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#Metrics for Spring Build Status


The metrics-spring module integrates Coda Hale's Metrics library with Spring, and provides XML and Java configuration.

This module does the following things:

  • Creates metrics and proxies beans which contain methods annotated with @Timed, @Metered, @ExceptionMetered, and @Counted
  • Registers a Gauge for beans which have members annotated with @Gauge and @CachedGauge
  • Autowires Timers, Meters, Counters and Histograms into fields annotated with @Metric
  • Registers with the HealthCheckRegistry any beans which extend the class HealthCheck
  • Creates reporters from XML config and binds them to the Spring lifecycle
  • Registers metrics and metric sets in XML


Current version is 3.0.3, which is compatible with Metrics 3.0 and 3.1 (but lacks support for new features in 3.1)


This module was formerly contained in the Metrics repository.

###Basic Usage

As of version 3, metrics-spring may be configured using XML or Java, depending on your personal preference.

Spring Context XML:

<beans xmlns=""

    <!-- Registry should be defined in only one context XML file -->
    <metrics:metric-registry id="metrics" />

    <!-- annotation-driven must be included in all context files -->
    <metrics:annotation-driven metric-registry="metrics" />

    <!-- (Optional) Registry should be defined in only one context XML file -->
    <metrics:reporter type="console" metric-registry="metrics" period="1m" />

    <!-- (Optional) The metrics in this example require the metrics-jvm jar-->
    <metrics:register metric-registry="metrics">
        <bean metrics:name="jvm.gc" class="com.codahale.metrics.jvm.GarbageCollectorMetricSet" />
        <bean metrics:name="jvm.memory" class="com.codahale.metrics.jvm.MemoryUsageGaugeSet" />
        <bean metrics:name="jvm.thread-states" class="com.codahale.metrics.jvm.ThreadStatesGaugeSet" />
        <bean metrics:name="jvm.fd.usage" class="com.codahale.metrics.jvm.FileDescriptorRatioGauge" />

    <!-- Beans and other Spring config -->


Java Annotation Config:

import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;
import com.codahale.metrics.ConsoleReporter;
import com.codahale.metrics.MetricRegistry;
import com.codahale.metrics.SharedMetricRegistries;
import com.ryantenney.metrics.spring.config.annotation.EnableMetrics;
import com.ryantenney.metrics.spring.config.annotation.MetricsConfigurerAdapter;

public class SpringConfiguringClass extends MetricsConfigurerAdapter {

    public void configureReporters(MetricRegistry metricRegistry) {
            .start(1, TimeUnit.MINUTES);


###XML Config Documentation

The <metrics:annotation-driven /> element is required, and has 4 optional arguments:

  • Attributes
  • metric-registry - the id of the MetricRegsitry bean with which the generated metrics should be registered. If omitted a new MetricRegistry bean is created.
  • health-check-registry - the id of the HealthCheckRegsitry bean with which to register any beans which extend the class HealthCheck. If omitted a new HealthCheckRegistry bean is created.
  • proxy-target-class - if set to true, always creates CGLIB proxies instead of defaulting to JDK proxies. This may be necessary if you use class-based autowiring.
  • expose-proxy - if set to true, the target can access the proxy which wraps it by calling AopContext.currentProxy().

The <metrics:metric-registry /> element constructs a new MetricRegistry or retrieves a shared registry:

  • Attributes
  • id - the bean name with which to register the MetricRegistry bean
  • name - the name of the MetricRegistry, if present, this calls SharedMetricRegistries.getOrCreate(name)

The <metrics:health-check-registry /> element constructs a new HealthCheckRegistry:

  • Attributes
  • id - the bean name with which to register the HealthCheckRegistry bean

The <metrics:reporter /> element creates and starts a reporter:

  • Attributes
  • id - the bean name
  • metric-registry - the id of the MetricRegsitry bean for which the reporter should retrieve metrics
  • type - the type of the reporter. Additional types may be registered through SPI (more on this later).
  • console: ConsoleReporter
  • jmx: JmxReporter
  • slf4j: Slf4jReporter
  • ganglia: GangliaReporter (requires metrics-ganglia)
  • graphite: GraphiteReporter (requires metrics-graphite)

The <metrics:register /> element registers with the MetricRegistry a bean which extends implements Metric or MetricSet

  • Attributes
  • metric-registry - the id of the MetricRegsitry bean with which the metrics are to be registered
  • Child elements
  • <bean /> - The beans to register with the specified registry.
  • metrics:name attribute on the bean element - specifies the name with which the metric will be registered. Optional if the bean is a MetricSet.

###Java Config Documentation

A @Configuration class annotated with @EnableMetrics is functionally equivalent to using the <metrics:annotation-driven /> element.

  • proxyTargetClass - if set to true, always creates CGLIB proxies instead of defaulting to JDK proxies. This may be necessary if you use class-based autowiring.
  • exposeProxy - if set to true, the target can access the proxy which wraps it by calling AopContext.currentProxy().

The class may also implement the interface MetricsConfigurer, or extend the abstract class MetricsConfigurerAdapter

  • getMetricRegistry() - return the MetricRegsitry instance with which metrics should be registered. If omitted a new MetricRegistry instance is created.
  • getHealthCheckRegistry() - return the HealthCheckRegsitry instance with which to register any beans which extend the class HealthCheck. If omitted a new HealthCheckRegistry instance is created.
  • configureReporters(MetricRegistry) - configure reporters

###A Note on the Limitations of Spring AOP

Due to limitations of Spring AOP only public methods can be proxied, so @Timed, @Metered, @ExceptionMetered, and @Counted have no effect on non-public methods. Additionally, calling an annotated method from within the same class will not go through the proxy.

public class Foo {
    public void bar() { /* … */ }
    public void baz() {; // doesn't pass through the proxy
        // fix: reengineer
        // workaround: enable `expose-proxy` and change to:
        ((Foo) AopContext.currentProxy()).bar(); // hideous, but it works

As @Gauge doesn’t involve a proxy, it may be used on non-public fields and methods. Additionally, @InjectMetric may be used on non-public, non-final fields.

###Users of the Maven Shade plugin

Please see the Shade Readme


Javadocs are hosted at


YourKit is kindly supporting this open source project with its full-featured Java Profiler. YourKit, LLC is the creator of innovative and intelligent tools for profiling Java and .NET applications. Take a look at YourKit's leading software products: YourKit Java Profiler and YourKit .NET Profiler.


Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Ryan Tenney

Portions Copyright (c) 2012-2013 Martello Technologies

Published under Apache Software License 2.0, see LICENSE

Rochester Made


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