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Code analyzers and rulesets used for Neolution projects


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Neolution Code Analysis rulesets

We maintain two general rulesets for all our projects and distribute them including the Analyzers (StyleCop, FxCop and SonarSource) in two respective NuGet packages.

General decisions

When compiling a project with one of the packages installed, expect them to behave differently in different build configurations.

The following applies in general:

  • In Release configuration (default configuration for build pipelines) all the rules are set to Error. The build will fail if at least one Analyzer raises a Warning or an Error.
  • In Debug configuration all the rules are set to None. This will allow for much faster compilation time, but the build will never fail due to an Analyzer rule. Also, raised Warning's will never fail the build, only Error's do.

However, there are a few exceptions to the statements above.

  • Rules that match the ID *WithoutSuggestion must always be set to None. They are redundant to the rule number without the "WithoutSuggestion" suffix.
  • Rules that match the ID IDE* must never raise Error. Change to Warning instead. They are never executed on build servers.
  • Rules that match the ID IDE* must never be set to Hidden. Change it to Information or track the change in this document if you want to disable it.


Given a version number MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, an incremented number for:

  • MAJOR version means there are incompatible changes with the previous version,
  • MINOR version means functionality and rules were added, and
  • PATCH version means that the changes are all completely backwards compatible. Usually when rules were removed or lowered in severity.

What this means in practice

  1. You can (and should) always update the package to the latest PATCH version whenever you have the chance to do it. Applying a PATCH update should never break the build.
  2. Updating to the latest MINOR version can break the build. But you can expect to have Roslyn code fixes available for the changes that are needed to fix it again. Thus it requires minor efforts, relative to the projects size.
  3. For MAJOR updates, detailed migration paths will be provided.

Exceptions for Release configuration

As stated in General decisions, in Release configuration, all rules will throw Error. With the following exceptions:

