A simple wrapper for Selmer templating, by way of Babashka
I use this little Clojure application to start off my component code at work. It consumes the contents of a folder and runs all the files within through a templating system.
The primary goal was to get started writing Clojure, by creating something that would be useful and satisfying for myself.
The script takes only a single input, which is the name of the new component, written as a normal sentence. It will process filenames and contents, so you can create templates like
- etc
It uses Calva, with a couple of extra filters that suit my needs.
and pascal-case
. Their names speak for themselves.
Here's an example template:
// {{component-name|kebab-case}}/{{component-name|kebab-case}}.tsx
export interface Props {
name: string;
export const {{component-name|pascal-case}} = (props: Props) => {
return (
{props.name} wrote some good books
It uses Babashka, so install that before use.
$ bb template.clj "sidebar widget"
will output
// sidebar-widget/sidebar-widget.tsx
export interface Props {
name: string;
export const SidebarWidget = (props: Props) => {
return (
{props.name} wrote some good books