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File metadata and controls

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WARNING: This repository is published by the Nephio Authors but is neither endorsed nor maintained by the Nephio Technical Steering Committee (TSC). It is intended to be used for reference only. The Nephio distribution repositories are located in the nephio-project organization. For more information see this page.

ONE Summit 2022 Nephio Workshop

Table of Contents


Welcome! Each participant has been provisioned a VM with a complete simulated multi-cluster environment with the Nephio proof-of-concept code already pre-installed, as shown in the diagram below.

Environment Overview

More details are available on the participant VM page.

Accessing Your Environment

The organizers will provide you with an IP address for your VM and the ssh private key that can be used to login to the machine. You will need an ssh client capable of port forwarding and a browser to participate in the workshop.

For the workshop exercises, you will be using both the prototype Web UI and various kubectl commands run on your participant VM. To access your environment, you will start an ssh session that will all your local laptop to access the Web UI running in the Nephio cluster on the VM.

In all the commands below, $IP is the public IP address of your workshop participant VM.

To use the UI, you need to forward ports from your workstation to the VM, and from the VM to the Pod. The instructions below work on Linux and Mac; you will need to consult the docs of your ssh client if you are using a Windows machine.

# login from your workstation, forwarding 7007 -> localhost:7007 on the remote VM.
ssh -L7007:localhost:7007 -i ~/.ssh/nephio ubuntu@$IP
# now you are in the remote VM, in there run
kubectl --kubeconfig ~/.kube/mgmt-config port-forward --namespace=nephio-webui svc/nephio-webui 7007

On your workstation you can now browse to the URL http://localhost:7007, and you should see something like the image below.

WebUI Landing Page

You will need to leave the port forwarding up and running in that ssh session. So, for kubectl access, you need to start a second ssh session, this time without any port forwarding. This will be used for all the CLI access to the clusters running on the participant VM. Create a new terminal window or tab on your laptop and run:

ssh -i ~/.ssh/nephio ubuntu@$IP

You can then check if you our cluster is working with kubectl:

ubuntu@nephio-poc-001:~$ kubectl --kubeconfig ~/.kube/mgmt-config -n nephio-system get pods
NAME                                                        READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
ipam-controller-65fb5fc8d4-5m8ts                            2/2     Running   0          24m
nephio-5gc-controller-594cfd86b8-c9vbf                      2/2     Running   0          24m
nf-injector-controller-66f885d554-b6pqq                     2/2     Running   0          24m
package-deployment-controller-controller-785688cb75-nnbvt   2/2     Running   0          24m

Custom Resources and Controllers

A Custom Resource Definition or CRD is a Kubernetes extension mechanism for adding custom data types to Kubernetes. The CRDs are the schemas - analogous to table definitions in a relational database for example. The instances of those - analogous to rows in a RDBMS - are called Custom Resources or CRs. People often accidentally say "CRDs" when they mean "CRs", so be sure to ask for clarification if the context doesn't make it clear which is meant.

In Kubernetes, resources - built-in ones as well as CRs - are processed by controllers. A controller actuates the resource. For example, K8s actuates a Service with Type LoadBalancer by creating a cloud provider load balancer instance. Since Kubernetes is declarative, it doesn't just actuate once. Instead, it actively reconciles the intent declared in the resource, with the actual state of the managed entity. If the state of the entity changes (a Pod is destroyed), Kubernetes will modify or recreate the entity to match the desired state. And of course if the intended state changes, Kubernetes will actuate the new intention. Speaking precisely, a controller manages one or a few very closely related types of resources. A controller manager is single binary that embeds multiple controllers, and an operator is a set of these that manages a particular type of workload. Speaking loosely, controller and operator are often used interchangeably, though an operator always refers to code managing CRs rather than Kuberenetes built-in types.

All Kubernetes resources have a metadata field that contains the name, namespace (if not cluster scoped), annotations and labels for the resource. Most resources also have a spec and a status field. The spec field holds the intended state, and the status field holds the observed state and any control data needed by the controller to do its job. Typically, controllers read the spec and write the status.


Packages or Kpt Packages are bundles of Kubernetes resource files, along with a Kptfile (also in Kubernetes Resource Model or KRM format). They provide the basic unit of management in the Kpt toolchain. This toolchain is used to manage the configuration before it reaches the Kubernetes API server. This "shift left" model is critical to allowing safe collaborative, automated configuration creation and editing, because errors or partial configurations can be resolved prior to affecting operations.