Rule IDActionDescription/TitleReason/Remarks
None Literals should not be passed as localized parameters Localization is not needed in every project and for every message. This rule disallows string literals everywhere e.g. for log messages, content that does not need to be translated etc.
None Each source file should start with a header stating file ownership and the license which must be used to distribute the application Header is not needed for each file. If the source code of a project will be distributed, the text can be added to each file individually at a later point in time to satisfy this rule.
None A field name in C# does not begin with an underscore. Field names must not begin with an underscore. The `this.` qualifier is used in favor of the underscore
None Do not prefix local calls with `this.`. Always prefix local calls with "this.". The "this." qualifier is used in favor of the underscore.
IDE0008 None Use explicit type Do not force explicit type usage. Prefer using the implicit type (var) but you can use the explicit type to improve reading flow and comprehension.
S1309 Info Track uses of in-source issue suppressions Suppressions should be allowed, but still tracked.
None Mark assemblies with CLSCompliant It is not needed to mark assemblies with CLSCompliant. We actively use libraries that are not compliant. If we mark our assemblies as CLS compliant we cannot use these anymore.
None "Exception" should not be caught when not required by called methods This rule probably originates from Java where you have to declare the Exception that will be throwed by a method and will subsequently being checked by the compiler.
CA2210 None Assemblies should have valid strong names Strong names are usually not needed for our typical deployments.
CA1020 None Avoid namespaces with few types It happens often that a namespace contains only a few classes, but is extended later during development. Merging it with some parent namespace at first and extracting to separate namespace later (when there are enough classes), is just a pain and unnecessary waste of time.
CA1024 None Use properties where appropriate Developers can make a correct decision when the property is a better option than a method.
None URI properties or parameters should not be strings The team decided to drop this rule due to inconveniences resulting from System.Uri not having a parameterless constructor.
CA2234 None Pass System.Uri objects instead of strings Dropped in favor of S4005
S3235 None Redundant parentheses should not be used The team decided to drop this rule because most of the team members are used to write redundant parentheses.
None Collection properties should be read only The team decided to drop this rule due to the additional effort that is needed to write methods that add items for these type of properties.
None Convert to conditional expression Conflicts with rule S3358.
CA1506 None Avoid excessive class coupling Even if this rule might sound useful, in practice it was generating too many false-positives. Also, EF LINQ Queries are very prone to this. Unit and Integration tests must setup and configure numerous dependencies.
S4018 None Generic methods should provide type parameters Using the generic argument as return type does not lead to bugs. Only when using the method, you need to write a little more explicit code.
CA1822 None Mark members as static Dropped in favor of S2325.
SA1609 None PropertyDocumentationMustHaveValue The documentation of the value is doomed to become a hollow echo of the name and the summary.
SA1133 None DoNotCombineAttributes The team voted to deactivate this rule on 28.02.2019.
None Normalize strings to uppercase Too many false positives for paths, URLs etc.
S1135 Info Track uses of "TODO" tags Still show it to the developer in his IDE.
CS1591 None Missing XML comment for publicly visible type or member 'Type_or_Member' Can be deactivated because SA1600 already checks for the XML comment.
IDE0058 None C# Expression value is never used Is reporting way too many false negatives.
None Methods and properties should not be too complex Deactivated in favor of the more thoughtful rule S3776 (Cognitive Complexity of methods should not be too high).
SA1629 None Documentation text should end with a period Does not add too much quality and developers find it too annoying to comply with this.
IDE0065 None Misplaced using directive Placing using directives outside of the namespace conflicts with our code style.
CA1001 None Types that own disposable fields should be disposable Dropped in favor of S2931.
None Overloads with a "StringComparison" parameter should be used. Generated too many false positives for EF queries.
CA2201 None Do not raise reserved exception types Deactivated in favor of S112
IDE0001 None Name can be simplified Can lead to conflicting scenarios in the using directives with SA1135.
S103 None Lines should not be too long Developers should be in charge to decide when the line is too long. Horizontal scrolling is not a big issue anymore with todays display sizes and resolutions.
S109 Info Magic numbers should not be used Developers are advised to add a comment to demystify the meaning of such a number.
S2228 None Magic numbers should not be used This rule has been superseded by S106. (Specification)[]
SA1005 None Single line comments should begin with single space Dropped in favor of S125.
None Unnecessary using directive Dropped in favor of S1128.
CA1062 None Validate arguments of public methods Dropped in favor of S3900.
CA1305 None Specify IFormatProvider Dropped in favor of S4056.
IDE0052 None Unread "private" fields should be removed Dropped in favor of S4487
S1301 None "switch" statements should have at least 3 "case" clauses Removed based on team vote. They prefer switch even if it has only one case clause.
S4142 None Duplicate values should not be passed as arguments This rule is marked as deprecated by SonarSource, and will eventually be removed.
S1227 None break statements should not be used except for switch cases We enforce multiple rules to force developers to write simple functions. In simple functions, break statements should not be too problematic concerning readability.
S1075 Info URIs should not be hardcoded The suggestion is helpful, but should not be enforced in all cases.
CA2200 None Rethrow to preserve stack details Dropped in favor of S3445.
CA1002 None Do not expose generic lists Dropped in favor of S3956

Exceptions for Debug configuration

As stated in General decisions, in Debug configuration, all rules are set to None. Exceptions defined for Release configurations also apply here. Additionally, in order to support early refactoring of your code, the follwoing rules will be always be executed in this configuration:

