcel0000/phive:latest phive install
To preseve downloaded phars accros CI builds, mount an additional folder and setup the HOME directory:
This example adds a mount to the hosts /tmp folder, and sets the HOME directory to /cache. Now phive will store the downloaded phars on the hosts filesystem
docker run -v /tmp:/cache -e HOME=/cache marcel0000/phive:latest phive install
For automated builds, you need to trust the gpg keys for all phars defined in your phive.xml.
Example for trusting phpunit:
docker run marcel0000/phive:latest phive install --trust-gpg-keys 4AA394086372C20A
The keys to accept are printed when running phive install