Following the configuration-as-data principle, the package is not encapsulated. Since the contents of the package is simply KRM resources, independently designed tools and automations can operate on those resources. Instead of an encapsulated abstract interface where inputs are provided and manifests are rendered, we have an open concept we refer to as "the package is the interface".

In order to allow multiple actors to operate on that open package safely, we mediate the process via an API layer called Porch (for "Package Orchestration). Porch provides a Kubernetes API for manipulating packages, their contents, and how they map to repositories (which may be Git or OCI repositories).

In Porch, packages always live within a repository. A package may have many package revisions, or versions of the package, within the same repository. A draft package revision lives in a draft branch, not in the main branch. When a draft is ready to be used, it may be proposed for publication. If the proposed draft is approved it becomes a published revision, and is assigned a revision number by Porch. Published packages are tagged in the underlying repository. A given package can have many revisions, but they are all sequentially ordered as "v1", "v2", "v3", etc. This version is the revision number of the configuration package, not the underlying software contained in the package. This simple sequential numbering makes it easier to do automatic discovery of configuration package updates.

There are a few different techniques we have for manipulating the content of packages. The simplest and most basic is to just edit the files. Since the "package is the interface", it is perfectly fine to simply edit files within the package directly, and save them. The fact that the package is all KRM data makes it relatively easy to merge upstream changes with downstream changes.

The next simplest is with KRM functions, also known as kpt functions. This are small pieces of reusable code that perform a single purpose in manipulating the configuration. When executed, a KRM function typically is provided with all of the resources in the package, and modifies them however it needs to, and then emits the updated list as output. A KRM function can be called imperatively, by simply executing it against the package. This can be used, for example, with the search-and-replace function to do a one-time change across many resources in a package. Or, a KRM function can be setup in the Kptfile to be called declaratively; it will be called every time Porch saves the package. This is useful for functions that want to make sure information is consistent across several resources within a package. For example, the set-namespace function can be used to ensure the namespace is set correctly across all resources in a package, even if a new resource is added later.

Functions are intended to be simple, and hermetic. This means they do not reach out to other systems to gather information. They do not have network access nor can they mount volumes. Instead, they simply take the inputs provided in the package resources, and modify or generate other resources based on those.

Sometimes in order to create a re-usable function, that function will need inputs. For simpler functions, inputs are captured via ConfigMap resources within the Kptfile directly. For more complex function inputs, a function-specific custom resource can be used. These resources though only live within the package; we do not want them actually pushed to the cluster when we deploy the package. To avoid that, we add a special annotation on the resources, "true". We thus often refer to these types of resources as "local config" resources.

Stepping up the power and complexity level, the fact that Porch is a Kubernetes API service means that we can build Kubernetes controllers on top of it. This is exactly what we are doing in Nephio. The Package Deployment Controller is a controller that takes a specific package along with a cluster selector, and creates individual downstream versions of the package, customized for each cluster. We often refer to this process of creating many downstream package variants from a single upstream package as "fan out".

The actual method of creating those customizations on a per-cluster basis is done via something we call config injection. This means that the package expects some information to come from outside the package, based upon the context where the package is being deployed. To make this work, the package needs to "advertise" the configuration injection points. We do this with "local config" resources. A package can contain a stub or placeholder resource, which can be tagged with the annotation "true". This indicates that the package expects that a controller or other user may want to replace the spec of the resource with some other data.

When the package deployment controller runs, it does a very simple injection during the downstream package creation process. It looks through the package resources for any injection points. For each one it finds, it looks for a corresponding resource in the management cluster with the group, version, and kind of the in-package resource, but the name of the target cluster. If it finds one, it copies (injects) the spec from the in-cluster resource into the in-package resource. For example, if the package contains a ClusterContext resource with spec that includes a placeholder SiteCode value, the package deployment controller will replace that spec with the one specific to the target cluster, thereby making the cluster-specific SiteCode accessible to any KRM functions that run within the package.

As an observer, you need to know whether or not this injection was successful, because until we know all the injections are done, we do not know if the package is fully ready for deployment. To facilitate this, the package deployment controller creates a package status condition for each injection point. Status conditions are used within Kubernetes to allow multiple controllers to interact with a resource independently; we have modeled package status conditions after this.