Rule IDActionDescription/Title
S107 Warning Methods should not have too many parameters
S134 Warning Control flow statements "if", "switch", "for", "foreach", "while", "do" and "try" should not be nested too deeply
S138 Warning Functions should not have too many lines of code
S1067 Warning Expressions should not be too complex
S1151 Warning "switch case" clauses should not have too many lines of code
S1200 Warning Classes should not be coupled to too many other classes (Single Responsibility Principle)
S1244 Warning Floating point numbers should not be tested for equality
S2360 Warning Optional parameters should not be used
S3776 Warning Cognitive Complexity of methods should not be too high
S4017 Warning Method signatures should not contain nested generic types
S4049 Warning Properties should be preferred
CA5351 Warning Do Not Use Broken Cryptographic Algorithms
CA5386 Warning Avoid hardcoding SecurityProtocolType value
CA5394 Warning Do not use insecure randomness
SA1200 Error Using directives should be placed correctly
CS8602 Warning Dereference of a possibly null reference.
CS8603 Warning Possible null reference return.
CS8604 Warning Possible null reference argument.
CS8605 Warning Unboxing a possibly null value.
CS8607 Warning A possible null value may not be used for a type marked with [NotNull] or [DisallowNull]
CS8608 Warning Nullability of reference types in type doesn’t match overridden member.
CS8609 Warning Nullability of reference types in return type doesn’t match overridden member.
CS8610 Warning Nullability of reference types in type of parameter doesn’t match overridden member.
CS8611 Warning Nullability of reference types in type of parameter doesn’t match partial method declaration.
CS8612 Warning Nullability of reference types in type doesn’t match implicitly implemented member.
CS8613 Warning Nullability of reference types in return type doesn’t match implicitly implemented member.
CS8614 Warning Nullability of reference types in type of parameter doesn’t match implicitly implemented member.
CS8615 Warning Nullability of reference types in type doesn’t match implemented member.
CS8616 Warning Nullability of reference types in return type doesn’t match implemented member.
CS8617 Warning Nullability of reference types in type of parameter doesn’t match implemented member.
CS8618 Warning Non-nullable field is uninitialized. Consider declaring as nullable.
CS8619 Warning Nullability of reference types in value doesn’t match target type.
CS8620 Warning Argument cannot be used for parameter due to differences in the nullability of reference types.
CS8621 Warning Nullability of reference types in return type doesn’t match the target delegate.
CS8622 Warning Nullability of reference types in type of parameter doesn’t match the target delegate.
CS8624 Warning Argument cannot be used as an output for parameter due to differences in the nullability of reference types.
CS8625 Warning Cannot convert null literal to non-nullable reference type.
CS8629 Warning Nullable value type may be null.
CS8631 Warning The type cannot be used as type parameter in the generic type or method. Nullability of type argument doesn’t match constraint type.
CS8632 Warning The annotation for nullable reference types should only be used in code within a ‘#nullable’ annotations context.
CS8633 Warning Nullability in constraints for type parameter doesn’t match the constraints for type parameter in implicitly implemented interface method'.
CS8634 Warning The type cannot be used as type parameter in the generic type or method. Nullability of type argument doesn’t match ‘class’ constraint.
CS8643 Warning Nullability of reference types in explicit interface specifier doesn’t match interface implemented by the type.
CS8644 Warning Type does not implement interface member. Nullability of reference types in interface implemented by the base type doesn’t match.
CS8645 Warning Interface is already listed in the interface list with different nullability of reference types.
CS8655 Warning The switch expression does not handle some null inputs.
CS8656 Warning Call to non-readonly member.
CS8667 Warning Partial method declarations have inconsistent nullability in constraints for type parameter.
CS8714 Warning The type cannot be used as type parameter in the generic type or method. Nullability of type argument doesn’t match ‘notnull’ constraint.

Tests Ruleset

Tests are used mostly internally and allow for much laxer rules. The *.TestsRuleset package includes a modified ruleset for both Debug and Release. The following rules are different to their respective configuration.

Rule IDActionDescription/TitleReason/Remarks.
CA1707 None Identifiers should not contain underscores We use underscores in test method names to make them easier to read.
S112 None Do not raise reserved exception types In Tests we should be able to raise any Exception we like.
CA1031 None Do not catch general exception types Since we can raise any Exception we like In Tests we should also be able to catch any Exception we like.
CA2000 None Dispose objects before losing scope Tests are never run continuously in a production environment. Resources are freed as soon as the Test run ends, so there is no need to worry about the pitfalls of not freeing resources.
S131 None "switch/Select" statements should contain a "default/Case Else" clauses There is no need for defensive programming in Tests
S126 None "if ... else if" constructs should end with "else" clauses There is no need for defensive programming in Tests
CA2007 None Do not directly await a Task This warning is intended for libraries, where the code may be executed in arbitrary environments and where code shouldn't make assumptions about the environment or how the caller of the method may be invoking or waiting on it


Code analyzers and rulesets used for Neolution projects







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