This code repository shows how to convert RGB image to HSV format, creating a mask using HSV values and finally applying it.
- Install python 3 or above (Anaconda distribution provides all the utilities bundled and is suggested for set-up purpose)
- Install opencv in Ananconda using below commands (need to run these commands from Anaconda prompt) :
- $ conda update anaconda-navigator
- $ conda update navigator-updater
- $ conda install -c conda-forge opencv
- Python 3.8
- Opencv 4.0.1
- Ensure all pre-requisite software setups are complete.
- Clone Masking-using-HSV project to your local machine.
- Open 'Masking using HSV' ipynb file in your Jupyter notebook.
- Ensure images folder is placed in the same directory.
- Execute commands under 'Masking using HSV' either using Run on notebook or CTRL+ENTER.
Note: If steps 1 to 5 are followed, then masked image should appear. Read through the comments to understand the code.