These conditions are also how other controllers know whether to modify a package or not. Other controllers watch for draft package revisions that have specific types of conditions set to "false". When they find a type of condition they manage, they will execute their logic and inject the result into the package. This is the means by which multiple actors can coordinate in modifying a package, without interferring with one another.

Package Ancestry

A package may have a single upstream parent, and many downstream descendants. The Kptfiles in these packages are used to maintain the relationships, capturing ancestry relationships like those shown below.

Package Ancestry

By tracking these relationships, changes at the original source can be propagated via controlled automation down the tree.

Package Configuration Journey

Package Configuration Journey


The environment you start with is a "blank slate". It has all the components of the Nephio PoC installed, but does not have network functions and operators installed.

Today, we will see two different ways of managing workloads in a Nephio-based platform. The first will follow a traditional "operator" model. In this model, we run an operator on the edge clusters, which processes a CR specific to that operator. In doing so, it creates the Kubernetes resources needed to run that workload. The second is a "shift left" model, in which the Kubernetes resources needed to run the workload are generated on the management cluster, in the configuration storage, without any need to run an operator on the workload cluster. Both of these are valid and have their pros and cons, and both will be needed in a real world deployment.

For the operator model example, we will use the free5gc UPF. For the shift-left model, we will use a caching DNS instance. We had intended to use the SMF and a future version of this workshop will do so, but unfortunately it is not available yet.

The following diagram depicts the relationship of the CRDs used in this exercise:

Nephio Network Functions CRDs

Starting with the UPF journey, here is what you will do:

  1. Create an organizational version of the free5gc operator package
  2. Deploy that package across the edge clusters
  3. Configure a FiveGCoreTopology resource that contains the UPF configuration that is invariant across the set of clusters.
  4. Observe how the system interacts to fully fill out the configuration, constructing the UPFDeployment custom resource.
  5. Publish the package so that the UPFDeployment gets delivered to the edge clusters.
  6. Observe how the free5gc operator running in the edge cluster picks up the UPFDeployment and uses it to render a ConfigMap and Deployment resource, thus running the free5gc UPF.

For the caching DNS journey, here is the overview:

  1. Create an organizational version of the caching DNS package.
  2. Deploy that package across all of the workload clusters.
  3. Observe how the system customizes the package for each cluster.
  4. Publish the package to the workload clusters.
  5. Observe the running package in the clusters.
  6. Create a new, updated version of your caching DNS package.
  7. Observe how the system discovers that an upgrade is available.
  8. Upgrade and publish the package to a workload cluster.

Create an Organizational Version of the free5gc Operator Package

Part of the idea of Nephio is to help manage the relationship between vendor, organizational, team, and individual deployment variants of each package.

Let's create our own organizational variant of the upstream free5gc package, using the Web UI.

  • From the Dashboard, choose the catalog link under Organizational Blueprints. This represents the private catalog of packages that have been customized for your organization.
  • In the resulting screen, push the ADD ORGANIZATIONAL BLUEPRINT button.
  • In the Add Organizational Blueprint screen:
    • Choose "Create a new organizational blueprint by cloning an external blueprint".
    • Choose "free5gc-packages".
    • Choose "free5gc-operator".
    • Click Next
    • Click Next in the Metadata section.
    • Click Next in the Namespace section.
    • Click Next in the Validate Resources section.
  • The next screen is the package editor, for the new, Draft package you have just created. In order to make it available for deployment, we need to publish it.
    • Click the PROPOSE button.
    • It will change to APPROVE momentarily. Click that button.
    • Note: there is an occasional issue where you will see an "Internal error". This is a known bug. Just refresh the page and try again.
  • You can click back on the Package Management link to go back to the Dashboard, where you will see your new package is available as an organizational blueprint.

Deploy the free5gc Operator

We can use a PackageDeployment resource to create a multi-cluster deployment across all edge clusters of our customized free5gc-operator package.

We have UI screen to do this.

  • From the Dashboard, clicke the MANAGE PACKAGES ACROSS CLUSTERS button.
  • Click the ADD PACKAGE DEPLOYMENT button.
  • Choose "Deploy a organizational blueprint across a number of clusters".
  • Choose "catalog" for the Source Organizational Blueprint Repository.
  • Choose "free5gc-operator" for the Package Reference.
  • Click Next
  • Choose "us-central1" for the Region.
  • Leave Site blank.
  • Choose "edge" for the Site Type.
  • Click Next
  • Click Next in the Metadata section

After a few minutes, you should see the package in Draft form on each edge cluster. For each of these, click on the package to go to the package editor screen, PROPOSE and APPROVE to push the actual packages to the edge clusters.

Deploy a FiveGCoreTopology

The edge clusters are now ready to receive UPFDeployment resources that can be used to run the UPF workloads.

Rather than manually creating those, we are going to use another controlling resources, called a FiveGCoreTopology resource. The idea of this resource (which is incomplete at this time), is that it represents configurations of your 5g core network functions in a cluster-neutral way, as well as how those functions interrelate, and a selector for the clusters that should run that function configuration. Right now, only the UPF portion is working.

Save the YAML below in a file, topo.yaml on your participant VM:

cat > topo.yaml
(copy and paste the YAML, then type Control-D to close the file)
kind: FiveGCoreTopology
  name: fivegcoretopology-sample
    - name: "agg-layer"
      namespace: "upf"
        upfClassName: "free5gc-upf"
          uplinkThroughput: "1G"
          downlinkThroughput: "10G"
          - networkInstance: "sample-vpc"
            networkName: "sample-n3-net"
          - networkInstance: "sample-vpc"
            networkName: "sample-n4-net"
          - dnn: "internet"
              networkInstance: "sample-vpc"
              networkName: "ue-net"
              prefixSize: "16"
              networkInstance: "sample-vpc"
              networkName: "sample-n6-net"

Then, you can deploy it with:

kubectl --kubeconfig ~/.kube/mgmt-config apply -f topo.yaml

What does the system do with this resources?

  1. It generates a PackageDeployment resource to fan out the free5gc-upf package across the edge clusters, by following the upfClassName to the "free5gc-upf" UPFClass, which in turn contains a package reference.
  2. That package includes two "local config" objects (discussed above), one for the ClusterContext and one for the UPFDeployment itself.
  3. The package deployment controller will inject the ClusterContext, which you can see in the Conditions tab of a free5gc-upf package instantiated by this process.
  4. The UPFDeployment cannot be injected by the package deployment controller, but instead needs another controller, the nf injector controller to create it. That controller will see the false condition of the UPFDeployment condition type, and it will use the UPF configuration information from the FiveGCoreTopology resource, along with information from the injected ClusterContext, to generate the skeleton of the UPFDeployment. However, it doesn't know how to allocate IP addresses. Instead, it will generate new, local config resources of type IPAMAllocation, and associated package conditions set to false.
  5. The IPAM injector will see these new package conditions, and will use the information in them to request IP addresses from the IPAM controller, storing those IPs back into the status field of the IPAMAllocation.
  6. A kpt function, nephio-ipam-upf-fn, that is included in the Kptfile's pipeline, will copy the IP addresses from the status to the right places in the UPFDeployment.
  7. Another kpt function, nad-inject-fn, will generate the Multus NetworkAttachmentDefinition resources using information from the IPAMAllocation resources.

The diagram below shows this interaction.

Prototype Flow

You can observe this by watching how the package automatically progresses through conditions. You will need to refresh your browser page on the package editor screen for the agg-layer-upf deployment.

Once all the conditions go green, you can PROPOSE and APPROVE the package, delivering the completed UPFDeployment to the edge cluster. Then, you can check to see that the UPFDeployment is delivered to the edge cluster, and that the operator has created the associated ConfigMap and Deployment:

kubectl --kubeconfig ~/.kube/edge-1.config -n upf get deploy,cm,network-attachment-definition,upfdeployment,po

Unfortunately, we did not quite get there with aligning our configuration with what is there in the Multus configuration of the underlying clusters. So, the Pod will be stuck in ContainerCreating. Of course, if the underlying infrastructure were provisioned by Nephio, too, then this wouldn't happen...

The Shift Left Journey

Now let's try out the "shift left" style of management. In this case, there is no operator running on the edge cluster. One of the benefits of this is that we can see the exacty Kubernetes resources that will be delivered to the cluster, without any operator in between us and Kubernetes, changing what Kubernetes does. This also means that we have more control over those resources.

  • Create a catalog version of the caching-dns-scaled package.
  • Create a Package Deployment for it across all workload clusters (leave Site Type blank).
  • Observe how the injected ClusterScaleProfile is used to modify the ConfigMap resources (the Deployment resource changes are not yet implemented).

Upgrading the Package

With the operator model, any change to the manifests controlled by the operator requires an upgrade to the operator itself. With the shift left model, we can update the packages directly.

  • Make a change to the catalog package, perhaps adding a new annotation or changing the ConfigMap contents. Propose and approve the change, resulting in a new package revision in the catalog repository.
  • The UI will identify that downstream packages have an upgrade available.
  • Use the UI to upgrade the packages.

Troubleshooting and Utility Commands

This is all prototype code. It is not anywhere near production ready. As such, it sometimes behaves badly. This section gives a few commands that are useful in resetting your environment.

Restarting Controllers

# Restart each controller
kubectl --kubeconfig ~/.kube/mgmt-config -n nephio-system rollout restart deploy package-deployment-controller-controller
kubectl --kubeconfig ~/.kube/mgmt-config -n nephio-system rollout restart deploy nephio-5gc-controller
kubectl --kubeconfig ~/.kube/mgmt-config -n nephio-system rollout restart deploy ipam-controller
kubectl --kubeconfig ~/.kube/mgmt-config -n nephio-system rollout restart deploy nf-injector-controller

# Check to see if the restart is done
kubectl --kubeconfig ~/.kube/mgmt-config -n nephio-system get po

Viewing Controller Logs

# PackageDeployment controller
kubectl --kubeconfig ~/.kube/mgmt-config -n nephio-system logs -c controller -l

# FiveGCoreTopologyController
kubectl --kubeconfig ~/.kube/mgmt-config -n nephio-system logs -c controller -l

# NF Injector
kubectl --kubeconfig ~/.kube/mgmt-config -n nephio-system logs -c controller -l

# IPAM controller
kubectl --kubeconfig ~/.kube/mgmt-config -n nephio-system logs -c controller -l

Restarting the Web UI

# Restart the deployment
kubectl --kubeconfig ~/.kube/mgmt-config -n nephio-webui rollout restart deploy nephio-webui

# Check if the restart is complete

kubectl --kubeconfig ~/.kube/mgmt-config -n nephio-webui get po

Cleaning Up Everything

# Run the to see what it will do

# make sure you really want to do what it says, then
~/multiclusterkind/ --force

Summary of Component Code

The following list contains links to the code of the different components running in the demo.

  • infra/ contains the script for provisioning the demo VMs.
  • ansible_kind/ contains the scripts for provisioning the KinD clusters, networking, and installing all the Nephio components in those clusters.
  • nephio-packages contains the Kpt packages used to install the Nephio controllers, UI, and their dependencies in the Nephio cluster, and ConfigSync in the workload clusters. It also contains the CoreDNS example Kpt packages.
  • packages/participant/ contains a Kpt package that is installed in the Nephio KinD cluster. This package contains the Porch repository resources, the Nephio Cluster and related resources, and the IPAM configuration resources for the IPAM controller.
  • free5gc-packages contains the Kpt packages for the free5gc operators and network functions.
  • nephio-functions contains the code for the ApplyScaleProfile function used in the CoreDNS scaling example.
  • nephio-controller-poc contains the code for the PackageDeployment controller. This is also where the CRDs for the Nephio automation and infra APIs are located.
  • free5gc-operator contains the code for the free5gc operator that runs on the edge clusters, as well as the vendor-specific network function APIs.
  • nephio-5gc-controller contains the code for the FiveGCoreTopology controller. This is also where the vendor-neutral network function APIs are defined.
  • nf-injector-controller contains the code for the controller that combines data from the ClusterContext, FiveGCoreTopology resource, and UPFClass to inject a UPFDeployment spec and associated IPAM allocation requests.
  • nf-deploy-fn contains the code for the Kpt function used to populate the UPFDeployment based on the results of the IPAM allocation requests.
  • nad-inject-fn contains the code for the Kpt function that generates Multus network attachement definitions based on a UPFDeployment and the IP allocations.
  • k8s-ipam contains the code for the IPAM system.
  • kpt-backstage-plugins contains the code for the UI.
  • kpt contains the code for kpt and Porch.